↑"Permian System (Zechstein of Germany—Magnesian limestone of England): Some introductory remarks explain why the authors have ventured to use a new name in reference to a group of rocks which, as a whole, they consider to be on the parallel of the Zechstein of Germany and magnesian limestone of England. They do so, not merely because a portion of deposits has long been known by the name "grits of Perm," but because, being enormously developed in the governments of Perm and Orenburg, they there assume a great variety of lithological features": R. I. Murchison, E. de Verneuil, A. von Keyserling, On the Geological Structure of the Central and Southern Regions of Russia in Europe and of the Ural Mountains (Londinii: Richard and John E. Taylor, 1842) p. 14
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