Electoral districts of New South Wales

The New South Wales Legislative Assembly is elected from single-member electorates called districts, returning 93 members since the 1999 election. Prior to 1927 some districts returned multiple members, including 1920-1927 when all districts returned three, four or five members. Parramatta is the only district to have continuously existed since the establishment of the Assembly in 1856.

Electorate Created Abolished Comments
Current districts as of 2023
Albury 1880 1920
Auburn 1927
Badgerys Creek 1991 1999
Ballina 1894 1904
Balmain 1880 1894 2 members from 1882 to 1885
3 members 1885-1889
4 members 1889-1894
1904 1991 5 members 1920-1927
Bankstown 1927
Barwon 1894 1904
Bathurst 1859 3 members 1920-1927
Bega 1894 1920
Blacktown 1941
Blue Mountains 1968
Cabramatta 1981
Camden 1859 1920 2 members 1859-1889
3 members 1889-1894
Campbelltown 1968
Canterbury 1859 1920 2 members 1859-1892

3 members 1882-1885
4 members 1885-1894

Castle Hill 2007
Cessnock 1913 1920
Charlestown 1971
Clarence 1859 1920
Coffs Harbour 1981
Coogee 1927
Cootamundra 1904 1941 3 members 1920-1927
Cronulla 1959
Davidson 1971
Drummoyne 1913
Dubbo 1894 1904
East Hills 1953
Epping 1999
Fairfield 1953
Gosford 1950
Goulburn 1859 1991 3 members 1920-1927
Granville 1894 1920
Hawkesbury 1859 1920 2 members 1859-1880
Heathcote 1971 1991
Heffron 1973
Holsworthy 2015
Hornsby 1927 1991
Keira 1988
Kellyville 2023
Kiama 1859 1904
Kogarah 1930
Lake Macquarie 1950
Lane Cove 1904 1913
Leppington 2023
Lismore 1894 1904
1913 1920
Liverpool 1950
Londonderry 1988
Macquarie Fields 1988 1991
Maitland 1904 3 members 1920-1927
Manly 1927
Maroubra 1950
Miranda 1971
Monaro 1856 1920 Known as Maneroo 1856-1857
Mount Druitt 1971 1981
Murray 1859 1999 2 members 1880-1894

3 members 1920-1927

Myall Lakes 1988
Newcastle 1859 1894 3 members 1889-1894
1904 5 members 1920-1927
Newtown 1859 1894 3 members 1885-1891

4 members 1891-1894

1904 1950
North Shore 1920 1927 5 members 1920-1927
Northern Tablelands 1920 1927 3 members 1920-1927
Oatley 1927 1930
Orange 1859 1920 2 members 1880-1894
Oxley 1920 1988 3 members 1920-1927
Parramatta 1856 2 members 1859-1880

3 Members 1920-1927

Penrith 1973
Pittwater 1973
Port Macquarie 1988
Port Stephens 1988
Prospect 2015
Riverstone 1981
Rockdale 1927 1930
Ryde 1894 1904
1913 1968 5 members 1920-1927
1981 1991
Shellharbour 2007
South Coast 1927
Strathfield 1988
Summer Hill 2015
Swansea 1981
Sydney 1920 1927 5 members
Tamworth 1880 1920 2 members 1880-1894
Terrigal 2007
The Entrance 1988
Tweed 1894 1904
Upper Hunter 1859 1894 2 members 1880-1894
1904 1920
Vaucluse 1927
Wagga Wagga 1894 1904
1913 1920
Wahroonga 2021 Created from Ku-ring-gai in a redistribution in 2021.[1]
Wakehurst 1962
Wallsend 1894 1904
1917 1920
1927 1930
Willoughby 1894 1920
1927 1988
Winston Hills 2023
Wollondilly 1904 1981 3 members 1920-1927
Wollongong 1904 1920
1927 1930
Wyong 1962 1973
Former districts
Alexandria 1904 1920
1927 1930
Allowrie 1904 1920
Alma 1894 1904
Annandale 1894 1920
1927 1950
Argyle 1856 1904
Armidale 1894 1920
1927 1981
Arncliffe 1930 1941
Ashburnham 1894 1920
1927 1950
Ashfield 1894 1920
1927 1959
1968 1999
Ashfield-Croydon 1959 1968
Balmain North 1894 1901
Balmain South 1894 1901
Balranald 1859 1894
Bass Hill 1962 1991
Bathurst (County) 1856 1859
Baulkham Hills 1991 2023
Belmore 1904 1920
Belubula 1904 1913
Bingara 1894 1920
Blayney 1904 1913
Bligh 1962 2007
Bogan 1859 1894
Bondi 1913 1920
1927 1971
Boorowa 1880 1904 spelt "Booroowa" 1899–1901
Botany 1894 1950
Bourke 1880 1904
Bowral 1894 1904
Braidwood 1859 1904
Brisbane 1859 1859 Queensland
Broken Hill 1894 1913
1968 1999
Bulli 1930 1971
1991 1997
Burnett 1859 1859 Queensland
Burrangong 1904 1920
Burragorang 1988 1991
Burrendong 1968 1981
Burrinjuck 1950 2015
Burwood 1894 1920
1927 1988
Byron 1913 1988
Camperdown 1904 1920
Carcoar 1859 1894
Carlingford 1988 1991
Casino 1930 1968
1971 1981
Castlereagh 1904 1920
1927 1991
Central Cumberland 1859 1894
Clarence and Darling Downs 1856 1859
Clyde 1904 1913
Cobar 1894 1920
1932 1949
1965 1968
Collaroy 1950 1973
Concord 1930 1968
Condoublin 1894 1904
Cook and Westmoreland 1856 1859
Cook's River 1941 1973
Coonamble 1894 1904
Corrimal 1968 1988
Corowa 1904 1920
1927 1950
Cowra 1894 1904
Croydon 1927 1959
Cumberland 1920 1927 3 members
Cumberland Boroughs 1856 1859
Cumberland (North Riding) 1856 1859
Cumberland (South Riding) 1856 1859
Darling 1904 1913
Darling Downs 1859 1859 Queensland
Darling Harbour 1904 1920
Darlinghurst 1904 1920
1950 1953
Darlington 1894 1904
Deniliquin 1894 1913
Dulwich Hill 1913 1920
1927 1968
Durham 1856 1859 3 members
1880 1920
Earlwood 1950 1991
East Camden 1858 1859
Eastern Division of Camden 1856 1857
Eastern Suburbs 1920 1927 5 members
East Maitland 1859 1904
East Macquarie 1859 1894 2 members
East Morton 1859 1859 Queensland
East Sydney 1859 1894 4 members
Eastwood 1927 1930
1950 1999
Eden 1859 1904 Called Eden-Bombala 1894-1904
Elizabeth 1981 1988
Enmore 1913 1920
1927 1930
Ermington 1991 1999
Forbes 1880 1894 2 members
Fuller 1968 1981
Georges River 1930 2007
Gladesville 1981 1999
Glebe 1859 1920
1927 1941
Glen Innes 1880 1904
Gloucester 1880 1920
1927 1988
Gloucester and Macquarie 1856 1859
Goldfields North 1859 1880
Goldfields South 1859 1880
Goldfields West 1859 1880
Gordon 1904 1920
1927 1999
Gough 1904 1920
Grafton 1880 1904
Grenfell 1880 1904
Gundagai 1880 1904
Gunnedah 1880 1904
Gwydir 1859 1894
1904 1920
Hamilton 1927 1971
Hartley 1859 1920
1927 1968
Hastings 1859 1880
Hastings and Manning 1880 1894 2 members
Hastings and Macleay 1894 1920
Hay 1894 1904
Hume 1859 1904
Hunter 1859 1894
Hurstville 1913 1920
1927 1999
Illawarra 1859 1904
1927 1968
1971 2007
Ingleburn 1981 1988
Inverell 1880 1904
Ipswich 1859 1859 Queensland
Kahibah 1894 1920
1927 1930
1950 1971
Kembla 1968 1971
King 1904 1920
1927 1973
King and Georgiana 1856 1859
Kirribilli 1962 1981
Kurri Kurri 1927 1968
Ku-ring-gai 1973 2021 Largely replaced by the electoral division of Wahroonga.[1]
Lachlan 1859 1880
1894 1920
1927 2007
Lachlan and Lower Darling 1856 1859
Lakemba 1927 2023
Leichhardt 1894 1920
1927 1962
Leichhardt, Queensland 1859 1859 Queensland
Liverpool Plains 1859 1880
1904 1920
1927 1962
Liverpool Plains and Gwydir 1856 1859
Lower Hunter 1859 1880
Lyndhurst 1913 1920
Macleay 1880 1894
Macquarie 1894 1920
Manning 1894 1904
1988 1991
Marrickville 1894 1920
1927 2015
McKell 1988 1991
Menai 1999 2015
Merrylands 1959 1962
1968 1988
Middle Harbour 1904 1920
1988 1991
Minchinbury 1988 1991
Molong 1880 1904
Moorebank 1991 1999
Moree 1894 1904
Moreton, Wide Bay, Burnett and Maranoa 1856 1857 Queensland
Morpeth 1859 1894
Moruya 1894 1904
Mosman 1913 1920
1927 1991
Mudgee 1859 1920
1927 1968
Mulgoa 1988 1991
Munmorah 1973 1981
Murray-Darling 1999 2015
Murrumbidgee 1856 2015
Murwillumbah 1988 1999
Namoi 1880 1894
1904 1950
Narellan 1859 1880
Narrabri 1894 1904
Nepean 1859 1904
1927 1981
Neutral Bay 1927 1962
Newcastle East 1894 1904
Newcastle West 1894 1904
New England 1859 1894
New England and Macleay 1856 1859
Newtown-Annandale 1950 1953
Newtown-Camperdown 1894 1904
Newtown-Erskine 1894 1904
Newtown-St Peters 1894 1904
Northcott 1968 1999
North Eastern Boroughs 1856 1859
North Sydney 1927 1962
Northumberland 1859 1913
Northumberland and Hunter 1856 1859
Northumberland Boroughs 1856 1859
Paddington 1859 1920
1927 1959
Paddington-Waverley 1959 1962
Patrick's Plains 1859 1894
Paterson 1859 1880
Peats 1973 2007
Petersham 1894 1920
1930 1941
Phillip 1904 1920
1927 1981
Phillip, Brisbane and Bligh 1856 1859
Port Jackson 1991 2007
Pyrmont 1904 1913
Queanbeyan 1859 1913
Quirindi 1894 1904
Raleigh 1894 1920
1927 1981
Randwick 1894 1920
1927 1971
Redfern 1880 1920
1927 1968
Richmond 1880 1913
Robertson 1894 1904
Rous 1894 1913
Roxburgh 1856 1859
Rozelle 1904 1920
1927 1930
Rylstone 1894 1904
St George 1894 1930
St Leonards 1859 1920
St Marys 1981 1999
St Vincent 1856 1859
Seven Hills 1981 1991
2015 2023
Sherbrooke 1894 1913
Shoalhaven 1859 1904
Singleton 1894 1920
Smithfield 1988 2015
Southern Boroughs 1856 1859
Southern Highlands 1988 2007
South Sydney 1880 1894 4 Members
Stanley Boroughs 1856 1859 Queensland
Stanley County 1856 1859 Queensland
Sturt 1889 1968 3 Members 1920-1927
1971 1980
Surry Hills 1904 1920
1927 1930
Sutherland 1950 1971
1988 1999
Sydney City 1856 1857
Sydney-Belmore 1894 1904
Sydney-Bligh 1894 1904
Sydney-Cook 1894 1904
Sydney-Denison 1894 1904
Sydney-Fitzroy 1894 1904
Sydney-Flinders 1894 1904
Sydney-Gipps 1894 1904
Sydney Hamlets 1856 1859 2 members
Sydney-King 1894 1904
Sydney-Lang 1894 1904
Sydney-Phillip 1894 1904
Sydney-Pyrmont 1894 1904
Temora 1927 1981
Tenterfield 1859 1920
1927 1981
The Hills 1962 2007
Toongabbie 2007 2015
Tuggerah 1981 1988
Tumut 1859 1904
University of Sydney 1876 1880
United Counties of Murray and St Vincent 1856 1859
United Pastoral Districts of Moreton, Wide Bay, Burnett,
Maranoa, Leichhardt and Port Curtis
1858 1859 Queensland
Uralla-Walcha 1894 1904
Wammerawa 1920 1927
Waratah 1894 1913
1930 1999
Warringah 1894 1904
Waterloo 1894 1904
Waverley 1894 1920
1927 1959
1971 1991
Wellington 1859 1904
Wellington and Bligh 1856 1859
Wellington (County) 1856 1859
Wentworth 1880 1904
Wentworthville 1962 1991
1999 2007
West Camden 1858 1859
Western Division of Camden 1856 1857
West Macquarie 1859 1904
West Maitland 1859 1904
West Moreton 1859 1859 Queensland
West Sydney 1859 1894 4 members
Western Boroughs 1856 1859
Western Suburbs 1920 1927 5 members
Wickham 1894 1920
Wilcannia 1894 1904
Williams 1859 1880
Willyama 1913 1920
Windsor 1859 1880
Wollombi 1859 1894
Wollongong-Kembla 1941 1968
Woollahra 1894 1962
Woronora 1894 1904
1973 1988
Wynyard 1904 1913
Yaralla 1968 1981
Yass 1894 1920
1930 1950
Yass Plains 1859 1894
Young 1880 1904
1927 1981


  1. ^ a b "Names and boundaries of electoral districts". NSW Electoral Commission. 26 August 2021. Retrieved 4 April 2023.

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