Thea Beatrice May Astley (Brisbane, 1925eko abuztuaren 25a – Byron Bay, Hegoaldeko Gales Berria, 2004ko abuztuaren 17a) australiar eleberrigilea izan zen.
- Girl with a Monkey (1958)
- A Descant for Gossips (1960)
- The Well Dressed Explorer (1962), Miles Franklin Saria
- The Slow Natives (1965), Miles Franklin Saria
- A Boat Load of Home Folk (1968)
- The Acolyte (1972), Miles Franklin Saria
- A Kindness Cup (1974)
- An Item from the Late News (1982)
- Beachmasters (1985)
- It's Raining in Mango (1987)
- Reaching Tin River (1990)
- Vanishing Points (1992)
- Coda (1994)
- The Multiple Effects of Rainshadow (1996)
- Drylands (1999), Miles Franklin Saria
Ipuin bildumak
- Hunting the Wild Pineapple (1979)
- Collected Stories (1997)
Kanpo estekak