The following is the structure of the Italian Navy as of June 2020. It is considered a multiregional and a blue-water navy.[1]
Chief of the Navy General Staff
The Chief of the Navy General Staff heads the Navy General Staff in Rome, manages the bureaucratic aspects of the navy, and supervises four major commands.[2][3]
Navy Carabinieri Command (Comando Carabinieri per la Marina)
Navy Officers Promotion Commissions Office (Ufficio Commissioni di Avanzamento per gli Ufficiali della Marina Militare - MARICAU)
Navy NCOs, Sergeants, Volunteers in Permanent Service Promotion Commissions Office (Ufficio Generale Commissioni Avanzamento Marescialli, Sergenti e Volontari in S.P. della Marina Militare - MARICAST)
Navy Engineer Corps Chief Office (Ufficio Capo di Corpo del Genio della Marina)
Maritime Military Medical Corps Chief Office (Ufficio Capo di Corpo Sanitario Militare Marittimo)
Maritime Military Commissariat Corps Chief Office (Ufficio Capo di Corpo di Commissariato Militare Marittimo)
Port Captaincies Corps Chief Office (Ufficio Capo di Corpo delle Capitanerie di Porto)
Andrea Doria Institut (Istituto Andrea Doria - MARIDORIA), the navy's orphanage
Navy General Staff
The functions of the Navy General Staff are divided in two sections: one under direct control of the Chief of the Navy General Staff, and one under control of the Deputy Chief of the Navy General Staff. The Chief of the Navy General Staff's section is further divided into offices and commands that are part of the Navy General Staff and offices and commands that report to the Chief of the Navy General Staff, but are outside the actual Navy General Staff.[2][3]
Chief of the Navy General Staff (Capo di stato maggiore della Marina)[2][3]
Navy General Staff (Stato Maggiore della Marina - MARISTAT)
Adjutant of the Chief of the Navy General Staff (Assistante del Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina)
Special Secretariat of the Chief of the Navy General Staff (Segreteria Particolare Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina)
Main Financial Planning Office (Ufficio Pianificazione Generale Finanziaria - UGPF)
Legal Affairs Main Office (Ufficio Generale Affari Legale - UGAL)
Special Forces and Underwater Units Office (Ufficio Forze Speciali e Reparti Subacquei - UFS)
Public Information and Communication Office (Ufficio Pubblica Informazione e Comunicazione - UPICOM)
Accident Prevention and Vigilance, and Environmental Protection Main Coordination Office (Ufficio Generale di Coordinamento per la Prevenzione, la Vigilanza Antinfortunistica e la Tutela dell'Ambiente - UGECOPREVA)
Central Security Body of the Navy (Organo Centrale di Sicurezza della Marina Militare - MARINA OCS)
Deputy Chief of the Navy General Staff
The Deputy Chief of the Navy General Staff manages the bureaucratic aspects of the Navy.[2][3]
Deputy Chief of the Navy General Staff (Sottocapo di Stato Maggiore della Marina)[2][3]
Adjutant of the Deputy Chief of the Navy General Staff (Assistante del Sottocapo di Stato Maggiore della Marina)
Special Secretariat of the Deputy Chief of the Navy General Staff (Segreteria Particolare Sottocapo di Stato Maggiore della Marina)
Main Secretariat of the Navy General Staff (Segreteria Generale di Stato Maggiore Marine della Marina)
1st Department Personnel (1° Reparto Personale)
3rd Department Maritime Planning and Policy (3° Reparto Pianificazione e Politica Marittima)
4th Department Infrastructure and Logistics (4° Reparto Infrastrutture e Logistica)
5th Department Submarines (5° Reparto Sommergibili)
6th Department Aircraft (6° Reparto Aeromobili)
7th Department Ships (7° Reparto Navi)
8th Department Amphibious Forces (8° Reparto Anfibio)
C4 and Security Department (Reparto C4 e Sicurezza)
General Affairs Office (Ufficio Affari Generale - UAG)
Space and Technological Innovation Office (Ufficio Spazio e Innovazione Tecnologica)
Headquarters Command Office (Ufficio Comando alla Sede)
Prevention and Protection Service (Servizio di Prevenzione e Protezione)
Spiritual Adjutant (Assistante Spirituale)
Fleet Command
The Fleet Command is responsible for all operational units of the Italian Navy, with the exception of the Special Forces. Based in the Santa Rosa military district of Rome[4] the command is headed by the Commander in Chief Naval Fleet (Comando in Capo della Squadra Navale or CINCNAV) with the rank of Vice admiral, who reports directly to the Chief of the Navy.[5][6]
Naval Headquarters Santa Rosa (Quartier Generale Marina Santa Rosa - QUARTGENMARINA Santa Rosa), at the Santa Rosa military district
Virtual Regional Maritime Traffic Centre (V‐RMTC)
Maritime Surveillance Operations Centre (Centrale Operativa di Sorveglianza Marittima - COSM)
Aero-naval Operations Centre (Centrale Operativa Aero‐navale - COAN)
The 2nd Naval Division (Comando Secondo Divisione Navale - COMDINAV DUE) is based in Taranto and headed by either a Divisional admiral (ammiraglio di divisione) or a 1 star admiral (contrammiraglio).[8] The division includes the Italian navy's carrier strike group.[8]
The Submarines Command (Comando Sommergibili della Marina Militare - MARICOSOM) is based in Rome and headed by a Counter admiral or contrammiraglio. The commanding officer of the Submarines Command also heads the Navy General Staff's 5th Department Submarines, and thus is responsible for all submarine assets of the navy, and their procurement, maintenance, development, training, and operational doctrine.[10]
Submarines Flotilla (Comando flottiglia sommergibili - COMFLOTSOM), in Taranto
Sauro-classattack submarines: "Salvatore Pelosi", "Giuliano Prini", "Primo Longobardo", "Gianfranco Gazzana-Priaroggia" (to be replaced by four Type 212 NFS submarines)
The Mine Countermeasures Forces Command (Comando delle Forze di Contromisure Mine - MARICODRAG) in La Spezia is headed by a Counter admiral or contrammiraglio and operates the mine countermeasures forces of the navy.[11]
Mine Warfare Training and Evaluation Centre (Centro Addestramento Guerra di Mine - MARICENDRAG), in La Spezia[12]
54th Coastal Minesweepers Squadron (Comando 54^ Squadriglia Dragamine Costieri - COMSQUADRAG CINQUE QUATTRO), in La Spezia
Gaeta-class minehunters: "Gaeta", "Termoli", "Alghero", "Numana", "Crotone", "Viareggio", "Chioggia", "Rimini" (Lerici and Gaeta classes to be replaced with twelve New Generation Minehunters)
Hydrographic and Research Units Squadron (Comando Squadriglia Unità Idrografiche ed Esperienze - COMSQUAIDRO)
Coastal Defense and Surveillance Patrol Forces Command
The Coastal Defense and Surveillance Patrol Forces Command is based in Augusta and headed by a Counter admiral. After the 2014 reform it has transferred most of its coastal defense duties to the Italian Coast Guard and focuses today on offshore patrols.[13]
Coastal Defense and Surveillance Patrol Forces Command (Comando Forze da Pattugliamento per la Sorveglianza e la Difesa Costiera - COMFORPAT), in Augusta[13]
The Air Forces Command is headed by a Counter admiral and trains and maintains all the aerial assets of the navy. The commanding officer of the Naval Aviation Command also heads the Navy General Staff's 6th Department Aircraft, and thus is responsible for all air assets of the navy, and their procurement, maintenance, development, training, and operational doctrine.[14][15]
Air Forces Command (Comando delle Forze Aeree - COMFORAER), at the Santa Rosa military district[15]
Training Unit (Reparto Addestramento) with SH-90A ASuW/ASW helicopters
Operational Support Unit (Reparto Supporto Operativo)
Operational Informations Unit (Reparto Informazioni Operative)
Naval Helicopter Station Luni
Naval Helicopter Station Luni (Stazione Elicotteri della Marina Militare Luni - MARISTAELI Luni), at Sarzana-Luni Airport
Air-marittime Experimental Centre (Centro sperimentale aeromarittimo)
1st Helicopter Group (Primo Gruppo Elicotteri - GRUPELICOT UNO)[16]
Helicopter Assault Unit (Reparto Eliassalto) with MH-101A transport helicopters supporting COMSUBIN
ASuW/ASW/EW Unit (Reparto AWW/ASW/EW) with EH-101AHEW helicopters
Operational Support Unit (Reparto Supporto Operativo)
Operational Informations Unit (Reparto Informazioni Operative)
5th Helicopter Group (Quinto Gruppo Elicotteri - GRUPELICOT CINQUE)
Helicopter Assault Unit (Reparto Eliassalto) with MH-90A tactical transport helicopters supporting COMSUBIN
ASuW/ASW Unit (Reparto AWW/ASW) with SH-90AASuW/ASW helicopters
Operational Support Unit (Reparto Supporto Operativo)
Operational Informations Unit (Reparto Informazioni Operative)
Naval Helicopter Station Catania
Naval Helicopter Station Catania (Stazione Elicotteri della Marina Militare Catania - MARISTAELI Catania), at Catania–Fontanarossa Airport
2nd Helicopter Group (Secondo Gruppo Elicotteri - GRUPELICOT DUE)
Operations Unit (Reparto Operazioni) with SH-90AASuW/ASW helicopters
Operational Support Unit (Reparto Supporto Operativo)
Operational Informations Unit (Reparto Informazioni Operative)
3rd Helicopter Group (Terzo Gruppo Elicotteri - GRUPELICOT TRE)[17]
Operations Unit (Reparto Operazioni) with SH-101A ASuW/ASW helicopters
Training Unit (Reparto Addestramento) with SH-101A ASuW/ASW helicopters
Operational Support Unit (Reparto Supporto Operativo)
Operational Informations Unit (Reparto Informazioni Operative)
Amphibious Forces Command
The Amphibious Forces Command (Comando della Forza Anfibia - COMFORANF) is based at the Santa Rosa military district in Rome and headed by Counter admiral and controls the Italian military's National Sea Projection Capability (Forza di proiezione dal mare) and the San Marco Marine Brigade. The National Sea Projection Capability consists of the San Marco Marine Brigade, the navy's 3rd Naval Division and the Italian Army's Cavalry Brigade "Pozzuolo del Friuli". The commanding officer of the Amphibious Forces Command also heads the Navy General Staff's 8th Department Amphibious Forces, and thus is responsible for all amphibious forces of the navy, and their procurement, maintenance, development, training, and operational doctrine.[18]
Landing Craft Group (Gruppo mezzi da sbarco della Marina Militare), in Brindisi[20] - mans the landing craft of the amphibious ships and manages the ship-to-beach traffic[18]
3rd Combat Logistic Support Battalion "Golametto" (3° Battaglione Supporto Logistico al Combattimento "Golametto")[24][18]
Command Support Platoon
Logistic Company
Tactical Transport Company
Medical Company
2nd San Marco Regiment
The 2nd San Marco Regiment is based in Brindisi. The regiment undertakes maritime interdiction operations and provides embarked naval protection teams for military and civilian ships.
2nd San Marco Regiment (2° Reggimento San Marco), in Brindisi[18]
Mobility Team
Naval Operations Battalion (Battaglione Operazioni Navali), in Brindisi[18]
2x Naval operations companies, each with 10x ship teams
Interdiction and Protection Battalion (Battaglione Interdizione e Protezione), in Brindisi[18]
Force Protection Company, with 10x teams
Port Protection Company, with 10x teams
3rd San Marco Regiment
The 3rd San Marco Regiment based in Taranto is the navy's installation defense service (Servizio difesa installazioni - SDI), which guards and protects the bases of the navy.
3rd San Marco Regiment (3° Reggimento San Marco), in Taranto[18]
4x SDI platoons: in Augusta (Military Harbour), Priolo Gargallo (Ammunition Depot Cava di Sorciaro), Catania (Navy Helicopter Station), and the NATO Pier in Augusta
National Emergencies Company (Strade Sicure Operation), in Taranto
C4 and Security Command
The C4 and Security Command is headed by a Counter admiral and operates the navy signal, communications and radar network.[30]
C4 and Security Command (Comando C4 e Sicurezza della Marina Militare - COMC4S MM), at the Santa Rosa military district[30]
Navy Programming Centre (Centro di Programmazione della Marina Militare - MARICENPROG), in Taranto
Navy Cryptographic Centre (Centro Crittografico della Marina Militare - MARICRYPTO), at the Santa Rosa military district
Telecommunications and IT Centre Rome (Centro di Telecomunicazioni ed Informatica Roma - MARITELE Roma), at the Santa Rosa military district
Peripheral Telecommunications and IT Centre Ancona (Centro Periferico Telecomunicazioni ed Informatica Ancona - MARITELE Ancona), in Ancona[31]
Peripheral Telecommunications and IT Centre La Spezia (Centro Periferico Telecomunicazioni ed Informatica La Spezia - MARITELE La Spezia), in La Spezia[33]
The Air Naval Training Centre is headed by a Counter admiral and based in Taranto. It trains the navy's crews for service with the operational units.[35][36]
Air Naval Training Centre (Centro di Addestramento Aeronavale - MARICENTADD), in Taranto[35][37]
Operations Unit (Reparto Operazioni)
Aircraft Training Unit (Reparto Addestramento Aeromobili)
Tactical Training Unit (Reparto Addestramento Tattico)
Weapon Systems Training Unit (Reparto Addestramento Sistemi di Piattaforma)
Operations and Weapons Technical Unit (Reparto Tecnico Armi e Operazioni)
Administrative Logistics Unit (Reparto Logistico Amministrativo)
Defense and General Support Unit (Reparto Supporto Generale e Difesa)
Auxiliary Units Flotilla Command
The Auxiliary Units Flotilla Command contains all the minor and coastal support vessels of the navy.
Auxiliary Units Flotilla Command (Comando Flottiglia Unità Ausiliarie - COMFLOTAUS), in La Spezia[38]
1st Auxiliary Ships Group (Comando Primo Gruppo Navi Ausiliarie - COMGRUPAUS UNO), in La Spezia
The Raiders and Divers Grouping "Teseo Tesei" (Raggruppamento Subacquei ed Incursori "Teseo Tesei" - COMSUBIN) in Porto Venere[40][41] in Liguria is the navy's special forces unit. Headed by a Counter admiral, who reports directly to the Chief of the Navy, the command is operationally assigned to the Italian military's Joint Special Forces Operations Command.[40]
Grouping Headquarter (Quartier Generale del Raggruppamento)
Research Office
Telecommunications Office
Technical Office
Defense and Support Office
Press Office
Operational Raiders Group (Gruppo Operativo Incursori - GOI)[42]
Operational Divers Group (Gruppo Operativo Subacquei - GOS)[43]
Special Naval Group (Gruppo Navale Speciale - COMGRUPNAVIN)
The Logistic Command is headed by a vice admiral, who reports directly to the Chief of the Navy. Based on Nisida island near Naples the command is responsible for the logistic support of the navy's units, bases and ships, as well as for the maintenance and operation of 157 lighthouses and 667 other navigational aid lights (including seamarks and buoys).[44][45]
Logistic Command (Comando Logistico della Marina Militare - MARICOMLOG), on Nisida[44]
Naval Headquarters Naples (Quartier Generale della Marina Militare Napoli - QUARTGENMARINA Napoli), on Nisida
New Naval Constructions Preparation Centre (Centro Allestimento Nuove Costruzioni Navali - MARINALLES), in La Spezia
Joint Military Applications Studies Centre (Centro Interforze Studi per le Applicazioni Militari - CISAM), in San Piero a Grado
Joint Advanced Ammunitions Centre (Centro Interforze Munizionamento Avanzato - CIMA), in Aulla
Hydrodynamic Experience Centre (Centro Esperienze Idrodinamiche), in Rome
Naval Experimentation and Support Centre (Centro di Supporto e Sperimentazione Navale - CSSN), in La Spezia[46]
Logistic Support Engineering Department (Reparto Ingegneria del Supporto Logistico)
Experimentation Department (Reparto Sperimentazione)
Technical-scientific Department (Reparto Tecnico Scientifico)
Telecommunications and Electronics Institute "Giancarlo Vallauri" (Istituto per le Telecomunicazioni e l'Elettronica "Giancarlo Vallauri"), in Livorno
Lighthouses Technical Office (Ufficio Tecnico dei Fari - MARITECNOFARI), in La Spezia
Naval Military Engineering Section Naples (Sezione Genio Militare per la Marina Napoli - MARISEZGENIO Napoli)
Maritime Command Rome
Maritime Command Rome (Comando Marittimo Capitale - MARICAPITALE), in Rome
Naval Military Engineering Directorate Rome (Direzione Genio Militare per la Marina Roma - MARIGENIMIL Roma)
Finance Directorate Rome (Direzione di Intendenza Marina Militare Roma - MARINTENDENZA Roma)
Garrison Infirmary Rome (Infermeria Presidiaria di Roma - MARINFERM Roma)
Italian Navy Band (Banda Musicale della Marina Militare - MARIBANDA), in Rome
Maritime Command North
Maritime Command North (Comando Marittimo Nord - MARINANORD), in La Spezia
Arsenal of La Spezia (Arsenale Militare Marittimo La Spezia - MARINARSEN La Spezia)
Logistic Support Command Cagliari (Comando Supporto Logistico della Marina Militare Cagliari - MARISUPLOG Cagliari)
Naval Military Engineering Directorate La Spezia (Direzione Genio Militare per la Marina La Spezia - MARIGENIMIL La Spezia)
Naval Military Engineering Directorate Cagliari (Direzione Genio Militare per la Marina Cagliari - MARIGENIMIL Cagliari)
Commissariat Directorate La Spezia (Direzione di Commissariato della Marina Militare La Spezia - MARICOMMI La Spezia)
Administration Directorate Taranto (Sezione della Direzione di Amministrazione della Marina Militare - MARISEZIODIRAM)
Marine Signals and Lighthouses Command Upper Tyrrhenian Sea (Comando Zona dei Fari e dei Segnalamenti Marittimi Alto Tirreno - MARIFARI La Spezia), in La Spezia operates 36 lighthouses and navigational aids in 36 locations of the upper Tyrrhenian Sea and Tuscan Archipelago
Marine Signals and Lighthouses Command Sardinia (Comando Zona dei Fari e dei Segnalamenti Marittimi della Sardegna - MARIFARI La Maddalena), in La Maddalena operates lighthouses and navigational aids in 26 locations of Sardinia
Marine Signals and Lighthouses Command Venice (Comando Zona dei Fari e dei Segnalamenti Marittimi di Venezia - MARIFARI Venezia) operates lighthouses and navigational aids in 24 locations of the upper Adriatic Sea
Ammunition Depot del Poggio (Deposito Munizioni Montagna Poggio - DEPOMUNI Poggio), in Ancona
Ammunition Depot Santo Stefano (Deposito Munizioni Montagna Santo Stefano - DEPOMUNI Santo Stefano), on Santo Stefano island
Garrison Infirmary La Spezia (Infermeria Presidiaria di La Spezia - MARINFERM La Spezia)
Maritime Command South
Maritime Command South (Comando Marittimo Sud - MARINASUD), in Taranto
Arsenal of Taranto (Arsenale Militare Marittimo Taranto - MARINARSEN Taranto)
Military Hospital Centre Taranto (Centro Ospedaliero Militare Taranto - MARISPEDAL Taranto)
Naval Military Engineering Directorate Taranto (Direzione Genio Militare per la Marina Taranto - MARIGENIMIL Taranto)
Commissariat Directorate Taranto (Direzione di Commissariato della Marina Militare Taranto - MARICOMMI Taranto)
Administration Directorate Taranto (Direzione di Amministrazione della Marina Militare Taranto - MARIDIRAM Taranto)
Finance Directorate Brindisi (Direzione di Intendenza Marina Militare Brindisi - MARINTENDENZA Brindisi)
Ammunition Directorate Taranto (Direzione di Munizionamento della Marina Militare Taranto - DIREMUNI Taranto)
Marine Signals and Lighthouses Command Naples (Comando Zona dei Fari e dei Segnalamenti Marittimi di Napoli - MARIFARI Napoli) operates lighthouses and navigational aids in 28 locations of the lower Tyrrhenian Sea
Marine Signals and Lighthouses Command Taranto (Comando Zona dei Fari e dei Segnalamenti Marittimi di Taranto - MARIFARI Taranto) operates lighthouses and navigational aids in 25 locations of the lower Adriatic Sea and Western Ionian Sea
Maritime Command Sicily (Comando Marittimo Sicilia - MARISICILIA), in Augusta
Arsenal of Augusta (Arsenale Militare Marittimo Augusta - MARINARSEN Augusta)
Naval Military Engineering Directorate Augusta (Direzione Genio Militare per la Marina Augusta - MARIGENIMIL Augusta)
Commissariat Directorate Augusta (Direzione di Commissariato della Marina Militare Augusta - MARICOMMI Augusta)
Finance Directorate Augusta (Direzione di Intendenza Marina Militare Augusta - MARINTENDENZA Augusta)
Ammunition Directorate Cava di Sorciaro (Direzione di Munizionamento della Marina Militare Cava di Sorciaro - DIREMUNI Cava di Sorciaro), in Priolo Gargallo
Marine Signals and Lighthouses Command Sicily (Comando Zona dei Fari e dei Segnalamenti Marittimi della Sicilia - MARIFARI Messina), in Messina operates lighthouses and navigational aids in 50 locations of the lower Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Ionian Sea, and the Strait of Sicily
Garrison Infirmary Augusta (Infermeria Presidiaria di Augusta - MARINFERM Augusta)
Schools Command
The Schools Command is headed by a vice admiral, who reports directly to the Chief of the Navy. Based in Ancona the command is responsible for the selection, formation, training, and education of the navy's personnel.[44]
Schools Command (Comando Scuole della Marina Militare - MARICOMSCUOLE), in Ancona[44]
Naval Headquarters Ancona (Quartier Generale della Marina Militare Ancona - QUARTGENMARINA Ancona)
Maritime Military Studies Institute (Istituto di Studi Militari Marittimi - MARISTUDI), in Venice
Naval Academy (Accademia Navale - MARINACCAD), in Livorno
Petty Officers School La Maddalena (Scuola Sottufficiali della Marina Militare La Maddalena - MARISCUOLA La Maddalena)
Petty Officers School Taranto (Scuola Sottufficiali della Marina Militare Taranto - MARISCUOLA Taranto)
Armed Forces Telecommunications School (Scuola Telecomunicazioni delle Forze Armate), in Chiavari
Selection Centre (Centro di Selezione della Marina Militare - MARICENSELEZ), in Ancona
Commissariat Directorate Ancona (Direzione di Commissariato della Marina Militare Ancona - MARICOMMI Ancona)
Naval Military Engineering Schools Section (Sezione del Genio Militare per la Marina Militare Scuole - MARISEZGENIOSCUOLE)
Hydrographic Institute
The Hydrographic Institute (Istituto Idrografico della Marina Militare Genova - MARIDROGRAFICO Genova) in Genoa is Italy's national hydrographic, and bathymetric authority. Headed by a counter admiral the institute publishes all official nautical and navigational documentation in Italy and therefore performs regular surveys of the Italian coasts and seas.[47] The institute operates three hydrographic survey vessels: the "Ammiraglio Magnaghi", which will be replaced by a new Major Hydro-oceanographic Ship - NIOM, and the two Ninfe-class hydrographic survey vessels "Aretusa" and "Galatea".[48]
Aviation Inspector for the Navy
The Aviation Inspector for the Navy reports to the Chief of the Air Force General Staff and to the Chief of the Navy General Staff. ISPAVIAMAR oversees the technical and logistic aeronautical aspects, and the training of the Italian military's airborne anti-submarine forces. The inspector is a brigadier general of the air force, whose office and staff reside in the navy's headquarter in Rome. The only unit assigned to ISPAVIAMAR is the 41st Anti-submarine Wing "Athos Ammannato", which is under operational control of the Italian Navy.[2][3][49]
Chief of the Air Force General Staff / Chief of the Navy General Staff
Aviation Inspector for the Navy (Ispettore dell’Aviazione per la Marina - ISPAVIAMAR)
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يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (نوفمبر 2019) دوري سان مارينو 1990–91 تفاصيل الموسم دوري سان مارينو النسخة 6 البلد سان مارينو المنظم اتحاد سان م...
Circular depression in a solid astronomical body formed by the impact of a smaller object Meteor crater redirects here. For the impact crater in Arizona named Meteor Crater, see Meteor Crater. Impact craters in the Solar System500-kilometre-wide (310 mi) crater Engelier on Saturn's moon IapetusThe prominent crater Tycho in the southern highlands of the MoonRecently formed (between July 2010 and May 2012) impact crater on Mars showing a pristine ray system of ejecta[1]50,000-year-...
Genus of conifers TaiwaniaTemporal range: Albian–Recent PreꞒ Ꞓ O S D C P T J K Pg N Conservation status Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)[1] Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae Clade: Tracheophytes Clade: Gymnospermae Division: Pinophyta Class: Pinopsida Order: Cupressales Family: Cupressaceae Subfamily: Taiwanioideae Genus: TaiwaniaHayata Species: T. cryptomerioides Binomial name Taiwania cryptomerioidesHayata Synonyms[2] Eotaiwania Y.Yendo Taiwania flousiana Gaus...
Swedish conservative think-tank OikosFormation2020; 4 years ago (2020)Legal statusPrivate companyHeadquartersSwedenDirectorMattias This article is part of a series onConservatism in Sweden Ideologies Christian democracy Liberal Moderate Nationalist Principles Cameralism Duty Elitism Meritocracy Law and order Moderation Lagom Monarchism National romanticism Nationalism Folkhemmet Ordered liberty Patriotism Property rights Prudence Rule of law Social or...
American transportation company ODFL redirects here. For the non-profit organization, see One Dollar For Life. This article relies excessively on references to primary sources. Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Find sources: Old Dominion Freight Line – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (October 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.Company typePublicTraded asNasdaq:...
Ne doit pas être confondu avec Combleux. Combreux La mairie. Administration Pays France Région Centre-Val de Loire Département Loiret Arrondissement Orléans Intercommunalité Communauté de communes des Loges Maire Mandat Philibert de La Rochefoucauld 2020-2026 Code postal 45530 Code commune 45101 Démographie Gentilé Combrèsiens Populationmunicipale 273 hab. (2021 ) Densité 22 hab./km2 Géographie Coordonnées 47° 57′ 23″ nord, 2° 18′ 10″&...
Force India VJM08Hülkenberg alla guida della VJM08 in MalesiaDescrizione generaleCostruttore Force India Progettata daAndrew Green SostituisceForce India VJM07 Sostituita daForce India VJM09 Descrizione tecnicaMeccanicaTelaioMonoscocca a nido d'ape in fibre di carbonio e materiali compositi MotoreMercedes-Benz PU106A Hybrid 1,6 litri V6 TrasmissioneCambio a 8 rapporti + retromarcia Dimensioni e pesiPeso702 kg AltroCarburanteShell V-Power PneumaticiPirelli AvversarieVetture di Formula 1...
German rower Dieter ArendArend, center, during his medal ceremonyPersonal informationBorn14 August 1914SportSportRowingClubRuderverein Am Wannsee / Skuller-Zelle Medal record Men's rowing Representing Nazi Germany Olympic Games 1936 Berlin Coxed pair Dieter Arend (14 August 1914 – ?) was a German rower who competed in the 1936 Summer Olympics. In 1936 he won the gold medal as coxswain of the German boat in the coxed pair competition.[1] References ^ Evans, Hilary; Gjerde,...
يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (نوفمبر 2019) كأس إيطاليا 2000–01 تفاصيل الموسم كأس إيطاليا النسخة 54 البلد إيطاليا التاريخ بداية:13 أغسطس 2000 ...