Senarai dewa Mesir

Painted relief of a seated man with green skin and tight garments, a man with the head of a jackal, and a man with the head of a falcon
Dewa Osiris, Anubis dan Horus di Makam Horemheb (KV57) di Lembah Raja-raja

Dewa-dewa Mesir purba merupakan sebahagian penting agama Mesir purba dan dipuja selama beribu tahun. Ramai antaranya menguasai fenomena alam dan sosial, serta konsep abstrak.[1] Dewa-dewi ini muncul dalam hampir setiap aspek tamadun Mesir purba, dan lebih daripada 1500 daripadanya mempunyai nama. Banyak teks Mesir menyebut nama dewa tanpa menyebutkan sifat atau peranan mereka, manakala teks-teks lain merujuk kepada dewa-dewa tertentu tanpa menyebut nama mereka, jadi senarai lengkap sukar untuk dikumpulkan.[2]

Dewa-dewi utama


  • Aker – Dewa bumi dan ufuk[3]
  • Amun – Dewa pencipta, dewa penaung kota Thebes, dan dewa terkemuka di Mesir semasa Kerajaan Baru[4]
  • Anhur – Dewa perang dan perburuan[5][6][7]
  • Aten – Dewa matahari yang menjadi dewa tumpuan kepercayaan monoteis Atenisme dalam pemerintahan Akhenaten [8]
  • Atum – Dewa pencipta dan dewa matahari, dewa pertama Ennead[9]
  • Bennu – Dewa matahari dan pencipta, digambarkan sebagai bangau[10]
  • Geb – Dewa bumi dan ahli Ennead[11]
  • Hapi – Personifikasi banjir Nil[12]
  • Horus - Dewa penting, biasanya digambarkan sebagai falkon atau kanak-kanak, dikaitkan dengan langit, matahari, kerajaan, perlindungan dan penyembuhan. Selalunya anak Osiris dan Isis.[13]
  • Khepri – Dewa matahari dan pencipta, sering dianggap sebagai bentuk pagi Ra dan digambarkan sebagai kumbang skarab[14]
  • Khnum (Khnemu) – Dewa bebiri jantan, dewa penaung Elephantine, yang kononnya mengawal banjir Nil dan memberi kehidupan kepada dewa dan manusia[15][16]
  • Khonsu – Dewa bulan, anak kepada Amun dan Mut [17]
  • Maahes (Mahes, Mihos) – Dewa singa, anak Bastet [18] [19] [6]
  • Montu – Dewa perang dan matahari, dipuja di Thebes [20]
  • Nefertum - Dewa bunga teratai dari mana dewa matahari terbit pada permulaan masa. Anak kepada Ptah dan Sekhmet. [21]
  • Nemty – Dewa falkon, dipuja semasa Mesir Tengah,[22] muncul dalam mitos sebagai penambang untuk dewa-dewa yang lebih besar[23]
  • Neper – Dewa bijian[24]
  • Osiris – dewa kematian dan kebangkitan yang memerintah akhirat dan menghidupkan tumbuh-tumbuhan, dewa matahari, dan jiwa-jiwa yang si mati[25]
  • Ptah – Dewa pencipta dan dewa tukang, dewa penaung Memphis[26]
  • Set – Dewa yang tidak betul-betul baik atau jahat, bersifat ganas, huru-hara dan kuat, berkaitan dengan padang pasir. Pembunuh Osiris dalam mitologi dan musuh Horus, tetapi juga penyokong raja.[27]
  • Shu – Angin atau udara dalam bentuk dewa, ahli Ennead[28]
  • Sobek – Dewa buaya, dipuja di Faiyum dan di Kom Ombo[29]
  • Septu – Dewa langit dan wilayah-wilayah sempadan timur Mesir[30]
  • Thoth – Dewa bulan, dan dewa penulis dan jurutulis, dan dewa pelindung Hermopolis[31]
  • Wadj-wer – Personifikasi laut Mediterranean atau tasik Delta Nil[32]


  • Amunet – Dewi sejawat Amun dan ahli Ogdoad[3]
  • Anuket – Dewi berhiasan kepala berbulu yang menguasai wilayah-wilayah sempadan selatan Mesir, terutamanya riam-riam hilir Sungai Nil[33][7]
  • Bastet – Dewi yang digambarkan sebagai kucing atau singa betina, penaung kota Bubastis, memberi perlindungan daripada kejahatan[34]
  • Bat – Dewi lembu dari awal sejarah Mesir, akhirnya diserap oleh Hathor[35]
  • Hathor (Mesir: Het-Hert) – Salah satu dewi terpenting, dikaitkan dengan langit, matahari, seksualiti, keibuan, muzik, tarian, tanah dan barangan asing, dan akhirat. Salah satu daripada banyak bentuk Mata Ra.[36]
  • Hatmehit - dewi ikan
  • Heqet – Dewi katak dikatakan melindungi wanita semasa bersalin[37]
  • Hesat – Dewi lembu yang bersifat keibuan[38][39]
  • Imentet (Amentet) – Dewi akhirat yang berkait rapat dengan Isis dan Hathor [40] [19]
  • Isis – Isteri Osiris dan ibu kepada Horus, dikaitkan dengan pengebumian, keibuan, perlindungan dan sihir. Dia kemudiannya menjadi dewa utama dalam agama Yunani dan Rom.[41]
  • Maat – Dewi yang mempersonifikasikan kebenaran, keadilan dan keteraturan[42]
  • Menhit – dewi singa betina [43]
  • Mut – Isteri Amun, dipuja di Thebes [44]
  • Neith – Dewi pencipta dan dewi pemburu, penaung kota Sais di Mesir Hilir [45]
  • Nekhbet (Nekhebit) – Seorang dewi burung nasar, dewa penaung Mesir Hulu[46]
  • Nephthys (Mesir: Nebet-Het) – Seorang ahli Ennead, isteri Set, dan yang meratapi Osiris bersama Isis[47]
  • Nepit – Dewi bijian, isteri Neper [48]
  • Nut – Seorang dewi langit, ahli Ennead [49]
  • Pakhet – Dewi singa betina yang kebanyakannya dipuja di kawasan sekitar Beni Hasan[50]
  • Renenutet – Seorang dewi pertanian [51]
  • Satet – Dewi kawasan sempadan selatan Mesir [52] [6]
  • Sekhmet – Seorang dewi singa betina, perosak dan ganas serta mampu menangkis penyakit, pelindung firaun-firaun yang memimpin dalam peperangan, isteri Ptah dan salah satu daripada banyak bentuk Mata Ra.[53]
  • Tefnut – dewi kelembapan berkepala singa betina dan ahli Ennead[54]
  • Wadjet (Uatchit) – Seorang dewi ular tedung, dewa penaung Mesir Hilir[55]
  • Wosret (Mesir: Usret ) – Seorang dewi Thebes[56]

Kedua-dua lelaki dan perempuan

  • Anubis / Anput – Dewa/dewi pengebumian, pengawetan mayat dan pelindung orang mati[57]
  • Hapi – Personifikasi banjir Nil [12]
  • Heh – Personifikasi infiniti dan ahli Ogdoad [58]
  • Kek – Dewa kekacauan dan kegelapan, serta merupakan konsep kegelapan purbakala. Jelmaan perempuan Kek dikenali sebagai Kauket.
  • Nu (Nun) – Personifikasi perairan yang tidak berbentuk dan wujud sebelum apa-apa dicipta serta ahli Ogdoad [59]
  • Ra – Dewa matahari Mesir yang terulung, terlibat dalam penciptaan dan akhirat. Penguasa para dewa, bapa setiap raja Mesir, dan dewa penaung Heliopolis.[60]
  • Tatenen – Personifikasi guar pertama yang muncul daripada kekacauan dalam mitos penciptaan Mesir purba[61]

Dewa-dewa kecil


  • Aani - Dewa beruk pelindung[39]
  • Aati - Salah satu daripada 42 hakim roh orang mati[39]
  • Abu - Dewa cahaya awal Mesir yang kemungkinannya dipuja di bandar Elefantin.[62]
  • Am-heh - seorang dewa alam ghaib yang berbahaya[63]
  • Amenhotep I (Amenhetep I) - raja kedua dinasti kelapan belas sebagai dewa[64]
  • Amenhotep anak Hapu - jurutulis dan arkitek diraja Amenhotep III, kemudiannya dijadikan dewa kerana kebijaksanaannya[63]
  • Amu-Aa - Dewa yang menemani Osiris pada jam kedua malam[39]
  • An-a-f - Salah satu daripada 42 hakim roh orang mati[39]
  • An-hetep-f - Salah satu daripada 42 hakim roh orang mati[39]
  • An-mut-f
  • An-tcher-f[39]
  • Andjety (Anedjti, Anezti) - Dewa nomos kesembilan Mesir Hulu[65]
  • Ani - Dewa perayaan[39]
  • Anti - Dewa helang Mesir Hulu[16]
  • Apedemak - Dewa singa yang suka berperang dari Nubia yang digambarkan di beberapa kuil yang dibina oleh Mesir di Nubia Hilir[66]
  • Apep (Apepi) - Ular yang mewakili kekacauan dan berlawan dengan Ra di alam ghaib setiap malam[67]
  • Āpesh - Dewa kura-kura[68]
  • Apis - A live bull worshipped as a god at Memphis and seen as a manifestation of Ptah[69]
  • Arensnuphis - A Nubian deity who appears in Egyptian temples in Lower Nubia in the Greco-Roman era[70]
  • Asclepius - A Greek god worshipped in Egypt at Saqqara
  • Ash - A god of the Libyan Desert and oases west of Egypt[71]
  • Astennu - A baboon god associated with Thoth.
  • Ba - A god of fertility[19]
  • Ba-Ra[39]
  • Baal - Sky and storm god from Syria and Canaan, worshipped in Egypt during the New Kingdom[72]
  • Babi - A baboon god characterized by sexuality and aggression[73]
  • Banebdjedet - A ram god, patron of the city of Mendes[74]
  • Ba-Pef - A little-known underworld deity; ram-headed god of the eighth hour[75]
  • Bes - Apotropaic god, represented as a dwarf, particularly important in protecting children and women in childbirth[76]
  • Buchis - A live bull god worshipped in the region around Thebes and a manifestation of Montu[77]
  • Dedun (Dedwen) - A Nubian god, said to provide the Egyptians with incense and other resources that came from Nubia[78]
  • Denwen - A serpent and dragon god[16]
  • Djebuty - Tutelary god of Djeba[79]
  • Djefa - God of abundance[80]
  • Dionysus-Osiris - A life-death-rebirth god.
  • Fa - A god of destiny[39]
  • Fetket - A butler of Ra[6]
  • Gengen Wer - A celestial goose god who guarded the celestial egg containing the life force[16]
  • Ha - A god of the Libyan Desert and oases west of Egypt[12]
  • Ḥapy (Hapi) - A son of Horus[81]
  • Hapy-Wet - God of the Nile in heaven[39]
  • Hardedef (Djedefhor) - Son of King Khufu who was deified after death because he wrote a book considered to be the work of a god[16]
  • Harmachis (Hor-em-akhet) - Sphinx god[39]
  • Harsomtus - A child god of Edfu[82]
  • Haurun - A protector and healing god, originally a Canaanite god[16]
  • Heka (Hike) - Personification of magic[83]
  • Heneb - A god of grain[39]
  • Henkhisesui - God of the east wind[39]
  • Heru-Khu - A god in the fifth division of Duat[39]
  • Hery-sha-duat - Underworld god in charge of the fields of Duat[39]
  • Heryshaf - Ram god worshipped at Herakleopolis Magna[84]
  • Hu - Personification of the authority of the spoken word[85]
  • Iah (Aah, Yah) - A moon god[86][19][6]
  • Ihy (Ihu) - A child deity born to Horus and Hathor, representing the music and joy produced by the sistrum[19][87]
  • Imhotep - Architect and vizier to Djoser, eventually deified as a healer god[88]
  • Jupiter-Amun - A Roman influenced god worshipped at the Siwa Oasis in Egypt[16]
  • Kagemni - A vizier to Sneferu who wrote the Instructions of Kagemni, later deified[16]
  • Khentekhtai (Khente-Khtai) - Crocodile god worshipped at Athribis[16]
  • Khenti-Amenti(u)- A necropolis deity[39][89]
  • Khenti-qerer[39]
  • Kherty - A netherworld god, usually depicted as a ram[90]
  • Khesfu - A god who carries a spear in the tenth division of Duat[39]
  • Kneph - A ram creator god[19]
  • Mandulis - A Lower Nubian solar deity who appeared in some Egyptian temples[91]
  • Mehen - A serpent god who protects the barque of Ra as it travels through the underworld[92]
  • Mestȧ (Imset) - A son of Horus[81]
  • Min - A god of virility, as well as the cities of Akhmim and Qift and the Eastern Desert beyond them[93]
  • Mnevis - A live bull god worshipped at Heliopolis as a manifestation of Ra[94]
  • Nefer Hor - A son of Thoth[39]
  • Neferhotep - Son of Hathor[82]
  • Nefertum (Nefertem) - God of perfume who was an aspect of Atum, but later became a separate deity[16]
  • Nehebu-Kau - A protective serpent god[95]
  • Panebtawy - A child god, son of Horus the Elder[6]
  • Petbe - God of revenge[19]
  • Peteese - Brother of Pihor who drowned in the Nile, later deified[16]
  • Pihor - Brother of Peteese who drowned in the Nile, later deified[16]
  • Ptah-hotep - Writer of a Wisdom Text, later deified[16]
  • Qebeḥsenuf (Qebehsenuef) - A son of Horus[81]
  • Qebui - God of the north winds[39]
  • Ra-ateni[39]
  • Rā-Ḥerakhty - A form of Ra in which he is joined with Horus.
  • Reshep - A Syrian war god adopted into Egyptian religion in the New Kingdom, depicted with beard and the crown Mesir Hulu[96][97]
  • Sah - Personification of the constellation Orion[16]
  • Sebeg - Personification of the planet Mercury[98]
  • Sebiumeker - Guardian god of procreation and fertility, he was a major god in Meroe, Kush[16]
  • Sed - A jackal deity who protected kingship[16]
  • Seker - God of the Memphite Necropolis and of the afterlife in general[99]
  • Sekhemus - God of the fourth hour of Duat[39]
  • Sepa - A centipede god who protected people from snake bites[16]
  • Sepes - A god who lived in a tree[39]
  • Sepṭu - A bearded plume wearing god[97]
  • Serapis - A Greco-Egyptian god from the Ptolemaic Period who fused traits of Osiris and Apis with those of several Greek gods. Husband of Isis who, like her, was adopted into Greek and Roman religion outside Egypt.[100]
  • Seta-Ta - A mummified god in the fourth division of Duat[39]
  • Setcheh - A serpent demon[39]
  • Setem - A god of healing[39]
  • Shed - A god believed to save people from danger and misfortune[101]
  • Shehbui - God of the south wind
  • Shezmu - A god of wine and oil presses who also slaughters condemned souls[102]
  • Sia - Personification of perception[103]
  • Sopd - God of the eastern delta[98]
  • Ṭuamutef (Duamutef) - A son of Horus[81]
  • Tutu - An apotropaic god from the Greco-Roman era[104]
  • Uneg/Weneg - A plant god and son of Ra who maintains cosmic order[32][19]
  • Wenenu - A protector god[16]
  • Wepwawet - A jackal god, the patron deity of Asyut, connected with warfare and the afterlife[105]
  • Yam - A Syrian god of the sea who appears in some Egyptian texts[106]

Lelaki atau perempuan

  • Ahti - A malevolent hippopotamus goddess[107]
  • Amathaunta - An ocean goddess[19]
  • Ammit - Goddess who devoured condemned souls[108]
  • Amn - A goddess who welcomed souls of the dead in the Underworld[19]
  • Anat (Anta) – A war and fertility goddess, originally from Syria, who entered Egyptian religion in the Middle Kingdom. A daughter of Re, thus, in Egypt, a sister of Astarte.[109][7][110]
  • Anhefta - A protective spirit who guards one end of the ninth division of Duat[39]
  • Anit - Wife of Andjety[19]
  • Anuke - A war goddess[16]
  • Ảpet - A solar disc wearing goddess worshipped at Thebes[7]
  • Astarte - A warrior goddess from Syria and Canaan who entered Egyptian religion in the New Kingdom[111]
  • Ba'alat Gebal - A Canaanite goddess, patroness of the city of Byblos, adopted into Egyptian religion[112]
  • Beset -- Guardian of women in childbirth and infants who appeared during the Middle Kingdom. She may have been the mother of Bes.[113]
  • Besna - Goddess of home security[19]
  • Esna - A divine perch[16]
  • Hatmehit - Fish goddess worshipped at Mendes[58]
  • Hedetet - A minor scorpion goddess[114]
  • Heptet - A knife holding goddess of death[39]
  • Heret-Kau - A protector goddess who protected the souls of the dead in the afterlife[16]
  • Hert-ketit-s - A lioness headed goddess in the eleventh division of Duat[39]
  • Hert-Nemmat-Set - A goddess in the eleventh division of Duat who punishes the damned[39]
  • Hert-sefu-s - A goddess in the eleventh division of Duat[39]
  • Heru-pa-kaut - A mother goddess with a fish on her head[39]
  • Heset - Goddess of food and drink[16]
  • Hetepes-Sekhus - A personification of the eye of Ra, also a cobra goddess[16]
  • Iabet - Goddess of fertility and rebirth[16]
  • Iat - A goddess of milk and nursing[115]
  • Ipy - A mother goddess depicted as a hippopotamus[16]
  • Ishtar - The East Semitic version of Astarte, occasionally mentioned in Egyptian texts[116]
  • Iusaaset (Ausaas) - A female counterpart to Atum; a solar disc wearing goddess worshipped at Heliopolis[117][118]
  • Iw - A creation goddess[16]
  • Kebehut - Daughter of Anubis, goddess of freshness, she helps him in mummifying dead bodies[6][39][16]
  • Ken - Goddess of love[19]
  • Khefthernebes - A funerary deity[119]
  • Mafdet - A predatory goddess said to destroy dangerous creatures[120]
  • Matit - A funerary cat goddess who had a cult center at Thinis
  • Mehet-Weret - A celestial cow goddess[92][121]
  • Mehit - A warrior lioness goddess originally from Nubia worshipped at Abydos, consort of Anhur[43][16]
  • Menhit (Menhyt) - A solar lioness goddess who personified the brow of Ra[16]
  • Meretseger - A cobra goddess who oversaw the Theban Necropolis[122]
  • Meret - The goddess of music who established cosmic order[16]
  • Meskhenet (Mesenet) - A goddess who presided over childbirth[18]
  • Nakith - A goddess of the underworld[123]
  • Naunet – female counterpart to Nun
  • Nebethetepet - A female counterpart to Atum[21]
  • Nebt-Ankhiu - A goddess of the underworld[124]
  • Nebt-Khu - A goddess of the underworld[124]
  • Nebt-Mat - A goddess of the underworld[124]
  • Nebt-Setau - A goddess of the underworld[124]
  • Nebt-Shat - A goddess of the underworld[124]
  • Nebt-Shefshefet - A goddess of the underworld[124]
  • Nefertari - The mother of Amenhotep I, deified[64]
  • Nehmetawy - A minor goddess, the consort of Nehebu-Kau or Thoth[125]
  • Pelican - Goddess of the dead[98]
  • Perit - A goddess of the underworld[126]
  • Pesi - A goddess of the underworld[126]
  • Qererti[39]
  • Qerhet - Goddess of the eight nomes Mesir Hilir[39]
  • Qetesh (Qudshu) - A goddess of sexuality and sacred ecstasy from Syria and Canaan, adopted into Egyptian religion in the New Kingdom[127]
  • Raet-Tawy - A female counterpart to Ra[128]
  • Rekhit - A goddess of the underworld[129]
  • Renenet - Goddess of fortune[19]
  • Renpet - Goddess who personified the year[128]
  • Sait - A goddess of the underworld[130]
  • Satis - Goddess of floods, war, hunting and fertility.
  • Sefkhet-Abwy - Goddess of writing and temple libraries[6]
  • Sehith - A goddess of the underworld[131]
  • Sekhat-Hor - A cow goddess[98]
  • Sekhet-Metu - A goddess of the underworld[131]
  • Seret - A lioness goddess possibly originally from Libya[16]
  • Serket - A scorpion goddess, invoked for healing and protection[132]
  • Sesenet-Khu - A goddess of the underworld[133]
  • Seshat - Goddess of writing and record-keeping, depicted as a scribe[134]
  • Shemat-Khu - A goddess of the underworld[135]
  • Shentayet - A protective goddess possibly of widows[16]
  • Shenty - A cow goddess[136]
  • Shesmetet - A lioness goddess[101]
  • Sopdet (Sothis) - Personification of the star Sirius, mother of Sopdu[16][137]
  • Swenet - Goddess related to Aswan[138]
  • Ta-Bitjet - A minor scorpion goddess[61]
  • Tafner - A vulture headdress wearing goddess[139]
  • Ta-Sent-Nefert - A wife of Horus the elder[39]
  • Taweret (Thoeris) - Hippopotamus goddess, protector of women in childbirth[19][140]
  • Tayt (Tayet) - Goddess of weaving[141][142]
  • Temet - A female counterpart to Atum
  • Temtith - A goddess of the underworld[143]
  • Tenenet - Goddess of brewing and protection[16]
  • Themath - A goddess of the underworld[143]
  • Thermuthis - Goddess of fate, fertility, and harvest[144]
  • Thmei - Goddess of truth[145]
  • Tjenmyt - Goddess of beer[98]
  • Unut - A goddess represented as a snake or a hare, worshipped in the region of Hermopolis[146]
  • Usit - A goddess of the underworld[147]
  • Wepset - A protector serpent goddess[16]
  • Werethekau - A goddess who protected the king[148][149]


  • Hedjhotep - dewa kain dan pakaian [141]
  • Shai - Personifikasi nasib [150]


  • Separuh - Objek dewa yang terdapat dalam bahagian kesepuluh Duat [39]

Dewa yang kurang dikenali

Lelaki atau perempuan

* Ȧakhu - Dewa Ảat kelima[151]
  • Ảakhu - Dewa bertanduk biri-biri[151]
  • Ảakhu-ḥetch-t - Dewa alam baka[152]
  • Ảakhu-ra - Dewa nyanyian fajar[152]
  • Ảakhu-sa-ta-f - Dewa pejuang[152]
  • Ảakhui - Dewa dengan dua seterika teratai[151]
  • Ȧmi-beq - Dewa alam baka[153]
  • Ảmi-haf - Dewa yang memegang lembing[154]
  • Ami-Ḥe-t-Serqet-Ka-hetep-t - Dewa[154]
  • Ảmi-kar - Dewa kera nyanyian[155]
  • Ảmi-keḥau - Dewa[155]
  • Ảmi-naut-f - Dewa ular[153]
  • Ảmi-nehţ-f - Dewa[154]
  • Ảmi-neter - Dewa nyanyian[154]
  • Ảmi-Nu - Dewa langit[154]
  • Ȧmi-Pe - Dewa singa[153]
  • Ảmi-reţ - Dewa[154]
  • Ảmi-seḥseḩ - Dewa[155]
  • Ảmi-sekhet-f - Dewa penguasa kerajaannya[155]
  • Ảmi-sepa-f - Dewa[155]
  • Ảmi-suḥt-f - Dewa Ảat kesembilan[155]
  • Ảmi-ta - Dewa ular[155]
  • Ảmi-ut - Dewa pada hari kesembilan bulan[153]
  • Ảnmut-făbesh - Dewa bintang[156]
  • Antywy - Dewa nomos kesepuluh Nomos Mesir Hulu[157] Dewa jam keenam malam.[158]
  • Aqen - Dewa alam baka
  • Ảri - Dewa kreatif[159]
  • Ảri-em-ăua - Dewa jam keenam malam[159]
  • Ảri-en-ȧb-f - Dewa berkelopak mata biru[159]
  • Ảri-ḥetch-f - Dewa cahaya[159]
  • Ảri-ren-f-tehesef - Dewa pada hari kesepuluh bulan[159]
  • Ảri-tchet-f - Dewa pada hari kesembilan bulan[159]
  • Ảrit-Ảmen - Dewa[159]
  • Athpi - Dewa fajar[160]
  • Aati - Dewa yang merupakan salah satu dari 42 hakim alam baka[160]
  • Ba - Dewa biri-biri yang berkaitan dengan kesuburan[161]
  • Ba-ảakhu-hā-f - Dewa bertanduk biri-biri[161]
  • Ba-em-uār-ur - Dewa[161]
  • Ba-ta - Dewa kera[161]
  • Ba-tau - Dewa yang disembah di Cynopolis[161]
  • Ba-utcha-hāu-f - Dewa bertanduk biri-biri[161]
  • Ḥeb - Dewa[162]
  • Ḥun-sāḥu - Dewa[163]
  • Ḥutchai - Dewa angin barat[162]
  • Khenti-en-Sa-t - Dewa bintang[164]
  • Khenti-heh-f - Dewa bermata pisau yang menjaga makam Osiris[164]
  • Khenti-ḥenthau - Dewa[164]
  • Khenti-Ḥet Ȧnes - Dewa[164]
  • Khenti-kha-t-ảnes - Dewa bermata pisau yang menjaga Osiris[164]
  • Khenti-Khas - Dewa yang melindungi hidung orang mati[164]
  • Maa-ảb-khenti-ảḥ-t-f - Dewa[165]
  • Maa-ảtht-f - Dewa Ảat keempat belas[165]
  • Maa-en-Rā - Dewa penjaga pintu kera[165]
  • Maa-f-ur - Dewa[165]
  • Maa-ḥa-f - Dewa perahu[165]
  • Maa-mer-f - Dewa hari kedua puluh enam bulan[165]
  • Men-t - Dewa[166]
  • Meni - Dewa[166]
  • Menu - Dewa bulan kelima[166]
  • Menu-nesu-Ḩeru - Dewa lembu pejuang[166]
  • Menu-qeṭ - Dewa Ảat pertama[166]
  • Meţ-en-Ảsảr - Dewa ular[167]
  • Meţ-ḥer - Dewa alam baka[167]
  • Meṭes - Dewa[167]
  • Meţes - Dewa penjaga pintu[167]
  • Meţes-ảb - Dewa berkepala sekendi[167]
  • Meṭes-neshen - Dewa[167]
  • Meţi - Dewa berkepala rajawali[167]
  • Meţni - Dewa baka air jahat[167]
  • Meţu-ta-f - Dewa[167]
  • Neb - Dewa angsa, juga penjaga Osiris [168]
  • Neb ảa - Dewa nyanyian fajar[168]
  • Neb ảmakh - Dewa yang menarik perahu Ảf[168]
  • Neb ankh - Dewa nyanyian fajar[169]
  • Neb āq-t - Dewa serigala[170]
  • Neb Kheper-Khenti-Ṭuat - Dewa Maāt[171]
  • Neb Khert-ta - Dewa bintang[171]
  • Neb pāt - Dewa[170]
  • Neb seb-t - Dewa[171]
  • Neb Uast - Dewa perahu Pakhit[170]
  • Neb-Un - Dewa[170]
  • Neb user - Dewa berkepala biri-biri[170]
  • Neb utchat-ti - Dewa ular dengan kaki manusia[170]
  • Nebti - Dewa[168]
  • Nekenher - Dewa menakutkan[172]
  • Neter - Dewa ular[166]
  • Neterti - Dewa di Duat[166]
  • Neter bah - Dewa[166]
  • Neter neferu - Dewa[173]
  • Neter-hāu - Dewa Sungai Nil[173]
  • Neter-ka-qetqet - Dewa yang menjaga Osiris[173]
  • Neter-kha - Dewa seribu tahun[173]
  • Netrit-ta-meh - Dewa kapak[173]
  • Netrit-Then - Dewa kapak[173]
  • Serq - Dewa ular[174]
  • Unnti - Dewa keberadaan[175]
  • Untả - Dewa cahaya[175]
  • Up - Dewa kera[176]
  • Up-hai - Dewa alam baka[176]
  • Up-shāt-taui - Dewa[176]
  • Up-uatu - Dewa nyanyian[176]
  • Upi-sekhemti - Dewa bernyanyi berkepala serigala[176]
  • Upt-heka - Dewa pesona[176]
  • Upȧst - Dewa cahaya[176]
  • Upu - Dewa ular Shemti[176]
  • Ur - Dewa[177]
  • Ur-ȧres (Urȧrset) - Dewa perahu[149]
  • Ur-at - Dewa Kher-Āḥa[177]
  • Ur-heka - Dewa Denderah[149]
  • Ur-henhenu - Dewa air[149]
  • Ur-henu - Dewa air[149]
  • Ur-khert - Dewa serigala di Ảat kedua[149]
  • Ur-maati-f - Dewa[149]
  • Ur-metuu-ḩer-ȧat-f - Dewa[149]
  • Ur-peḥti - Dewa penjaga pintu[149]
  • Ur-peḩui-f - Dewa[149]
  • Urrtȧ - Dewa[177]


  • Ảmi-khent-āat - A goddess of Edfû
  • Ảmi-pet-seshem-neterit - One of the 12 Thoueris goddesses
  • Ảmi-urt - A cow goddess
  • Ảmi-utchat-sảakhu-Ảtemt - One of the 12 Thoueris goddesses
  • Ảmit-Qeţem - A goddess who assisted resurrecting Osiris
  • Ảmit-she-t-urt - A goddess
  • Āpertra - A singing goddess[68]
  • Ảrit-ȧakhu - A star goddess
  • Ảriti - A goddess
  • Ba-khati - A goddess
  • Baiut-s-ảmiu-heh - A goddess
  • Ḥebit - An air goddess
  • Hetemit - Goddess of destruction
  • Ḥunit - Goddess of the twenty first day of the month
  • Ḥunit Pe - A tutelary goddess of Buto
  • Ḥunit urit - A tutelary goddess of Heliopolis
  • Ḥuntheth - A lioness goddess
  • Ḥurit urit - A goddess
  • Maa-ā - A singing god[165]
  • Maa-neter-s - A singing goddess[165]
  • Neb Ȧa-t (Nebt Ȧa-t) - A goddess
  • Neb Ȧa-t-Then (Nebt Ȧa-t-Then) - A goddess
  • Neb āāu (Nebt āāu) - A goddess
  • Neb-ābui (Nebt-ābui) - A goddess
  • Neb ȧkeb (Nebt ȧkeb) - A goddess
  • Neb Ȧnit (Nebt Ȧnit) - A goddess
  • Neb ảri-t-qerr-t (Nebt ȧri-t-qerr-t) - A goddess
  • Neb ảrit-tcheṭflu - Goddess who created reptiles
  • Neb ảs-ḥatt - A goddess
  • Neb ȧs-ur (Nebt ȧs-ur) - A goddess
  • Neb Ȧter (Nebt Ȧter-Meḥ) - A goddess
  • Neb ȧter-Shemā (Nebt ȧter-Shemā) - A goddess
  • Neb ảur (Nebt ảur) - A goddess of the river
  • Neb Aut (Neb-t Aut) - A goddess
  • Neb Bȧa-t (Nebt Bȧa-t) - A goddess
  • Neb ḥekau (Nebt ḥekau) - The goddess of spells
  • Neb ḥetep (Nebt ḥetep) - A crocodile goddess
  • Neb Khasa (Nebt Khasa) - A goddess
  • Neb Khebit (Nebt Khebit) - The goddess of Chemmis
  • Neb peḥti (Nebt peḥti) - A goddess
  • Neb Per-res (Nebt Per-res) - A goddess
  • Neb petti (Nebt petti) - A goddess
  • Neb Sa (Nebt Sa) - A goddess
  • Neb Sam (Nebt Sam) - A goddess
  • Neb sau-ta (Nebt sau-ta) - A goddess
  • Neb sebu (Nebt sebu) - A goddess
  • Neb Septi (Nebt Septi) - A goddess
  • Neb-t ȧakhu - A serpent goddess of dawn
  • Neb-t ȧnemit - A goddess of offerings
  • Neb-t ānkh - One of twelve goddesses who opened the gates of Ṭuat to Ảf
  • Neb-t ānkhiu - A goddess with two serpents
  • Neb-t Ảţu - A goddess
  • Neb-t au-t-ȧb - A cow goddess
  • Neb-t Kheper - A serpent goddess
  • Neb-t usha - Goddess of the eighth division of the Ṭuat
  • Neb Un (Nebt Un) - A goddess
  • Nebt Ānnu - A goddess
  • Neterit-nekhenit-Rā - A singing goddess in Ṭuat
  • Un-baiusit (Unt-baiusit) - A goddess
  • Unnit - A goddess
  • Unnuit - A goddess
  • Upit - A serpent goddess
  • Ur-ā - A goddess[149]
  • Urit - A goddess
  • Urit-ȧmi-t-Ṭuat - A goddess of escorting Ra
  • Urit-em-sekhemu-s - Goddess of the fourth hour[149]
  • Urit-en-kru - A lioness headed hippopotamus goddess[149]
  • Urit-ḥekau - Goddess of Upper Egypt
  • Urti-ḥethati - Goddess of Ánu[149]

Lelaki atau perempuan

  • Medjed - Dewa kecil daripada Kitab Orang Mati. [178]
  • Neb au-t-ȧb - Dewa atau dewi Duat[168] (perlukan petikan tambahan untuk pengesahan)
  • Netrit fent - Dewa atau dewi kapak[166] (perlukan petikan tambahan untuk pengesahan)

Kumpulan dewa

  • Aai – 3 dewa penjaga di bahagian kesembilan Duat ; mereka ialah Ab-ta, Anhefta, dan Ermen-ta [39]
  • Dewa-dewa Gua - Banyak dewa dunia bawah tanah yang didakwa menghukum jiwa-jiwa yang terkutuk dengan memenggal kepala dan memakan mereka. [179]
  • Ennead - Keluarga lanjutan sembilan dewa yang dihasilkan oleh Atum semasa penciptaan dunia. Ennead biasanya terdiri daripada Atum, anak-anaknya Shu dan Tefnut, anak-anak mereka Geb dan Nut, dan anak-anak mereka Osiris, Isis, Set, dan Nephthys. [180]
  • Triad Theban terdiri daripada Amun, permaisurinya Mut dan anak lelaki mereka Khonsu.
  • Empat anak Horus – Empat dewa yang melindungi badan mumia, terutamanya organ dalaman dalam takar kanopi. [181]
  • Dewa-dewa Gerbang - Banyak dewa penjaga berbahaya di pintu neraka (diapit oleh Penjaga Pintu dan bentara ketuhanan), untuk diminati oleh mantera dan mengetahui nama mereka. [182]
  • Hemsut (atau Hemuset) – dewi pelindung Takdir, nasib, dan penciptaan yang tercetus dari lohong purba; anak perempuan Ptah, dikaitkan dengan konsep ka [183] [184]
  • Her-Hequi – 4 dewa di bahagian kelima Duat [39]
  • Dewa-dewa Jam dalam sehari – 12 penjelmaan ilahi setiap jam dalam sehari: sebahagiannya dewa utama (1: Maat dan Nenit, ke-2: Hu dan Ra em-nu, ke-3: tidak diketahui, ke-4: Ashespi-kha, ke-5: Nesbit dan Agrit, ke-6: Ahait, ke-7: Horus dan Nekait atau Nekai-t, ke-8: Khensu dan Kheprit, ke-9: Neten-her-netch-her dan Ast em nebt ankh, ke-10: Urit-hekau atau Hekau-ur, ke-11: Amanh, dan sebahagiannya kurang dikenali (ke-12: "Orang Yang Memberi Perlindungan Dalam Senja"). [185]
  • Dewa-dewa Waktu malam – 12 dewi setiap jam malam, memakai bintang berbucu lima di kepala mereka. Neb-t tehen dan Neb-t heru, dewa dan dewi jam pertama malam, Apis atau Hep (sebagai rujukan) dan Sarit-neb-s, dewa dan dewi jam ke-2 malam, M'k-neb- set, dewi jam ke-3 malam, Aa-t-shefit atau Urit-shefit, dewi jam ke-4 malam, Heru-heri-uatch-f dan Neb[t] ankh, dewa dan dewi jam ke-5 malam, Ari-em-aua (dewa) atau Uba-em-tu-f dan Mesperit, neb-t shekta atau Neb-t tcheser, dewa dan dewi jam ke-6 malam, Heru-em-sau- ab dan Herit-t-chatcha-ah, dewa dan dewi jam ke-7 malam, Ba-pefi dan Ankh-em-neser-t atau Merit-neser-t, dewa dan dewi jam ke-8 malam, An -mut-f dan Neb-t sent-t, dewa dan dewi jam ke-9 malam, Amset atau Neb neteru dan M'k-neb-set, dewa dan dewi jam ke-10 malam, Uba-em- tu-f dan Khesef-khemit atau M'kheskhemuit, dewa dan dewi jam ke-11, Khepera dan Maa-neferut-Ra, dewa dan dewi jam ke-12 malam. [185]
  • 42 penilai Maat - 42 dewa termasuk Osiris yang menilai roh orang mati di akhirat
  • Khnemiu – 4 dewa memakai mahkota merah di bahagian kesebelas Duat [39]
  • Ogdoad - Satu set lapan dewa yang mempersonifikasikan huru-hara yang wujud sebelum penciptaan. Ogdoad biasanya terdiri daripada AmunAmunet, Nu – Naunet, Heh – Hauhet, dan Kek – Kauket . [186]
  • Renniu – 4 dewa berjanggut dalam bahagian kesebelas Duat [39]
  • Setheniu-Tep – 4 dewa memakai mahkota putih di bahagian kesebelas Duat [39]
  • Jiwa Pe dan Nekhen – Dua dewa yang mempersonifikasikan penguasa pradinastik Mesir Hulu dan Hilir.[187]
  • 12 dewi Thoueris


  1. ^ Allen 2000, halaman 43–45
  2. ^ Wilkinson 2003, halaman 6–7,73
  3. ^ a b Hart 2005
  4. ^ Hart 2005
  5. ^ Hart 2005
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h "Gods of Egypt". (dalam bahasa Rusia).
  7. ^ a b c d Petry (1994). The Egyptian gods. m/s. 127.
  8. ^ Hart 2005
  9. ^ Hart 2005
  10. ^ Hart 2005
  11. ^ Hart 2005
  12. ^ a b c Hart 2005
  13. ^ Hart 2005
  14. ^ Hart 2005
  15. ^ Hart 2005
  16. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Mark, Joshua J. "Egyptian Gods - The Complete List". World History Encyclopedia.
  17. ^ Hart 2005
  18. ^ a b Hart 2005
  19. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o "GVC09-24: Mystical creatures and gods -Egyptian".
  20. ^ Hart 2005
  21. ^ a b Hart 2005
  22. ^ Hart 2005
  23. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  24. ^ Hart 2005
  25. ^ Hart 2005
  26. ^ Hart 2005
  27. ^ Hart 2005
  28. ^ Hart 2005
  29. ^ Hart 2005
  30. ^ Hart 2005
  31. ^ Hart 2005
  32. ^ a b Hart 2005
  33. ^ Hart 2005
  34. ^ Hart 2005
  35. ^ Hart 2005
  36. ^ Hart 2005
  37. ^ Hart 2005
  38. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  39. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai aj ak al am an ao ap aq Coulter, Charles Russell; Turner, Patricia (2000). Encyclopedia of ancient deities. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn. ISBN 1-57958-270-2. Ralat petik: Tag <ref> tidak sah, nama "Coulter" digunakan secara berulang dengan kandungan yang berbeza
  40. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  41. ^ Hart 2005
  42. ^ Hart 2005
  43. ^ a b Wilkinson 2003
  44. ^ Hart 2005
  45. ^ Hart 2005
  46. ^ Hart 2005
  47. ^ Hart 2005
  48. ^ Porter & Moss 1991
  49. ^ Hart 2005
  50. ^ Hart 2005
  51. ^ Hart 2005
  52. ^ Hart 2005
  53. ^ Hart 2005
  54. ^ Hart 2005
  55. ^ Hart 2005
  56. ^ Hart 2005
  57. ^ Hart 2005, halaman 25–28
  58. ^ a b Hart 2005
  59. ^ Hart 2005, halaman 109–110
  60. ^ Hart 2005, halaman 133–135
  61. ^ a b Hart 2005
  62. ^ Coulter, Charles Russell; Turner, Patricia (2013-07-04). Encyclopedia of Ancient Deities (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Routledge. ISBN 978-1-135-96390-3.
  63. ^ a b Hart 2005
  64. ^ a b Shorter, Alan W.; with a new bibliography by Petry, Bonnie L. (1994). The Egyptian gods: a handbook (ed. Rev.). San Bernardino (Calif.): the Borgo press. m/s. 125. ISBN 0-89370-535-7.
  65. ^ Willockx, Sjef. "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). m/s. 25.
  66. ^ Hart 2005
  67. ^ Hart 2005
  68. ^ a b Budge (2010). An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary. m/s. 119. Ralat petik: Tag <ref> tidak sah, nama "Sir119" digunakan secara berulang dengan kandungan yang berbeza
  69. ^ Hart 2005
  70. ^ Hart 2005
  71. ^ Hart 2005
  72. ^ Hart 2005
  73. ^ Hart 2005
  74. ^ Hart 2005
  75. ^ Hart 2005
  76. ^ Hart 2005
  77. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  78. ^ Hart 2005
  79. ^ Willockx, Sjef. "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). m/s. 35.
  80. ^ Willockx, Sjef. "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). m/s. 9.
  81. ^ a b c d Petry (1994). The Egyptian gods. m/s. 52.
  82. ^ a b Lorton, Claude Traunecker. transl. from the French by David (2001). The gods of Egypt (ed. 1st English-language, enhanced and expanded). Ithaca, N.Y [u.a.]: Cornell University Press. m/s. 59. ISBN 0-8014-3834-9. Ralat petik: Tag <ref> tidak sah, nama "Cornell59" digunakan secara berulang dengan kandungan yang berbeza
  83. ^ Hart 2005
  84. ^ Hart 2005
  85. ^ Hart 2005
  86. ^ Hart 2005
  87. ^ Hart 2005
  88. ^ Hart 2005
  89. ^ Willockx, Sjef. "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). m/s. 5.
  90. ^ Hart 2005
  91. ^ Hart 2005
  92. ^ a b Hart 2005
  93. ^ Hart 2005
  94. ^ Hart 2005
  95. ^ Hart 2005
  96. ^ Hart 2005
  97. ^ a b Petry (1994). The Egyptian gods. m/s. 139.
  98. ^ a b c d e translations, translated by Raymond O. Faulkner; with additional; Wasserman, a commentary by Ogden Goelet JR.; with color illustrations from the facsimile volume produced in 1890 under the supervision of E. A. Wallis Budge; introduced by Carol A.R. Andrews; edited by Eva Von Dassow; in an edition conceived by James (1994). The Egyptian Book of the dead : the Book of going forth by day : being the Papyrus of Ani (royal scribe of the divine offerings), written and illustrated circa 1250 B.C.E., by scribes and artists unknown, including the balance of chapters of the books of the dead known as the theban recension, compiled from ancient texts, dating back to the roots of egyptian civilization (ed. 1st). San Francisco: Chronicle Books. m/s. 175. ISBN 0-8118-0767-3.
  99. ^ Hart 2005
  100. ^ Hart 2005
  101. ^ a b Hart 2005
  102. ^ Hart 2005
  103. ^ Hart 2005
  104. ^ Hart 2005
  105. ^ Hart 2005
  106. ^ Hart 2005
  107. ^ "McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia introduction and main index". McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia Online (dalam bahasa Inggeris).
  108. ^ Hart 2005
  109. ^ Hart 2005
  110. ^ Petry (1994). The Egyptian gods. Borgo Press. m/s. 43. ISBN 0-89370-535-7.
  111. ^ Hart 2005
  112. ^ Hart 2005
  113. ^ "Female Bes". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  114. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  115. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  116. ^ Hart 2005
  117. ^ Petry (1994). The Egyptian gods. m/s. 129.
  118. ^ Hart 2005
  119. ^ Willockx, Sjef. "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)" (dalam bahasa Inggeris). m/s. 14.
  120. ^ Hart 2005
  121. ^ Petry (1994). The Egyptian gods. m/s. 8.
  122. ^ Hart 2005
  123. ^ Durdin-Robertson, Lawrence (1979). Communion With The Goddess: Idols, Images, and Symbols of the Goddesses; Egypt Part III. Cesara Publications. m/s. 1.
  124. ^ a b c d e f Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 2.
  125. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  126. ^ a b Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 20.
  127. ^ Hart 2005
  128. ^ a b Wilkinson 2003
  129. ^ Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 21.
  130. ^ Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 22.
  131. ^ a b Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 24.
  132. ^ Hart 2005
  133. ^ Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 29.
  134. ^ Hart 2005
  135. ^ Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 30.
  136. ^ Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 31.
  137. ^ Hart 2005
  138. ^ "Aswan History Facts and Timeline: Aswan, Egypt". (dalam bahasa Inggeris).
  139. ^ Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 32.
  140. ^ Hart 2005
  141. ^ a b Lorton (2001). The gods of Egypt. m/s. 67.
  142. ^ Zecchi, Marco (2001). "The god Hedjhotep". Chronique d'Égypte. Bruxelles: Fondation Égyptologique Reine Élizabeth. LXXVI (151–152): 5–19. doi:10.1484/J.CDE.2.309159.
  143. ^ a b Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 37.
  144. ^ Nelson, Thomas (2017). The Woman's Study Bible: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation. Biblica, Inc. m/s. 97.
  145. ^ Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 38.
  146. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  147. ^ Durdin-Robertson (1979). Communion With The Goddess. m/s. 40.
  148. ^ Hart 2005
  149. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Budge (2010). An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary. m/s. 173. Ralat petik: Tag <ref> tidak sah, nama "Sir173" digunakan secara berulang dengan kandungan yang berbeza
  150. ^ Hart 2005
  151. ^ a b c Budge, Sir Ernest A. Wallis (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (dalam dua jilid, dengan indeks perkataan Inggeris, senarai raja dan senarai geografi dengan indeks, senarai aksara hieroglif, abjad Coptic dan Semitik. New York: Cosimo Classics. m/s. 24. ISBN 978-1-61640-460-4.
  152. ^ a b c Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (s. New York. m/s. 23.
  153. ^ a b c d Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. New York. m/s. 46.
  154. ^ a b c d e f Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (s. m/s. 47.
  155. ^ a b c d e f g Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 48.
  156. ^ Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 59.
  157. ^ Lorton (2001). Para dewa Mesir. m/s. 60.
  158. ^ Budge, Sir Ernest A. Wallis (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir. m/s. 67. Dicapai pada 20 Julai 2019.
  159. ^ a b c d e f g Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 67.
  160. ^ a b Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 13.
  161. ^ a b c d e f Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 199.
  162. ^ a b Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 474.
  163. ^ Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (s. m/s. 472.
  164. ^ a b c d e f Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 556.
  165. ^ a b c d e f g h Budge (2010). An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary. m/s. 267.
  166. ^ a b c d e f g h i Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 403.
  167. ^ a b c d e f g h i Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 336.
  168. ^ a b c d e Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 358.
  169. ^ Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 359.
  170. ^ a b c d e f Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 360.
  171. ^ a b c Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 363.
  172. ^ Lorton (2001). Para dewa Mesir. m/s. 31.
  173. ^ a b c d e f Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir. m/s. 404.
  174. ^ Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 612.
  175. ^ a b Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 165.
  176. ^ a b c d e f g h Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 162.
  177. ^ a b c Budge (2010). Kamus hieroglif Mesir (. m/s. 172.
  178. ^ Taylor, John (22 September 2010). "What is a Book of the Dead?". British Museum. Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 17 April 2015. Dicapai pada 17 April 2015.
  179. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  180. ^ Hart 2005
  181. ^ Hart 2005
  182. ^ Wilkinson 2003
  183. ^ "Gods of Ancient Egypt: Hemsut". (dalam bahasa Inggeris). Dicapai pada 2018-04-20.
  184. ^ "Hemsut". Diarkibkan daripada yang asal pada 2018-07-23. Dicapai pada 2018-04-20.
  185. ^ a b Wilkinson 2003
  186. ^ Hart 2005
  187. ^ Hart 2005

Karya yang dipetik

  • Allen, James P. (2000). Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-77483-7.
  • Hart, George (2005). The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, Second Edition. Routledge. ISBN 0-203-02362-5.
  • Porter, Bertha; Moss, Rosalind (1991). Topographical Bibliography of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Texts, Reliefs, and Paintings. Griffith Institute, Ashmolean Museum Oxford. ISBN 978-0900416828.
  • Wilkinson, Richard H. (2003). The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt. Thames & Hudson. ISBN 0-500-05120-8.
  • Lorton, Claude Traunecker. Transl. from the French by David (2001). The gods of Egypt (1st English-language edn, enhanced and expanded). Ithaca, N.Y [u.a.]: Cornell University Press. ISBN 0-8014-3834-9ISBN 0-8014-3834-9.
  • Budge, Sir Ernest A. Wallis (2010). An Egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary (in two volumes, with an index of English words, king list and geographical list with indexes, list of hieroglyphic characters, Coptic and Semitic alphabets). New York: Cosimo Classics. ISBN 978-1-61640-460-4ISBN 978-1-61640-460-4.
  • "Aswan History Facts and Timeline: Aswan, Egypt".
  • Petry, Alan W. Shorter; with a new bibliography by Bonnie L. (1994). The Egyptian gods : a handbook (rev. edn). San Bernardino (Calif.): The Borgo Press. ISBN 0-89370-535-7ISBN 0-89370-535-7.
  • "Gods of Egypt".
  • Willockx, Sjef. "Amentet, Andjeti and Anubis: Three Ancient Egyptian Gods (2007)".
  • Mark, Joshua J. "Egyptian Gods - The Complete List".
  • Nelson, Thomas (2017). The Woman's Study Bible: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation. Biblica, Inc.
  • "GVC09-24: Mystical creatures and gods -Egyptian". [1]
  • Durdin-Robertson, Lawrence (1979). Communion With The Goddess: Idols, Images, and Symbols of the Goddesses; Egypt Part III. Cesara Publications.
  • translations, translated by Raymond O. Faulkner; with additional; Wasserman, a commentary by Ogden Goelet JR.; with color illustrations from the facsimile volume produced in 1890 under the supervision of E.A. Wallis Budge; introduced by Carol A. R. Andrews; edited by Eva Von Dassow; in an edition conceived by James (1994). The Egyptian Book of the dead : the Book of going forth by day : being the Papyrus of Ani (royal scribe of the divine offerings), written and illustrated circa 1250 B.C.E., by scribes and artists unknown, including the balance of chapters of the books of the dead known as the theban recension, compiled from ancient texts, dating back to the roots of Egyptian civilization (1st edn). San Francisco: Chronicle Books. ISBN 0-8118-0767-3ISBN 0-8118-0767-3.

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