Winston Francis Groom Jr. (Washington, 1943ko martxoaren 23a - Fairhope, Alabama, 2020ko irailaren 16a) estatubatuar idazlea izan zen. Alabama Unibertsitatean ikasi zuen eta Vietnamgo Gerran parte hartu zuen. Eleberriak eta ez-fikziozko lanak idatzi zituen. Berre eleberri ezagunena Forrest Gump da, izen bereko filma inspiratu zuena.
- Better Times Than These (1978)
- As Summers Die (1980)
- Only (1984)
- Forrest Gump (1986)
- Gone the Sun (1988)
- Gump and Co. (1995)
- Such a Pretty, Pretty Girl (1998)
- El Paso (2016)
- Conversations with the Enemy: the story of P.F.C. Robert Garwood (1982, Duncan Spencerrekin) ISBN 0399127151
- Shrouds of Glory: From Atlanta to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the Civil War (1995) ISBN 0871135914
- The Crimson Tide: An Illustrated History of Football at the University of Alabama (2002)
- A Storm in Flanders: The Triumph and Tragedy on the Western Front (2002) ISBN 0871138425
- 1942: The Year that Tried Men's Souls (2004) ISBN 0871138891
- Patriotic Fire: Andrew Jackson and Jean Laffite at the Battle of New Orleans (2006) ISBN 1400044367
- The Crimson Tide: The Official Illustrated History of Alabama Football, National Championship Edition (2010)
- Kearny's March: The Epic Creation of the American West, 1846-1847 (2011) ISBN 0307270963
- Ronald Reagan: Our 40th President (2012)
- The Aviators: Eddie Rickenbacker, Jimmy Doolittle, Charles Lindbergh, and the Epic Age of Flight (2013) ISBN 1426211562
- The Generals: Patton, MacArthur, Marshall, and the Winning of World War II (2015) ISBN 1426215495
- The Allies: Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, and the Unlikely Alliance That Won World War I (2018)