Ioannes Wesley Powell

Wikidata Ioannes Wesley Powell
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Ioannes Wesley Powell: imago
Ioannes Wesley Powell: imago
Ioannes Wesley Powell: subscriptio
Ioannes Wesley Powell: subscriptio
Nativitas: 24 Martii 1834; Mount Morris
Obitus: 23 Septembris 1902; North Haven
Patria: Civitates Foederatae Americae


Coniunx: Emma Dean Powell
Proles: Mary Dean Powell


Sepultura: Arlington National Cemetery
Imago Powellensis in Pinacotheca Imaginum Nationali Vasingtoniae curata.

Ioannes Wesley Powell (24 Martii 183423 Septembris 1902) fuit miles Americanus, geologus, explorator Occidentis Americani, professor in Universitate Wesleyana Illinoesiae, et maiorum institutorum scientificorum et culturalium dux. Innotuit Expeditione Geographica Powelliana 1869, navigatione quae tres menses per flumina Viride et Coloratum duravit, inter quam prima traiectio per Vallem Grandem fuit.

Powell in pittacio cursuali commemorativo Civitatum Foederatarum anno 1969 honoratus est.
Powell fuit rector secundus Inspectionis Geologicae Civitatum Foederatarum, ab 1881 ad 1894 meruens. Haec imago mature in eius spatio magistratus facta est.
Prima castra expeditionis Ioannis Wesley Powell, inter salices, Green River in Vyomina, 1871.
Powell et Emma uxor, Detroiti anno 1862.
Powell (dextra) et Tau-gu, Paiuta, 1871–1872.
Maud Powell, fratris filia Ioannis Wesley Powell, eius monumentum in Valle Grande in Arizona visitat, 1918.

Powell secundus fuit director Inspectionis Geologicae Civitatum Foederatarum (1881–1894) et proposuit, propter progressum Occidentis aridi, rationes ob eius accuratas condicionum aestimationes praescientes. Primus director Ministerii Ethnologiae Americanae in Instituto Smithsoniano creatus est, cum, dux Inspectionis Geologicae Civitatum Foederatarum merens,[1] investigationi et publicationi linguisticam et sociologicam faveret.

Cosmos Club Vasingtoniae anno 1878 condidit, una cum Clarentio Eduardo Dutton, Henrico Smith Pritchett, Gulielmo Harkness, et Ioanne Shaw Billings.

Nexus interni



  • Powell, John Wesley. 1875. The Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Canyons. Novi Eboraci: Dover Press. ISBN 0486200949.
  • Aton, James M. 2010. John Wesley Powell: His Life and Legacy. ISBN 9780874809923.
  • Boas, Franz, et John Wesley Powell. 1991. Introduction to Handbook of American Indian Languages + Indian Linguistic Families of America North of Mexico. University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 0803250177.
  • Darrah, William Culp, Ralph V. Chamberlin, et Charles Kelly. 2009. The Exploration of the Colorado River in 1869 and 1871–1872: Biographical Sketches and Original Documents of the First Powell Expedition of 1869 and the Second Powell Expedition of 1871–1872. University of Utah Press. ISBN 9780874809633.
  • Dolnick, Edward. 2002. Down the Great Unknown: John Wesley Powell's 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy Through the Grand Canyon. Harper Perennial. ISBN 0060955864.
  • Dolnick, Edward (2001). Down the Great Unknown: John Wesley Powell's 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy Through the Grand Canyon. HarperCollins Publishers. ISBN 006019619X.
  • Ghiglieri, Michael P., et George Y. Bradley. 2003. First Through Grand Canyon: The Secret Journals & Letters of the 1869 Crew Who Explored the Green and Colorado Rivers. Puma Press. ISBN 0970097328.
  • Judd, Neil Merton. 1967. The Bureau of American Ethnology: A Partial History. Normanniae: University of Oklahoma Press.
  • National Geographic Society. 1999. Exploring the Great Rivers of North America. ISBN 0792278461.
  • Powell, J. W. 1876. A Report on the Arid Regions of the United States, with a More Detailed Account of the Lands of Utah.
  • Reisner, Marc. 1986. Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water.
  • Reisner, Marc. 1993. Cadillac Desert: The American West and Its Disappearing Water. Penguin Books. ISBN 0140178244.
  • Stegner, Wallace. 1954. Beyond the Hundredth Meridian: John Wesley Powell and the Second Opening of the West. University of Nebraska Press. ISBN 080324133X.
  • USGS. 2006. John Wesley Powell: Soldier, Explorer, Scientist. USGS: Science for a Changing World, 28 Martii.
  • Weiner, Mark S. 2006. Americans Without Law. New York University Press. ISBN 0814793649.
  • Worster, Donald. 2000. A River Running West: The Life of John Wesley Powell. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195099915.

Nexus externi

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