Punta Penna Lighthouse (Italian: Faro di Punta Penna) is an active lighthouse in Vasto, Italy. At a height of 70 metres (230 ft) it is the eighth tallest "traditional lighthouse" in the world,[3] and the second tallest lighthouse in Italy after the Lantern of Genoa.[4] It is located on strategically important spot in Via Madonna della Penna at the port of Vasto.
Built in 1906, it has repeatedly been the subject of reconstruction. In 1944, the retreating German army destroyed part of the old lighthouse and it was demolished. Reconstruction started in 1946 to the design of architect Olindo Tarcione; it reopened on 2 May 1948.[5]
The lighthouse is unusual as it looks like a regular brick building with a two-story base which provided housing for the light keeper family and also houses some administrative offices.[6]
A spiral staircase of 307 steps leads up to the summit.[5]