Massacre of Baron von Norbeck, geologist and director of the Imperial and Royal Geological Society of Vienna and 4 crewman of the Albatros, killed while climbing Mount Lammas.[7]
Death of William R. Bell, the District Officer of Malaita, his assistant Lilley, and another thirteen of his deputies while collecting tax.[8] About sixty people were shot in the punitive expedition; about 200 men were taken to jail in Tulagi, where 31 died of dysentery. 6 were hanged and 17 were sentenced to long prison terms.[8]
Roger Keesing and Peter Corris. Lightning Meets the West Wind: The Malaita Massacre. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1980.
Swinden, G. The natives appear restless tonight; HMAS Adelaide and the punitive expedition to Malaita 1927 in Maritime power in the twentieth century: the Australian experience, D. Stevens, ed. Allen and Unwin, 1998, 54–67.