The Heart of Saturday Night

The Heart of Saturday Night
Tom Waits taldearen estudio-lana
Argitaratze data1974ko urriaren 15a
Musika motarocka, bluesa, jazza, folka
DiskoetxeaAsylum Records
EkoizpenaBones Howe
Tom Waits taldearen kronologia
Closing Time
The Heart of Saturday Night
Nighthawks at the Diner

The Heart of Saturday Night Tom Waitsen bigarren estudio-lana da, 1974an argitaratutakoa.

Abestien zerrenda

Abesti gutziak Tom Waitsek idatzi eta konposatuak dira.

Lehen aldea

Zenb. Izenburua Iraupena
1. "New Coat of Paint"   3:23
2. "San Diego Serenade"   3:30
3. "Semi Suite"   3:29
4. "Shiver Me Timbers"   4:26
5. "Diamonds on My Windshield"   3:12
6. "(Looking for) The Heart of Saturday Night"   3:53

Bigarren aldea

Zenb. Izenburua Iraupena
1. "Fumblin' with the Blues"   3:02
2. "Please Call Me, Baby"   4:25
3. "Depot, Depot"   3:46
4. "Drunk on the Moon"   5:06
5. "The Ghosts of Saturday Night (After Hours at Napoleone's Pizza House)"   3:16
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