
又称Asperger's syndrome、Asperger disorder (AD)、Asperger's
asperger syndrome」的各地常用名稱

亞斯伯格症候群[4][5](英語:Asperger syndrome,簡稱AS)是广泛性发展障碍(PDD)中的一种综合症,属于孤独症谱系障碍(ASD)[6][7][8]。其重要特徵是社交非言語交際障礙,同時伴隨著興趣狹隘及重複特定行為[1],但相較於其他孤独症谱系障碍,仍相對保有語言認知發展[9]。患者經常出現肢體笨拙和語言表達方式異常等狀況,偶爾會發出怪聲音,但並不作為診斷依據[10][11]。其症狀一般在兩歲前出現,並伴隨患者終生[1]




亞斯伯格症候群是根據奧地利兒科醫師漢斯·亞斯伯格命名。1944年,他在研究中,首度記錄具有缺乏非語言溝通技巧、在同儕間表露低度同理心、舉止笨拙等情形的兒童[19],但因為論文是在第二次世界大戰期間以德語發表的緣故,因此並未受到注目。1981年,英國醫師蘿娜·溫英语Lorna Wing介紹了有关亞斯伯格症候群的發現,到了1990年代起逐漸為世所知[20][21][22]。五十年後,它被標準化為診斷依據,但學界對疾病症狀的界定,仍尚不明確[16]。爭議包括,亞斯伯格症候群是否等同於高功能自閉症(HFA)[23][24] ;造成此爭議的部分原因是它的盛行率迄今未受確立[25]。學界現計畫廢除亞斯伯格综合征舊有的診斷標準,改採用泛自閉症障礙的嚴重程度量表[26]





A young boy is seen stacking several colorful cans on top of each other.








Monochrome fMRI image of a horizontal cross-section of a human brain. A few regions, mostly to the rear, are highlighted in orange and yellow.



有研究人員爭論於,是否應將阿斯伯格综合征視作別種認知方式,而非疾病或殘障。西蒙·拜伦-科恩英语Simon Baron-Cohen在一份發表於2002年的論文中,指出:「在社交圈,拘於細節並不會帶來好處,但在一些項目例如數學、編寫程序製作目錄音樂語言學工程學,拘於細節有可能引領一個人踏上成功路途,而不是敗途。」然而,同一位學者列出兩大理由,指出為何亞斯伯格症候群仍然有可能屬於殘障:需要社會援助、不太會易地而處。但他同時強調,阿斯伯格综合征患者所攜帶的各種能力,屢次在人類演化和文明發展帶來卓越貢獻[18]




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  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Asperger syndrome fact sheet. 2007-07-31 [2007-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2007-08-21).  NIH Publication No. 05-5624.
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  15. ^ WHOFIC Foundation. icd.who.int. [2021-08-20]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-19). 
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  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Clarke J, van Amerom G. 'Surplus suffering': differences between organizational understandings of Asperger's syndrome and those people who claim the 'disorder'. Disability & Society. 2007, 22 (7): 761–76. doi:10.1080/09687590701659618. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Baron-Cohen S. Is Asperger syndrome necessarily viewed as a disability?. Focus Autism Other Dev Disabl. 2002, 17 (3): 186–91. doi:10.1177/10883576020170030801. 下面是可免费阅读的导引文本,但是在措辞上与引文有略微不同:Baron-Cohen S. Is Asperger's syndrome necessarily a disability? (PDF). Cambridge: Autism Research Centre. 2002 [2008-12-02]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2008-12-17). 
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  21. ^ Seth Mnookin. Asperger's Children. New York Times. 2018-06-18 [2019-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-27) (英语). 
  22. ^ Lorna Wing. Asperger's syndrome: a clinical account. Psychological Medicine. February 1981 [2019-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2019-09-06) (英语). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Klin A. Autism and Asperger syndrome: an overview. Rev Bras Psiquiatr. 2006, 28 (suppl 1): S3–S11 [2010-11-14]. PMID 16791390. doi:10.1590/S1516-44462006000500002. (原始内容存档于2007-09-29). 
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  34. ^ Towbin KE. Strategies for pharmacologic treatment of high functioning autism and Asperger syndrome. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America. January 2003, 12 (1): 23–45 [2019-11-17]. PMID 12512397. doi:10.1016/S1056-4993(02)00049-4. (原始内容存档于2019-11-09). 


  • Clarke J, van Amerom G (2007). "'Surplus suffering': differences between organizational understandings of Asperger's syndrome and those people who claim the 'disorder'". Disabil Soc 22 (7): 761–76. doi:10.1080/09687590701659618.
  • Baron-Cohen S (2002). "Is Asperger syndrome necessarily viewed as a disability?". Focus Autism Other Dev Disabl 17 (3): 186–91. doi:10.1177/10883576020170030801. A preliminary, freely readable draft, with slightly different wording in the quoted text, is in: Baron-Cohen S (2002). "Is Asperger's syndrome necessarily a disability?"(PDF). Cambridge: Autism Research Centre. Retrieved 2008-12-02.
  • Baron-Cohen S (2008). "The evolution of brain mechanisms for social behavior". In Crawford C, Krebs D(eds.). Foundations of Evolutionary Psychology. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 415–32. ISBN 978-0-8058-5957-7.



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