Sandra the Fairytale Detective is a Spanish animated television series created by Myriam Ballesteros and produced by Imira Entertainment, Televisión Española and DQ Entertainment.
The series revolves around a young girl named Sandra, who solves mysteries in the Fairytale World with her friend Fo the elf. while avoiding interference from a bully named Marcus.
Sandra Occhiaperti (voiced by Jules de Jongh) is a 10-year-old girl who is a fairy tale detective. She also takes statements from the victims.
Fo the Elf (voiced by Dan Russell) is Sandra's partner, a 508-year-old elf with fairy wings. Whenever there is a case that needs to be solved, he takes Sandra to the fairy tale world by casting a magic spell.
Raquel (voiced by Alex Bothwell) is Sandra's best friend. She wears pigtails and has blonde hair.
Marcus is Sandra's rival. He is always bullying Sandra without a reason.