List of kampo herbs

Kampō (or Kanpō, 漢方) medicine is the Japanese study and adaptation of traditional Chinese medicine. In 1967, the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare approved four kampo medicines for reimbursement under the National Health Insurance (NHI) program. In 1976, 82 kampo medicines were approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Currently, 148 kampo medicines are approved for reimbursement. [1]

The 14th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) (日本薬局方 Nihon yakkyokuhō) lists 165 herbal ingredients that are approved to be used in kampo remedies.[2]

Tsumura (ツムラ) is the leading maker[3] making 128 of the 148 kampo medicines. The "count" column shows in how many of these 128 formulae the herb is found. The most common herb is Glycyrrhizae Radix (Chinese liquorice root). It is in 94 of the 128 Tsumura formulae. Other common herbs are Zingiberis Rhizoma (ginger) (51 of 128 formulae) and Paeoniae Radix (Chinese peony root) (44 of 128 formulae).

Latin name Common name
in English
Japanese Chinese Genus species
[clarification needed]
(see above)
Kanji Katakana Pinyin T S
Achyranthis Radix achyranthis root 牛膝 ゴシツ niú xī 牛膝 牛膝 Achyranthes fauriei 3
Aconiti Rhizoma Carmichael's monkshood rhizome 附子 ブシ fù zǐ 附子 附子 Aconitum carmichaelii 6
Akebiae Caulis chocolate vine stem 木通 モクツウ mù tōng 木通 木通 Akebia quinata 5
Alismatis Rhizoma water plantain rhizome 沢瀉 タクシャ zé xiè 澤瀉 泽泻 Alisma orientale 14
Alpiniae Officinari Rhizoma lesser galangal rhizome 良姜 リョウキョウ liáng jiāng 良薑 良姜 Alpinia officinarum 1
Amomi Semen black cardamom seed 縮砂 シュクシャ shā rén 砂仁 砂仁 Amomum xanthioides 1
Anemarrhenae Rhizoma anemarrhena rhizome 知母 チモ zhī mǔ 知母 知母 Anemarrhena asphodeloides 6
Angelicae Dahuricae Radix angelica root 白芷 ビャクシ bái zhǐ 白芷 白芷 Angelica dahurica 5
Angelicae Radix Chinese angelica root 当帰 トウキ dāng guī 當歸 当归 Angelica acutiloba 37
Araliae Cordatae Radix Japanese spikenard root 和羌活 ワキョウカツ tǔ dāng guī 土當歸 土当归 Aralia cordata 1
Araliae Cordatae Rhizoma Japanese spikenard rhizome 独活 ドッカツ tǔ dāng guī 土當歸 土当归 Aralia cordata 1
Arctii Fructus greater burdock fruit 牛蒡子 ゴボウシ niú bàng zǐ 牛蒡子 牛蒡子 Arctium lappa 2
Arecae Semen betel nut
areca nut
檳榔子 ビンロウジ bīng láng/
bīn láng[4]
檳榔 槟榔 Areca catechu 1
Arisaematis Rhizoma arisaema rhizome 天南星 テンナンショウ tiān nán xīng 天南星 天南星 Arisaema heterophyllum 1
Artemisiae Capillari Flos wormwood flower, mugwort flower 茵蔯蒿 インチンコウ yīn chén hāo 茵陳蒿 茵陈蒿 Artemisia capillaris 2
Artemisiae Folium wormwood leaf, mugwort leaf 艾葉 ガイヨウ ài yè 艾葉 艾叶 Artemisia princeps 1
Asiasari Radix Chinese wild ginger root 細辛 サイシン xì xīn 細辛 细辛 Asarum sieboldii 5
Asini Corii Collas collagen 阿膠 アキョウ ē jiāo 阿膠 阿胶 5
Asparagi Radix asparagus root 天門冬 テンモンドウ tiān mén dōng 天門冬 天门冬 Asparagus cochinchinensis 2
Astragali Radix astragalus root 黄耆 オウギ huáng qí 黃蓍 黄芪 Astragalus membranaceus 14
Atractylodis Lanceae Rhizoma atractylodes rhizome 蒼朮 ソウジュツ cāng zhú 蒼朮 苍术 Atractylodes lancea 34
Atractylodis Rhizoma white atractylodes rhizome 白朮 ビャクジュツ bái zhú 白朮 白术 Atractylodes japonica 8
Aurantii Fructus Immaturus unripe bitter orange 枳実 キジツ zhǐ shí 枳實 枳实 Citrus aurantium 14
Aurantii Nobilis Pericarpium aged mikan orange peel 陳皮 チンピ chén pí 陳皮 陈皮 Citrus unshiu 24
Bambusae Caulis, Phyllostachysis Caulis bamboo shavings 竹筎 チクジョ zhú rú 竹茹 竹茹 Bambusa tuldoides 2
Benincasae Semen winter melon seed 冬瓜子 トウガシ dōng guā zǐ 冬瓜子 冬瓜子 Benincasa cerifera 1
Bovis Bezoar cattle gallstone
calculus bovis
牛黄 ゴオウ niú huáng 牛黃 牛黄 Bos taurus 0
Bupleuri Radix bupleurum root 柴胡 サイコ chái hú 柴胡 柴胡 Bupleurum falcatum 22
Camelliae Folium tea leaf 茶葉 チャヨウ chá yè 茶葉 茶叶 Camellia sinensis 1
Cannabis Fructus hemp fruit 麻子仁 マシニン má zǐ rén 麻子仁 麻子仁 Cannabis sativa 3
Carthami Flos safflower flower 紅花 コウカ hóng huā 紅花 红花 Carthamus tinctorius 2
Caryophylli Flos clove flower 丁子 チョウジ dīng zǐ 丁子 丁子 Syzygium aromaticum 2
Cassiae Semen senna seed 決明子 ケツメイシ jué míng zǐ 決明子 决明子 Senna obtusifolia (formerly Cassia) 0
Chrysanthemi Flos chrysanthemum flower 菊花 キッカ jú huā 菊花 菊花 Chrysanthemum morifolium 1
Cicadae Periostracum cicada molting 蝉退 ゼンタイ chán tuì 蟬退 蝉退 Cryptotympana tustulata 1
Cimicifugae Rhizoma bugbane rhizome, cohosh rhizome 升麻 ショウマ shēng má 升麻 升麻 Cimicifuga simplex 5
Cinnamomi Cortex Chinese cinnamon bark 桂皮 ケイヒ guì pí 桂皮 桂皮 Cinnamomum cassia 39
Clematidis Radix clematis root 威霊仙 イレイセン wēi líng xiān 威靈仙 威灵仙 Clematis chinensis 2
Cnidii Rhizoma cnidium root 川芎 センキュウ chuān xiōng 川芎 川芎 Cnidium officinale 25
Coicis Semen Job's Tears seed 薏苡仁 ヨクイニン yì yǐ rén 薏苡仁 薏苡仁 Coix lacryma 3
Coptidis Rhizoma goldenthread rhizome 黄連 オウレン huáng lián 黃連 黄连 Coptis japonica 11
Corni Fructus Japanese cornel fruit 山茱萸 サンシュユ shān zhū yú 山茱萸 山茱萸 Cornus officinalis 3
Corydalis Rhizoma corydalis rhizome 延胡索 エンゴサク yán hú suǒ 延胡索 延胡索 Corydalis turtschaninovii 1
Crassostreae Testa pacific oyster shell 牡蛎 ボレイ mǔ lì 牡蠣 牡蛎 Crassostrea gigas 4
Crataegi Fructus Japanese hawthorn fruit 山楂子 サンザシ shān zhā 山楂 山楂 Crataegus cuneata 1
Crotonis Semen rushfoil seed, croton seed 巴豆 ハズ bā dòu 巴豆 巴豆 Croton tiglium 0
Cyperi Rhizoma nut-grass rhizome 香附子 コウブシ xiāng fù zǐ 香附子 香附子 Cyperus rotundus 6
Dioscoreae Rhizoma Chinese yam rhizome 山薬 サンヤク shān yào 山藥 山药 Dioscorea japonica
D. opposita
Ephedra ephedra herb 麻黄 マオウ má huáng 麻黃 麻黄 Ephedra sinica 13
Eriobotryae Folium loquat leaf 枇杷葉 ビワヨウ pí pá yè 枇杷葉 枇杷叶 Eriobotrya japonica 1
Eucommiae Cortex eucommia bark 杜仲 トチュウ dù zhòng 杜仲 杜仲 Eucommia ulmoides 1
Eupolyphaga ground beetle, wingless cockroach 庶虫(1) シャチュウ tǔ biē chóng 土鱉蟲 土鳖虫 Eupolyphaga sinensis 0
Fel Ursi bear gallbladder 熊胆 ユウタン xióng dǎn 熊膽 熊胆 Ursus arctos 0
Foeniculi Fructus fennel fruit 茴香 ウイキョウ huí xiāng 茴香 茴香 Foeniculum vulgare 1
Forsythiae Fructus forsythia fruit 連翹 レンギョウ lián qiào 連翹 连翘 Forsythia suspensa 5
Fossilia Ossis Mastodi dragon bone, fossilized vertebrae and bones 竜骨 リュウコツ lóng gǔ 龍骨 龙骨 2
Fritillariae Bulbus fritillaria bulb 貝母 バイモ bèi mǔ 貝母 贝母 Fritillaria verticillata 2
Gardeniae Fructus gardenia fruit 山梔子 サンシシ shān zhī zǐ 山梔子 山栀子 Gardenia jasminoides 13
Gastrodiae Rhizoma gastrodia rhizome 天麻 テンマ tiān má 天麻 天麻 Gastrodia elata 1
Gentianae Scabrae Radix Chinese gentian root 竜胆 リュウタン lóng dǎn caǒ 龍膽草 龙胆草 Gentiana scabra 3
Glehniae Radix Cum Rhizoma glehnia rhizome 浜防風 ハマボウフウ běi shā shēn 北沙參 北沙参 Glehnia littoralis 1
Glycyrrhizae Radix Chinese liquorice root 甘草 カンゾウ gān cǎo 甘草 甘草 Glycyrrhiza uralensis 94
Glycyrrhizae Radix preparata Chinese liquorice root 炙甘草 シャカンゾウ zhì gān cǎo 炙甘草 炙甘草 Glycyrrhiza uralensis 1
Gypsum Fibrosum gypsum mineral 石膏 セッコウ shí gāo 石膏 石膏 10
Hordei Fructus Germinatus barley sprout 麦芽 バクガ mài yá 麥芽 麦芽 Hordeum vulgare 1
Houttuyniae Herba houttuynia herb 十薬 ジュウヤク shí yào 十藥 十药 Houttuynia cordata 0
Leonuri Herba Chinese motherwort herb 益母草 ヤクモソウ yì mǔ cǎo 益母草 益母草 Leonurus japonicus 0
Lilii Bulbus tiger lily bulb 百合 ビャクゴウ bǎi hé 百合 百合 Lilium lancifolium 1
Linderae Radix spicebush root, benjamin bush root 烏薬 ウヤク wū yào 烏樂 乌乐 Lindera strychnifolia 0
Lithospermi Radix lithospermum root 紫根 シコン zǐ gēn 紫根 紫根 Lithospermum erythrorhizon 0
Longan Arillus longan fruit flesh 竜眼肉 リュウガンニク lóng yǎn ròu 龍眼肉 龙眼肉 Euphoria longana 2
Lonicerae Folium Cum Caulis Japanese honeysuckle stem 忍冬 ニンドウ rěn dōng téng 忍冬藤 忍冬疼 Lonicera japonica 1
Lycii Cortex wolfberry tree bark 地骨皮 ジコッピ dì gǔ pí 地骨皮 地骨皮 Lycium chinense 2
Lycii Fructus wolfberry tree fruit 枸杞子 クコシ gǒu qǐ zǐ 枸杞子 枸杞子 Lycium chinense 0
Magnoliae Cortex houpu magnolia bark 厚朴 コウボク hòu pò 厚朴 厚朴 Magnolia officinalis 12
Magnoliae Flos willow-leafed magnolia flower 辛夷 シンイ xīn yí 辛夷 辛夷 Magnolia salicifolia 2
Menthae Herba wild mint herb 薄荷 ハッカ bò hé 薄荷 薄荷 Mentha arvensis 7
Mori Cortex white mulberry bark 桑白皮 ソウハクヒ sāng bái pí 桑白皮 桑白皮 Morus alba 2
Natrii Sulfus sodium sulfate 芒硝 ボウショウ máng xiāo 芒硝 芒硝 6
Nelumbis Semen sacred lotus seed 蓮肉 レンニク lián ròu 蓮肉 莲肉 Nelumbo nucifera 2
Notopterygii Rhizoma notopterygium rhizome 羌活 キョウカツ qiāng huó 羌活 羌活 Notopterygium incisum 3
Nupharis Rhizoma Japanese water lily rhizome 川骨 センコツ chuān gǔ 川骨 川骨 Nuphar japonicum 1
Ophiopogonis Rhizoma mondo grass rhizome 麦門冬 バクモンドウ mài mén dōng 麥門冬 麦门冬 Ophiopogon japonicus 11
Oryzae Semen rice seed 粳米 コウベイ jīng mǐ 粳米 粳米 Oryza sativa 2
Paeoniae Moutan Cortex tree peony bark 牡丹皮 ボタンピ mǔ dān pí 牡丹皮 牡丹皮 Paeonia moutan 8
Paeoniae Radix Chinese peony root 芍薬 シャクヤク sháo yào 芍藥 芍药 Paeonia lactiflora 44
Panacis Ginseng Radix ginseng root 人参 ニンジン rén shēn 人參 人参 Panax ginseng 37
Panacis Japonicus Japanese ginseng root 竹節人参 チクセツニンジン zhú jié rén shēn 竹節人參 竹节人参 Panax japonicus 0
Perillae Herba shiso herb, beefsteak plant 蘇葉 ソヨウ sū yè 蘇葉 苏叶 Perilla frutescens 6
Persicae Semen peach kernel 桃仁 トウニン táo rén 桃仁 桃仁 Prunus persica 6
Peucedani Radix peucedanum root 前胡 ゼンコ qián hú 前胡 前胡 Peucedanum praeruptorum 1
Phellodendri Cortex cork-tree bark 黄柏 オウバク huáng bǎi 黃柏 黄柏 Phellodendron amurense 8
Pinelliae Rhizoma pinellia rhizome 半夏 ハンゲ bàn xià 半夏 半夏 Pinellia ternata 27
Plantaginis Semen Chinese plantain seed 車前子 シャゼンシ chē qián zǐ 車前子 车前子 Plantago asiatica 4
Platycodi Radix Chinese bellflower root, balloon flower root 桔梗 キキョウ jié gěng 桔梗 桔梗 Platycodon grandiflorus 12
Polygalae Radix milkwort root, snakeroot 遠志 オンジ yuǎn zhì 遠志 远志 Polygala tenuifolia 3
Polygoni Multiflori Radix Chinese knotweed root 何首烏 カシュウ hé shǒu wū 何首烏 何首乌 Reynoutria multiflora 1
Polyporus polyporus mushroom 猪苓 チョレイ zhū líng 豬苓 猪苓 Polyporus umbellatus 6
Poria tuckahoe mushroom 茯苓 ブクリョウ fú líng 茯苓 茯苓 Poria cocos 46
Prunus armeniaca apricot kernel 杏仁 キョウニン xìng rén 杏仁 杏仁 Prunus armeniaca 9
Puerariae Radix kudzu root 葛根 カッコン gé gēn 葛根 葛根 Pueraria lobata 4
Quercus Cortex sawtooth oak bark 樸樕 ボクソク xiàng shí 橡實 橡实 Quercus acutissima 2
Rehmanniae Radix Chinese foxglove root 地黄 ジオウ dì huáng 地黃 地黄 Rehmannia glutinosa 22
Rhei Rhizoma turkey rhubarb rhizome 大黄 ダイオウ dà huáng 大黃 大黄 Rheum palmatum 16
Saccharum Granorum ground sugar 膠飴 コウイ jiāo yí 膠飴 胶饴 0
Saposhnikoviae Radix saposhnikovia root 防風 ボウフウ fáng fēng 防風 防风 Saposhnikovia divaricata 11
Sappan Lignum sappan wood shavings 蘇木 ソボク sū mù 蘇木 苏木 Caesalpinia sappan 1
Saussureae Radix saw-wort root, snow lotus root 木香 モッコウ mù xiāng 木香 木香 Saussurea lappa 3
Schisandrae Fructus schisandra fruit 五味子 ゴミシ wǔ wèi zǐ 五味子 五味子 Schisandra chinensis 5
Schizonepetae Spica schizonepeta spikes 荊芥 ケイガイ jīng jìe 荊芥 荆芥 Schizonepeta tenuifolia 8
Scutellariae Radix skullcap root 黄芩 オウゴン huáng qín 黃芩 黄芩 Scutellaria baicalensis 27
Sesami Semen sesame seed 胡麻 ゴマ hú má 胡麻 胡麻 Sesamum indicum 1
Sinomeni Caulis et Rhizoma orient vine rhizome 防已 ボウイ qīng fēng téng 青風藤 青风藤 Sinomenium acutum 3
Sophorae Radix sophora root 苦参 クジン kǔ shēn 苦參 苦参 Sophora flavescens 2
Swertiae Herba swertia herb 当薬 トウヤク dāng yào 當藥 当药 Swertia japonica 0
Talcum Crystallinum (Kadinum) talcum powder 滑石 カッセキ huá shí 滑石 滑石 4
Tetradii Fructus evodia fruit 呉茱萸 ゴシュユ wú zhū yú 吳茱萸 吴茱萸 Tetradium rutaecarpa 3
Tribuli Fructus puncture vine fruit 蒺藜子(2) シツリシ jí lí zǐ 蒺藜子 蒺藜子 Tribulus terrestris 1
Trichosanthis Radix trichosanthes root 栝楼根 カロコン guā lóu gēn 瓜蔞根 瓜蒌根 Trichosanthes kirilowii 2
Trichosanthis Semen trichosanthes seed 栝楼仁 カロニン guā lóu rén 栝蔞仁 栝蒌仁 Trichosanthes kirilowii 1
Tritici Semen wheat seed 小麦 ショウバク xiǎo mài 小麥 小麦 Triticum aestivum 1
Uncariae gambir gambier extract 阿仙薬 アセンヤク ā xiān yào 阿仙藥 阿仙药 Uncaria gambir 0
Uncariae Uncis Cum Ramulus gambier extract 釣藤鈎 チョウトウコウ diào gōu téng 釣鉤藤 钓钩藤 Uncaria rhynchophylla 4
Zanthoxyli Fructus Japanese pepper tree fruit 山椒 サンショウ shān jiāo 山椒 山椒 Zanthoxylum piperitum 2
Zingiberis Rhizoma fresh ginger rhizome 生姜 ショウキョウ shēng jiāng 生薑 生姜 Zingiber officinale 51
Zingiberis Siccatum Rhizoma dried ginger rhizome 乾姜 カンキョウ gān jiāng 乾薑 干姜 Zingiber officinale 12
Zizyphi Fructus jujube fruit, Chinese date 大棗 タイソウ dà zǎo 大棗 大枣 Ziziphus zizyphus 39
Zizyphi Spinosi Semen jujube seed, Chinese date seed 酸棗仁 サンソウニン suān zǎo rén 酸棗仁 酸枣仁 Ziziphus zizyphus 3
  • Note 1: this character cannot be displayed correctly on a computer. "庶" is usually substituted in Chinese and Japanese. The "灬" in "庶" should be replaced with "虫".
  • Note 2: this character cannot be displayed correctly on a computer. "梨" is usually substituted in Chinese. "梨" or "藜" is usually substituted in Japanese. The "勿" in "藜" should be replaced with "刂".

See also


  1. ^ "Kampo Medicine: The Practice of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Japan". Retrieved 2021-04-18.
  2. ^ "RE: Kampo — Traditional Herbal Medicine of Japan" (PDF). 2007-09-26. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2007-09-26. Retrieved 2021-04-18.
  3. ^ "Tsumura & Co.: Leadership in Kampo Medicines". 2006-09-27. Archived from the original on 2006-09-27. Retrieved 2021-04-18.
  4. ^ 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 25 August 2019. 字詞 【檳榔】 注音 ㄅㄧㄣ ㄌㄤˊ 漢語拼音 bīn láng

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Defensive strategy in basketball Basketball playbook2–3 zone initial alignment2–3 zone DefenseType:Half court zone defenseName UsageTechnical name:2–3 zone DefenseCommon name:2–3 zoneOther common names:2–1–2 zonePlay Development CreditDesigned 1st by:Coach Cam HendersonYear play 1st used:1914Play 1st used by:Bristol high schoolCountry:United States The 2–3 zone defense is a defensive strategy used in basketball as an alternative to man-to-man defense. It is referred to as the 2�...


Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, dan Ilmu PengetahuanMinisterie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en WetenschapLambang BelandaKementerian Pendidikan, Budaya dan Ilmu PengetahuanInformasi KementerianDibentuk9 September 1918; 105 tahun lalu (1918-09-09)Wilayah hukumKerajaan BelandaKantor pusatRijnstraat 50, Den Haag, BelandaAnggaran tahunan€31,4 miliar (2013)[1]MenteriRobbert Dijkgraaf, Menteri Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, dan Ilmu PengetahuanMariëlle Paul, MenteriWakil Menterilowong, Sekret...


River in Germany SpeyerbachThe Speyerbach in the town of SpeyerCourse of the Speyerbach to the Rhine through the Palatinate Forest and Rhine valleyLocationCountryGermanyStateRhineland-PalatinatePhysical characteristicsSource  • locationnear Speyerbrunn • coordinates49°20′58.7″N 7°52′13″E / 49.349639°N 7.87028°E / 49.349639; 7.87028 • elevation296 m (971 ft) Mouth  • loc...

أكتروسمعلومات عامةالنوع truck model (en) موقع الويب المنظومة الاقتصاديةالعلامة التجارية مرسيدس-بنز تعديل - تعديل مصدري - تعديل ويكي بيانات أكتروس (بالألمانية: Actros) هي شاحنة نقل ثقيلة من صنع شركة مرسيدس بنز الألمانية. تستخدم هذه الشاحنة لنقل البضائع والسلع وتاتي بمحر...


American politician Charniele HerringMajority Leader of the Virginia House of DelegatesIncumbentAssumed office January 10, 2024Preceded byTerry KilgoreIn officeJanuary 8, 2020 – January 12, 2022Preceded byTodd GilbertSucceeded byTerry KilgoreMember of the Virginia House of DelegatesIncumbentAssumed office January 26, 2009Preceded byBrian MoranConstituency46th district (2009–2024)4th district (2024–present)Chair of the Virginia Democratic PartyIn officeDecember 8, 2012&#...


Rotherham United 2016–17 football seasonRotherham United2016–17 seasonChairmanTony StewartManagerAlan Stubbs(Until 19 October)[1]Kenny Jackett(21 October–28 November)[2]Paul Warne(Interim Manager, from 28 November. Permanent Manager, from 1 April)StadiumAESSEAL New York StadiumChampionship24th (relegated)FA CupThird round(knocked out by Oxford United)EFL CupFirst round(knocked out by Morecambe)Top goalscorerLeague: Danny Ward (11)All: Danny Ward (12)Highest home attenda...

Частина серії проФілософіяLeft to right: Plato, Kant, Nietzsche, Buddha, Confucius, AverroesПлатонКантНіцшеБуддаКонфуційАверроес Філософи Епістемологи Естетики Етики Логіки Метафізики Соціально-політичні філософи Традиції Аналітична Арістотелівська Африканська Близькосхідна іранська Буддій�...


It has been suggested that List of Augustae be merged into this article. (Discuss) Proposed since May 2024. Livia (r. 27 BC – AD 14), as wife of Augustus, was the first and longest-reigning empress. The Roman empresses were the consorts of the Roman emperors, the rulers of the Roman Empire. The duties, power and influence of empresses varied over time depending on the time period, contemporary politics and the personalities of their husband and themselves. Empresses were typically hi...


Faculty of ArtsFormer namesFaculty of Communications and Culture; Faculty of Fine Arts; Faculty of Humanities; Faculty of Social Science; Faculty of General Studies; Faculty of Arts and SciencesMottoMo Shùile Togam Suas (Scottish Gaelic)Motto in EnglishI will lift up mine eyesTypePublicEstablished10 April 2010Academic affiliationUniversity of CalgaryDeanDr. Aoife MacNamaraAcademic staff359[1]Administrative staff132[1]Undergraduates7,100 +[1]Postgraduates725 +[...

Nature reserve in Lewisham, London, England Brookmill Road Local Nature Reserve is a small nature reserve in St Johns in the London Borough of Lewisham. It has been designated as a local nature reserve.[1][2] The reserve is on a disused railway embankment between Brookmill Road and the Lewisham to St Johns railway line. The railway ceased operating in 1916 and the tracks were taken up in 1929. In 1979 Lewisham Council purchased the land and established a nature reserve on the ...


Untuk kegunaan lain, lihat Neptunus (disambiguasi).Neptunus Neptunus dari wahana Voyager 2PenemuanDitemukan olehUrbain Le Verrier Johann GalleTanggal penemuan23 September 1846[1]PenamaanPelafalan/ˈnɛptjuːn/ simakⓘ[2]Kata sifat bahasa InggrisNeptunianCiri-ciri orbit[7]Epos J2000Aphelion4.553.946.490 km30,44125206 saPerihelion4.452.940.833 km29,76607095 saSumbu semimayor4.503.443.661 km30,10366151 saEksentrisitas0,01...


كادوت     الإحداثيات 44°56′54″N 91°09′04″W / 44.94833°N 91.15111°W / 44.94833; -91.15111   [1] تقسيم إداري  البلد الولايات المتحدة[2][3]  التقسيم الأعلى مقاطعة تشيبيوا  خصائص جغرافية  المساحة 8.959178 كيلومتر مربع8.738974 كيلومتر مربع (1 أبريل 2010)  ارتفاع 300 متر ...

For the former community in Washington State, see Orillia, Washington. For the warship, see HMCS Orillia. City in Ontario, CanadaOrilliaCity (single-tier)City of OrilliaWaterfront of Orillia FlagLogoNickname: The Sunshine CityOrilliaShow map of Southern OntarioOrilliaShow map of Simcoe CountyCoordinates: 44°36′15″N 79°25′26″W / 44.60417°N 79.42389°W / 44.60417; -79.42389[1]CountryCanadaProvinceOntarioIncorporation1867 (Village)Incorporation1875...


  لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع مقاطعة فلويد (توضيح). مقاطعة فلويد     الإحداثيات 34°04′N 101°18′W / 34.07°N 101.3°W / 34.07; -101.3   [1] تاريخ التأسيس 1876  تقسيم إداري  البلد الولايات المتحدة[2]  التقسيم الأعلى تكساس  العاصمة فلويدادا  التقسيمات الإدارية فلوي�...