Conlata cum postrema lingua Persica, antiqua grammatica magnopere declinabilis est. Ei casusocto sunt, genera tria (masculinum, femininum, neutrum;), ac numeri tres (singularis, geminus, pluralis).
Persica media
Antiquae Persicae linguae dissimilis, Persicae mediae formae scriptae ad locutionem spectaverunt, atque haec valde simplicior quam illa fuit. Genera atque numerus geminus evanuerunt. Horum in loco praepositionibus ad sententias comparandas usa est.
Auctoritas Persica magna super linguas alias, praesertim mundo Islamico, videri potest. Huic etiam linguae, artimusicae (Qawwali) litterarumque nota, iamiam multi praeclari viri valde favent. Post invasionem Arabicam, lingua Persica, multis verbis sententiisque e lingua Arabica ortis, (postea etiam nonnullis e lingua Mongolica) adepta est.
همهی افراد بشر آزاد به دنیا میآیند و از دید حیثیت و حقوق با هم برابرند, همه دارای اندیشه و وجدان میباشند و باید دربرابر یکدیگر با روح برادری رفتار کنند
hameje afrɒd baʃar ɒzɒd be donjɒ miɒjand o az dide hejsijat o hoɢuɢ bɒ ham barɒbarand ǁ hame dɒrɒje andiʃe o vedʒdɒn mibɒʃand o bɒjad dar barɒbare jekdigar bɒ ruhe barɒdari raftɒr konand
Omnes homines liberi aequique dignitate atque juribus nascuntur. Ratione conscientiaque praediti sunt et alii erga alios cum fraternitate se gerere debent.
↑Gilbert Lazard, "The Rise of the New Persian Language," in The Cambridge History of Iran, ed. R. N. Frye (Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press, 1975), 4:595–632: "The language known as New Persian, which usually is called at this period (early Islamic times) by the name of Dari or Farsi-Dari, can be classified linguistically as a continuation of Middle Persian, the official religious and literary language of Sassanian Iran, itself a continuation of Old Persian, the language of the Achaemenids. Unlike the other languages and dialects, ancient and modern, of the Iranian group such as Avestan, Parthian, Soghdian, Kurdish, Balochi, Pashto, etc., Old Persian, Middle and New Persian represent one and the same language at three states of its history. It had its origin in Fars (the true Persian country from the historical point of view) and is differentiated by dialectical features, still easily recognizable from the dialect prevailing in north-western and eastern Iran."
↑Ammon Ulrich, Norbert Dittmar, Klaus J. Mattheier, et Peter Trudgill, "Sociolinguistics Hsk 3/3 Series Volume 3 of Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society," ed. 2a. (Walter de Gruyter, 2006): "Middle Persian, also called Pahlavi is a direct continuation of old Persian, and was used as the written official language of the country. . . . However, after the Moslem conquest and the collapse of the Sassanids, Arabic became the dominant language of the country and Pahlavi lost its importance, and was gradually replaced by Dari, a variety of Middle Persian, with considerable loan elements from Arabic and Parthian."
↑Prods Oktor Skjærvø (2006), Encyclopedia Iranica. Locus: "Iran, vi. Iranian languages and scripts, "new Persian, is "the descendant of Middle Persian" and has been "official language of Iranian states for centuries", whereas for other non-Persian Iranian languages "close genetic relationships are difficult to establish" between their different (Middle and Modern) stages. Modern Yaḡnōbi belongs to the same dialect group as Sogdian, but is not a direct descendant; Bactrian may be closely related to modern Yidḡa and Munji (Munjāni); and Wakhi (Wāḵi) belongs with Khotanese."
↑Richard Davis, "Persian," in Medieval Islamic Civilization, ed. Josef W. Meri et Jere L. Bacharach (Taylor & Francis, 2006), 602–603: "The grammar of New Persian is similar to many contemporary European languages." Similiter, lexicon Persicum ex Pahlavi deducitur.
↑Katzner, Kenneth (2002). The Languages of the World. Routledge. pp. 163. ISBN0415250048
Asatrian, Garnik (nondum editus). Etymological Dictionary of Persian. Lugduni Batavorum: Brill. ISBN 978-90-04-15496-4.
Hayyim, Sulayman. 1934–1936. New Persian-English dictionary. Teheran: Librairie-Imprimerie Beroukhim. Versio interretialis.
Jeremiás, Éva M. 2004. "Iran, iii. (f). New Persian" in Encyclopaedia of Islam vol. 12 Supplementum (Lugduni Batavorum: Brill. ISBN 90-04-13974-5.
Lambton, Ann K. S. 1953. Persian grammar. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
Lazard, Gilbert. 1975. "The Rise of the New Persian Language." In The Cambridge History of Iran, ed. R. N. Frye, 4:595–632. Cantabrigiae: Cambridge University Press.
Lazard, Gilbert. 1994. "Darī" in Encyclopaedia Iranica Online.