Kinds of Kindness 2024ko Yorgos Lanthimos greziar zinema zuzendariaren umore beltzezko filma da.
Oharra: Atal honek istorio osoa edo amaiera argitzen du.
Triptiko itxurako fabula horrek hiru istorio kontatzen ditu: bere bizitzaren agintea hartu nahi duen gizonarena- "The Death of R.M.F."-; itsasoan desagertutako emaztea itzuli eta beste pertsona bat dirudielako izututa dagoen poliziarena - "R.M.F. is Flying"-; eta buruzagi espiritual bihurtzeko dohain berezia duen norbait aurkitzeko erabakia hartu duen emakumearena- "R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich"-.[1]
- Emma Stone:[2]
- Rita ("The Death of R.M.F")
- Liz ("R.M.F. is Flying")
- Emily ("R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich")
- Jesse Plemons:[2]
- Robert ("The Death of R.M.F")
- Daniel ("R.M.F. is Flying")
- Andrew ("R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich")
- Willem Dafoe:[2]
- Raymond ("The Death of R.M.F")
- George ("R.M.F. is Flying")
- Omi ("R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich")
- Margaret Qualley :[2]
- Vivian ("The Death of R.M.F")
- Martha ("R.M.F. is Flying")
- Ruth eta Rebecca bikiak ("R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich")
- Hong Chau:[2]
- Sarah ("The Death of R.M.F")
- Sharon ("R.M.F. is Flying")
- Aka ("R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich")
- Joe Alwyn:[2]
- collectibles appraiser man ("The Death of R.M.F")
- passenger ("R.M.F. is Flying")
- Joseph ("R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich")
- Mamoudou Athie:[2]
- Will ("The Death of R.M.F")
- Neil ("R.M.F. is Flying")
- the morgue nurse ("R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich")
- Hunter Schafer: Anna ("R.M.F. Eats a Sandwich")[2]
- Yorgos Stefanakos: R.M.F.
- Merah Benoit: Emilyren alaba
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