Sydney, Lady Morgan (Dublin edo Irlandako itsasoa, 1781eko? abenduaren 25a - Londres, 1859ko apirilaren 14a) irlandar eleberrigilea izan zen.
Lehen lana olerki liburu bat izan zen eta irlandar abestiak ere bildu zituen. Bi eleberri idatzi ondoren, 1806an bere lanik ospetsuena argitaratu zuen, The Wild Irish Girl. Eleberri proto-feminista da, gai politiko eta aberkoiekin.
1812an Charles Thomas Morganekin ezkondu zen.
- 1804 St. Clair
- 1806 The Novice of St. Dominick
- 1806 The Wild Irish Girl
- 1807 Patriotic Sketches and Metrical Fragments
- 1811 The Missionary. An Indian Tale
- 1814 O’Donnell
- 1817 France
- 1818 Florence Macarthy. An Irish Tale. In Four Volumes
- 1821 Italy. In Three Volumes
- 1823 Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. In Two Volumes
- 1825 Absenteeism
- 1827 The O’Briens and the O’Flaherties
- 1829 The Book of the Boudoir
- 1830 France in 1829–30. In Two Volumes
- 1833 Dramatic Scenes from Real Life
- 1835 The Princess
- 1840 Woman and her Master
- 1841 The Book without a Name
- 1859 Passages from my autobiography
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