John Masefield

John Masefield

Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom (en) Itzuli

1930eko maiatzaren 9a - 1967ko maiatzaren 12a
JaiotzaLedbury1878ko ekainaren 1a
Herrialdea Erresuma Batua
HeriotzaAbingdon-on-Thames1967ko maiatzaren 12a (88 urte)
Hobiratze lekuaPoets' Corner (en) Itzuli
AitaGeorge Masefield
HeziketaWarwick School (en) Itzuli
Jarduerakpoeta, idazlea, haur literaturaren idazlea, kazetaria eta eleberrigilea
Jasotako sariak

IMDB: nm0556241 IBDB: 6859
Musicbrainz: db056f04-764a-44c1-9352-fa197247bf82 Discogs: 2019487 IMSLP: Category:Masefield,_John Find a Grave: 6172 Edit the value on Wikidata

John Edward Masefield (Ledbury, Herefordshire, 1878ko ekainaren 1a - Abingdon, Oxfordshire, 1967ko maiatzaren 12a) ingeles olerkari eta idazlea izan zen.

Sei urte zituenetik umezurtz eta izeba baten zaintzapean, hamahiru urterekin HMS Conway ontziratu zen eta hiru urte eman zituen nabigatzen. Irakurle garratza izan zen eta itsasontzian istorio asko ikasi zituen. Hurrengo urteetan nabigatzen jarraitu zuen 1895ean New Yorken lehorreratu zen arte. Herrian arlote gisa ibili ondoren, lana aurkitu zuen Nuev Yorken. 1897an Ingalaterrara itzuli zen.

Ordutik aurrera poema liburuak eta eleberriak argitaratzen hasi zen. 1930ean saritutako olerkari (poet laureate) izendatu zuten.

Lan hautatuak

  • Salt-Water Ballads (1902)]
  • Ballads (1903)]
  • Ballads and Poems (1910)

The Everlasting Mercy (1911)

Sonnets (1916)

A Poem [Rosas] and Two Plays (1919)

Animula [Limited to 250 copies] (1920)

Right Royal (1920)

  • King Cole (1921)
  • Selected Poems (1922)
  • The Dream [Illustrations by Judith Masefield, Limited Edition] (1922)
  • King Cole and Other Poems (1923)
  • The Collected Poems of John Masefield (1923)
  • Poems (1925)

Sonnets of Good Cheer to The Lena Ashwell Players (1926)

  • Midsummer Night and Other Tales in Verse (1928)

South and East [Illustrated by Jacynth Parsons, Limited to 2,750] (1929)

Minnie Maylow's Story and Other Tales and Scenes (1931)

A Tale of Troy (1932)

  • A Letter from Pontus and Other Verse (1936)
  • The Country Scene (With Pictures by Edward Seago) (1937)

Tribute to Ballet (With Pictures by Edward Seago) (1938)

  • Some Verses to Some Germans [10 Page Pamphlet] (1939)

Gautama the Enlightened and Other Verse (1941)

Natalie Maisie and Pavilastukay (1942)

Land Workers [11 page Pamphlet] (1942)

A Generation Risen [Illustrations by Edward Seago] (1943)

Wonderings (Between One and Six Years) (1943)

The Bullying of the Badger (1949)

On the Hill (1949)

The Story of Ossian [Long-playing record only] (1959)

  • The Bluebells and Other Verses (1961)
  • Old Raiger and Other Verses (1964)
  • In Glad Thanksgiving (1966)

Prosazko fikzioa


A King's Daughter: A Tragedy in Verse (1923)

The Trial of Jesus (1925)

Easter: A Play for Singers (1929)

Ez-fikziozkoa eta Autobiografia

Some Memories of W. B. Yeats (1940)

  • "In the Mill" (1941)
  • The Nine Days Wonder (The Operation Dynamo) (1941)
  • New Chum (1944) [1]
  • So Long to Learn (autobiography) (1952)
  • Grace Before Ploughing (autobiography) (Heinemann, 1966)


  1. A Guide to Twentieth Century Literature in English (1983) By Harry Blamires, Taylor & Francis, p. 175

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