1930 in jazz
Overview of the events of 1930 in jazz
This is a timeline documenting events of Jazz in the year 1930 .
Musicians born that year included Ornette Coleman , Herbie Mann , Helen Merrill , Sonny Rollins , Ray Charles and Clifford Brown .
The Great Depression had started. Unemployment rates had risen to 25% of the workforce, and up to 60% of African American men were out of work. Cities were crowded with workseekers. Black musicians were not allowed to play in studios or on radio. However, jazz music was resilient. While businesses, including the record industry, were down, the dance halls were packed with people dancing the jitterbug to the music of big bands , which would come to be called swing music .[ 1]
Ray Charles at Grammy Awards rehearsal, 1990
Will Lee & Herbie Mann at the Eastman Theatre, Rochester, N.Y. 1975
Sonny Rollins in concert, 2007
Ornette Coleman in 1994
1 – Little Walter , American singer and harmonica player (died 1968 ).
3 – Bob Havens , American trombonist.
4 – Bill Eyden , English drummer (died 2004 ).
5 – Joyce Collins , American pianist and singer (died 2010 ).[ 3]
8 – Papa Bue , Danish trombonist (died 2011 ).
13 – Erik Moseholm , Danish bassist (died 2012 ).
16 – Friedrich Gulda , Austrian pianist and composer (died 2000 ).
18 – Mike Zwerin , American trombonist and author (died 2010 ).
21 – Tommy Bryant , American upright bassist (died 1982 ).
22 – Kenny Ball , English trumpeter, bandleader, and vocalist (died 2013 ).
30 – Dave McKenna , American pianist (died 2008 ).
2 – Eddie Locke , American drummer (died 2009 ).
6 – Abbey Lincoln , American singer and songwriter (died 2010 ).[ 4]
11 – John Fischer , American pianist (died 2016 ).
12 – Stan Greig , Scottish pianist, drummer, and bandleader (died 2012 ).
14 – Eddie Costa , American pianist (died 1962 ).
19 – Jack Sharpe , English saxophonist and bandleader (died 1994 ).
21 – Christiane Legrand , French soprano, The Swingle Singers (died 2011 ).
22 – Rolf Billberg , Swedish alto saxophonist (died 1966 ).
31 – Big Tiny Little , American pianist (died 2010 ).
Unknown date
See also
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