最初到达詹姆斯顿定居点的德国移民乘坐的是英国船只玛丽和玛格丽特号(Mary and Margaret),船长是克里斯托弗·纽波特。该船于1608年7月驶离英格兰,大约在10月1日抵达弗吉尼亚,比抵达麻萨诸塞州的清教徒朝圣者早了12年,这批德国移民中有5个不知名的玻璃工人,三个木匠和泥瓦工——亚当(Adam),弗兰兹(Franz)和萨穆埃尔(Samuel)。他们来自于一个大约包含有70名新定居者的组织,其中还有几个波兰工匠,这几个波兰工匠会做沥青、焦油、钾盐和肥皂原料。那时的詹姆斯顿,除了詹姆斯河半岛上的一个小木堡,几乎一无所有。
德国移民对美国社会的文化和技术的各个方面,都有着显著的影響。拜伦·冯-史多伊本,一个前普鲁士的军官,在美國独立战争期间领导了大陸軍的重组,并使之战胜了英国军队。斯坦威父子(Steinway&Sons)钢琴公司由德国移民海因里希·斯坦威格(英语:Henry E. Steinway)于1853年创建。圣诞树的习俗也是由德国移民带到美国来的。在开发西部的过程中,大量使用了斯图贝克(Studebakers)造的四轮马车。而斯图贝克和杜森博格(Duesenberg)兄弟一样,后来成为了一个重要的早期汽车制造商。卡尔·舒尔茨 (政治家)是一个政治避难者,在1848年德国民主革命失败后来到美国,后来成为美国内政部长。
^存档副本. [2007-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2007-07-20). "...born in Cadiz, Ohio. Both Gable's mother (Adeline Hershelman) and father (William H. Gable) had German ancestors (Frankenfield, Hershelman, and Haupt) who had settled in Pennsylvania."
^存档副本. [2008-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2006-07-05)."I think German guys are really hot ... I am German."
^[4] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) "German-American motion-picture actress whose aura of sophistication and languid sensuality made her one of the most glamorous of all film stars."
^存档副本. [2006-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2004-04-16). "though as it happens, Doris Day, nee Doris Kappelhoff, is purebred German."
^存档副本. [2007-07-05]. (原始内容存档于2007-07-20). "Doris Day (Doris Mary Ann von Kappelhoff, 1924- ; some bios claim she was born in 1922) - American film actress and TV personality born in the Cincinnati suburb of Evanston, Ohio in her family's house, "attended by a good German midwife." Both her parents were children of German immigrants. (Her maternal grandfather Welz came from Berlin.) Despite being Catholics, Doris' parents separated over William von Kappelhoff's extramarital affair when Doris was eleven, and later divorced. In the 1940s in California, the singer began to use the stage name Doris Day."
^存档副本. [2006-05-20]. (原始内容存档于2006-05-09). "He's half-German, half-Italian." 存档副本. [2006-04-05]. (原始内容存档于2006-03-23). "His dad, George DiCaprio, half German and half Italian, is an underground comic book artist... DiCaprio's mother, Irmelin Indenbirken (sometimes spelled In Den Birken), was born in a German air raid shelter in the midst of a World War II air raid. After the war, in the 1950s, she emigrated to the US with her parents as a young child... DiCaprio's maternal grandparents, Wilhelm and Helene Indenbirken, continued to live in the US for many years before returning to Germany to enjoy their retirement." [6] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^[7] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) "The German-born, New Jersey-raised Willis, 43, is one of Hollywood's biggest..."
^存档副本. [2006-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2006-06-24). "The half-German, half-Alabaman Bullock was born in Washington, DC...
^存档副本. [2008-02-26]. (原始内容存档于2004-12-15). "He was born Guenther Edward Schneider February 18, 1890 in New York City to fur cutter Carl Schneider and Elizabeth Ohse formerly of Hanover, Germany. Five children made for a crowded coldwater flat, but the thrifty German family somehow always had enough food on the table."
^存档副本. [2006-05-18]. (原始内容存档于2006-02-28). "...posters of this Swedish/German beauty will be plastered in locker rooms everywhere..."
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