Дані представлені на основі 40-годинного робочого тижня і 52 тижнів на рік, за винятком Франції (35 годин), Сан-Марино (37,5 годин), Бельгії (38 годин), Великої Британії (38,1 годин), Ірландії (39 годин), Монако (39 годин) і Німеччини (39,1 годин). У більшості країн мінімальний розмір оплати праці фіксується в розрахунку на місяць, але є країни, де мінімальна оплата праці фіксується тижневою або погодинною ставкою.[1][2][3][4][5][6]
Європейські країни за мінімальний розміром оплати праці (брутто)
Країни позначені на карті синім кольором мають мінімального розміру оплати праці — в діапазоні від €1500 і вище, зеленим — від €1000 до €1499, жовтим — від €500 до €999, червоним — нижче €500. Країни позначені на карті фіолетовим кольором не мають мінімального розміру оплати праці.
Європейські країни за мінімальним розміром оплати праці (нетто)
Країни позначені на карті синім кольором мають мінімального розміру оплати праці — в діапазоні від €1500 і вище, зеленим — від €1000 до €1499, жовтим — від €500 до €999, червоним — нижче €500. Країни позначені на карті фіолетовим кольором не мають мінімального розміру оплати праці.
↑Минимальная заработная плата в Беларуси ("Minimum wage in Belarus"). Myfin.by(рос.). 12 січня 2023. Архів оригіналу за 20 лютого 2023. Процитовано 20 лютого 2023. As of січня 2023, the minimum wage is set at 554 rubles.[...] The concept of the hourly minimum wage is governed by the same law as the monthly minimum wage. According to the Law of the Republic of Belarus, the hourly minimum wage is the result of dividing the amount of the minimum monthly wage by the ratio of the estimated norm of working hours of the calendar year and the number of months of the calendar year. (Translation) [Архівовано 2023-02-20 у Wayback Machine.]
↑Расчетная норма рабочего времени на год ("Estimated working hours per year"). etalonline.by(рос.). Процитовано 20 лютого 2023. For 2023 – For a five-day work week with days off on Saturday and Sunday – 2011 [hours] – [acc. to] Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus dated November 2, 2022 No. 67 (Translation)
↑ абNajniža plata u Federaciji BIH za 2023. godinu ("The lowest salary in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2023"). respect.ba(босн.). RESPECT – One Stop Accounting Agency. 16 січня 2023. Процитовано 18 квітня 2023. In the Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 2/23 of січня 13, 2023. The Decision on the amount of the lowest salary for the year 2023 was published, [...] I. The minimum salary for the period from січня 1 to December 31, 2023 is determined in the net amount of 596.00 KM. II. This decision enters into force on the following day from the day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina". (Translation)
↑Od naredne godine veća minimalna plata u FBiH ("Starting next year, the minimum wage in FBiH will be higher"). rtvslon.ba(босн.). RTV Slon. 28 грудня 2022. Процитовано 30 грудня 2022. The minimum wage, which was 543 KM until now, will be 596 KM from January, and if income tax is added to that amount, it will be 620 KM, the Economic and Social Council for the territory of FBiH announced – which held a session today in the FBiH Government building where the adjustment of the lowest salary for the next year was considered. Although the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of FBiH proposed that it be 750 KM, according to experts, this is not possible at the moment. (Translation)
↑Najniža plata u Republici Srpskoj za 2023. godinu ("The lowest salary in the Republic of Srpska for 2023"). respect.ba(босн.). RESPECT – One Stop Accounting Agency. 3 лютого 2023. Процитовано 18 квітня 2023. In the Official Gazette of the RS No. 8/2023 of січня 26, 2023. the lowest salary in this entity was made. The lowest legally prescribed net salary is 700 KM and is applied to salary calculations from січня to December 2023. The minimum gross salary for 2023 is 1,016.39 KM. (Translation)
↑Службени гласник РС, број 8/23 ("Official Gazette of the RS, number 8/23"). Government of Republika Srpska. → СЛУЖБЕНИ ГЛАСНИК РЕПУБЛИКЕ СРПСКЕ. Број 8 Год.XXXII(PDF). savezsindikatars.org(серб.). 26 січня 2023. Процитовано 17 лютого 2023. THE DECISION ON THE LOWEST WAGE IN THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA FOR THE YEAR 2023 I. The lowest salary in the Republic of Srpska for 2023 is determined in the amount of 700.00 convertible marks in net amount. II. This decision enters into force on the following day from the day of its publication in the "Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska", and will be applied to the calculation of wages from січня 1, 2023. (Translation)
↑ARMENIA TO RAISE PENSIONS, MINIMUM WAGE AND MATERNITY BENEFITS. bm.ge(англ.). Business Media Georgia. 1 липня 2022. Процитовано 27 вересня 2022. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan said at a government meeting on Thursday: „We plan to raise pensions starting січня 1, 2023. [...] The minimum wage will also be raised from current 68,000 drams ($ 170) to 75,000 drams ($ 186)”
↑Κατώτατος Μισθός ("Minimum wage"). ypergasias.gov.gr(гр.). Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Greece). Процитовано 9 червня 2023. From 1.4.2023, the legal minimum wage and the legal minimum daily wage are as follows: a) For employees, the minimum salary is set at seven hundred and eighty euros (€780.00). b) For artisans, the minimum daily wage is set at thirty-four euros and eighty-four cents (€34.84). (Translation)
↑Greece raises minimum wage to pre-bailout levels. apnews.com(англ.). Associated Press. 17 березня 2023. Процитовано 19 березня 2023. Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said the gross minimum monthly salary will go up on April 1 to 780 euros ($830) from 713 euros.[...] Greek salaries are paid out over 14 installments annually, to provide extra at Christmas, Easter and the summer holidays. Averaged over 12 payments, the new gross minimum monthly pay will rise to 910 euros.
↑პენსიის დარიცხვა ("accrual of pension"). help.fina.ge(груз.). FINA accounting. Процитовано 29 березня 2023. Situation: the employee's salary is 1,000 GEL. As an additional benefit, the employer gives 100 GEL for fuel and also finances the training in the amount of 100 GEL (non-monetary benefit).[...] • Based on the above-mentioned example, the basic amount for calculating the pension contribution will be determined as follows: 1000 GEL (salary) + 100 GEL (additional benefits) + 100 GEL (non-monetary benefits) = 1200 GEL. The employee's pension contribution represents 2 percent of 1200 GEL, i.e. 24 GEL.[...] • Income tax is calculated from the employee's salary only after deducting the pension contribution and accordingly amounts to 20 percent of the difference between the pension contribution calculation base and the pension contribution made on behalf of the employee, which is expressed in numbers as follows: (1200-24)*20% = 235.20 GEL. (Translation)
↑Real Decreto 99/2023, de 14 de febrero, por el que se fija el salario mínimo interprofesional para 2023. BOE.es(ісп.). Government of Spain. 15 лютого 2023. с. 23120—23124. Процитовано 17 лютого 2023. 2. In accordance with article 8.5 of Royal Decree 1620/2011, of November 14, which regulates the employment relationship of a special nature in the family home service, which is taken as a reference for determining the minimum wage for female employees and domestic employees who work by the hour, externally, the one set for casual and temporary workers and which includes all remuneration items, the minimum wage for said domestic employees will be 8.45 euros per hour actually worked. (Translation)
↑Changes in taxation, effective as of 1 January, 2022. GrantThornton.lv(англ.). 1 січня 2022. Процитовано 9 червня 2023. The maximum non-taxable minimum of PIT has been increased,[...] from 01.07.2022 - EUR 500 per month
↑Salary calculator (2023). kalkulatori.lv(англ.). 25 січня 2023. Процитовано 9 червня 2023. The maximum non-taxable minimum per year is: • In 2023 — €6000
↑ абMinimalus Atlyginimas Lietuvoje ir Europoje 2023 m. Statistika ("Minimum Wage in Lithuania and Europe in 2023, Statistics"). kaip-uzsidirbti.lt(лит.). Процитовано 9 червня 2023. The minimum wage in Lithuania in 2023 is EUR 840.00 on paper (Gross). The MMA is currently applicable from 01.01.2023 to 12.31.2023. In addition, it should be mentioned that the minimum monthly salary can only be applied to unskilled work (work that does not require special skills). This criterion is set according to the new 2017 July 1 labor code. [...] The minimum wage in Lithuania in 2023 is EUR 633.00 in hand. [...] The minimum hourly wage in Lithuania in 2023 is 5.14 euros (before taxes). (Translation)
↑ абSALARIUL MINIM PE ȚARĂ VA FI MAJORAT PÂNĂ LA 4000 DE LEI. gov.md(рум.). Government of Moldova. 7 грудня 2022. Процитовано 17 лютого 2023. From січня 1, 2023, the minimum wage per country will be increased up to 4,000 lei for a full work schedule of 169 hours, on average, per month, according to a decision approved today by the Government. (Translation)
↑Minimum wage as of 1 July 2023 – Per month, week and day. government.nl(англ.). Government of the Netherlands. Процитовано 10 червня 2023. The minimum wage is lower if you are under 21. The government adjusts the amount of the minimum wage twice a year – on 1 січня and 1 July – in line with changes in average collectively agreed wages in the Netherlands.
↑Hourly minimum wage as of 1 July 2023. government.nl(англ.). Government of the Netherlands. Процитовано 10 червня 2023. Gross hourly minimum wage as of 1 July 2023, Fulltime workweek, 21 year and older: ⇒ 36 hours per week: €12,79 ⇒ 38 hours per week: €12,12 ⇒ 40 hours per week: €11,51
↑Germany to increase minimum wage to 12 euros per hour in October 2022. iamexpat.de(англ.). 24 лютого 2022. Процитовано 29 вересня 2022. ...from October 1, [mini-job] monthly salaries of up to 520 euros will remain exempt from taxation and contributions to social security. The maximum limit for so-called “midi jobs” will be raised from 1.300 to 1.600 euros.
↑ абMinimum wages in Germany in 2023. cms.europa.jobs(англ.). 20 лютого 2023. Процитовано 20 березня 2023. In October 2022, the minimum rate was increased from EUR 10 to EUR 12 gross. In 2023 there will be no further rate increase.
↑ абFrom 1 січня 2023, the minimum salary goes up. gov.pl(англ.). Ministry of Family and Social Policy (Poland). 2 січня 2023. Процитовано 10 червня 2023. At the beginning of 2023, the minimum salary in Poland increased to PLN 3,490. [...] The minimum hourly salary is PLN 22.80. – I would like to remind that another increase in the minimum salary awaits us on 1 July, then it will amount to PLN 3,600 – indicates the Minister of Family and Social Policy Marlena Maląg. [...] From 1 July, the minimum hourly salary will increase to PLN 23.50.
↑ абвSalário mínimo em Portugal em 2023 ("Minimum wage in Portugal in 2023"). Economias.pt(порт.). 24 травня 2023. Процитовано 10 червня 2023. The national minimum wage is 760 euros in 2023 (+ 55 euros, compared to 705 euros in 2022, meaning the biggest increase ever).[...] The minimum net obtained is 676.40 euros:[...] The minimum wage is just base pay. It does not include food subsidy, allowances or salary increases for shift work, night work or schedule exemption. Holiday and Christmas allowances are also not included.[...] Greece, Spain and Slovenia, in addition to Portugal, pay 14 salaries per year. (Translation)
↑Каким будет МРОТ в 2023 году ("What will be the minimum wage in 2023"). duma.gov.ru(рос.). The State Duma. 1 січня 2023. Процитовано 17 лютого 2023. On січня 1, a law came into force that establishes the minimum wage in 2023 in the amount of 16,242 rubles per month. In 2022, the minimum wage was 15,279 rubles. Thus, the minimum wage increased by 6.3%. (Translation)
↑МРОТ с 1 января 2023 года в России: насколько повысили минимальную зарплату ("Minimum wage from січня 1, 2023 in Russia: how much the minimum wage was increased"). BanksToday.net(рос.). Банки Сегодня. 24 березня 2023. Процитовано 27 березня 2023. The size of the minimum wage from січня 1, 2023 in Russia is 16,242 rubles. This value was established by the Federal Law of December 19, 2022 N 522-FZ.[...] The next increase is scheduled for січня 1 next year - the minimum wage in 2024 will be 19,242 rubles. Such a rather early statement was made by the president on February 21 in a message to the Federal Assembly. A relevant bill has already been submitted to the State Duma - the minimum wage will be increased above inflation. (Translation)
↑ абSalariul minim 2023 este mai mare: Cât este salariul net, cât plătește firma. Salariul minim în construcții și sectorul agro-alimentar. startupcafe.ro(рум.). 1 січня 2023. Процитовано 11 січня 2023. Including in private companies, from січня 1, 2023, the minimum basic salary increased from 2,550 lei to 3,000 lei gross, according to HG 1,447/2022.[...] The minimum remuneration is 18,145 lei/hour for a full work schedule of 165,333 hours/month,[...] With the tax exemption of 200 lei from the minimum salary, the employee must receive, in hand, a salary of 1898 lei net, and the company will bear a total salary of 3063 lei. (Translation)
↑Average and Minimum Salary in San Marino. checkinprice.com(англ.). Check in Price – Travel Economics for Expats and Travelers. 25 січня 2022. Процитовано 28 листопада 2022. The minimum salary in San Marino is one of the highest in the world. Currently, the minimum salary in San Marino is of €1,582.57 gross per month as of 2022.
↑SAN MARINO - THE OFFICIAL SALARY IN SAN MARINO IN 2023. WageCentre.com(англ.). 20 серпня 2020. Процитовано 10 червня 2023. Minimum wage – 1,582.57 euros per month. Source: Official website of the San Marino Confederation of Labour – csdl.sm
↑ абвStatutory minimum wage going up to €878 net(англ.). The Slovenia Times. 12 січня 2023. Архів оригіналу за 11 червня 2023. Процитовано 10 червня 2023. The new minimum wage was announced by Labour Minister Luka Mesec on 12 January. The gross minimum wage will rise by 12% to €1,203.36 [...] According to the Labour Ministry, the [hourly] rate is expected to increase from €6.17 to €6.92 an hour. [Архівовано 2023-06-11 у Wayback Machine.]
↑Minimum Wage – Slovenia. WageIndicator.org(англ.). Процитовано 10 червня 2023. The current minimum wage in Slovenia is €1,203.36 per month in 2023. It became valid on січня 1, 2023.
↑ абMinimálbér 2023: íme minden részlet ("Minimum wage 2023: here are all the details"). ado.hu(угор.). 9 січня 2023. Процитовано 9 червня 2023. On December 13, 2022, the amount of the minimum wage for 2023 was announced in issue 214 of the Hungarian Gazette. 573/2022. According to government decree, the mandatory minimum wage from січня 1, 2023 [is]: • HUF 232,000 in case of monthly salary [...] • HUF 1,334 if hourly wages are applied From січня 1, 2023, the guaranteed minimum wage for an employee in a position requiring at least secondary school education/qualification [is]: • HUF 296,400 in case of monthly salary [...] • HUF 1,704 if hourly wages are applied (Translation)
↑SMIC 2023: le nouveau montant au 1er mai ("SMIC 2023: the new amount on May 1"). linternaute.com(фр.). L'Internaute. 16 травня 2023. Процитовано 9 червня 2023. The amount of the minimum growth wage (Smic) increased by 2.2% on May 1, 2023. With this new revaluation, an employee paid the Smic can now hope to pocket 1,383 euros net each month, an increase of 30 euros compared to the old amount. This automatic increase also allows the gross minimum wage to increase from 1,709 euros to 1,747 euros. For its part, the amount of the hourly gross minimum wage increased from 11.27 euros to 11.52 euros. (Translation)
↑ абSmic 2023: son nouveau montant depuis le 1er mai 2023 ("Smic 2023: its new amount since May 1, 2023"). journaldunet.com(фр.). Le Journal du Net (JDN). 5 травня 2023. Процитовано 9 червня 2023. Already raised by 1.8% last January, the legal minimum wage was increased again, by 2.22%, on May 1, 2023, an order published in the Official Journal on April 27, 2023. A revaluation which represents a gain of 30 euros net per month. The new amounts in effect: ■ Net monthly minimum wage as of May 1, 2023: 1,383.08 euros ■ Gross monthly minimum wage as of May 1, 2023: 1,747.20 euros ■ Net hourly minimum wage on May 1, 2023: 9.11 euros ■ Gross hourly minimum wage on May 1, 2023: 11.52 euros [...] Source: Ministry of Labour, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue. (Translation)
↑Nova minimalna plaća od 01.01.2023. godine ("New minimum wage from 01.01.2023"). seminar.hr(хор.). 26 жовтня 2022. Процитовано 9 червня 2023. Based on Article 6 of the Minimum Wage Act (Official Gazette No. 118/18 and 120/21), the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Decree on the Minimum Wage for 2023, which was published in the Official Gazette No. 122/22. The amount of the minimum wage for the period from січня 1 to December 31, 2023 is determined in the gross amount of EUR 700.00 (the minimum wage for 2023 is HRK 5,274.15). The regulation on the amount of the minimum wage enters into force on січня 1, 2023 , the date when the euro becomes the official currency in the Republic of Croatia. (Translation)
↑Croatia set to join the euro area on 1 січня 2023: Council adopts final required legal acts. consilium.europa.eu(англ.). Council of the European Union. 12 липня 2022. Процитовано 27 листопада 2022. „Croatia has successfully completed all the required economic criteria and they will pay in euros as of 1 січня 2023.” – Zbyněk Stanjura, Minister of Finance of Czechia. One of the three legal acts sets the conversion rate between the euro and the Croatian kuna at 7.53450 kuna per 1 euro.
↑Taxes in Montenegro: a Complete Guide for Expats in 2022. InternationalWealth.info(англ.). 11 лютого 2022. Процитовано 10 червня 2023. As of січня 1, 2022, Montenegro exempted first €700 of gross salary from taxation and introduced progressive taxation of salary and income earned by entrepreneurs. [...] This reform aims to increase the average salary in Montenegro: the minimum monthly wage for full-time work has grown from net €222 to net €450.
↑MINIMUM AND AVERAGE SALARY IN MONTENEGRO. wagecentre.com(англ.). 10 жовтня 2020. Процитовано 10 червня 2023. According to official information of the Montenegrin tax office and the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the minimum wage in Montenegro from січня 1, 2022 is 532.5 euros per month. There was no change in 2023. After deducting taxes and social security contributions, the employee has 450 euros at his or her disposal.