Statistics (from German: Statistik, orig. "description of a state, a country"[1]) is the discipline that concerns the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data.[2] In applying statistics to a scientific, industrial, or social problem, it is conventional to begin with a statistical population or a statistical model to be studied. Populations can be diverse groups of people or objects such as "all people living in a country" or "every atom composing a crystal". Statistics deals with every aspect of data, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments.[3]
When census data cannot be collected, statisticians collect data by developing specific experiment designs and survey samples. Representative sampling assures that inferences and conclusions can reasonably extend from the sample to the population as a whole. An experimental study involves taking measurements of the system under study, manipulating the system, and then taking additional measurements using the same procedure to determine if the manipulation has modified the values of the measurements. In contrast, an observational study does not involve experimental manipulation.
Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis: descriptive statistics, which summarize data from a sample using indexes such as the mean or standard deviation, and inferential statistics, which draw conclusions from data that are subject to random variation (e.g., observational errors, sampling variation).[4] Descriptive statistics are most often concerned with two sets of properties of a distribution (sample or population): central tendency (or location) seeks to characterize the distribution's central or typical value, while dispersion (or variability) characterizes the extent to which members of the distribution depart from its center and each other. Inferences made using mathematical statistics employ the framework of probability theory, which deals with the analysis of random phenomena.
A standard statistical procedure involves the collection of data leading to a test of the relationship between two statistical data sets, or a data set and synthetic data drawn from an idealized model. A hypothesis is proposed for the statistical relationship between the two data sets, an alternative to an idealized null hypothesis of no relationship between two data sets. Rejecting or disproving the null hypothesis is done using statistical tests that quantify the sense in which the null can be proven false, given the data that are used in the test. Working from a null hypothesis, two basic forms of error are recognized: Type I errors (null hypothesis is rejected when it is in fact true, giving a "false positive") and Type II errors (null hypothesis fails to be rejected when it is in fact false, giving a "false negative"). Multiple problems have come to be associated with this framework, ranging from obtaining a sufficient sample size to specifying an adequate null hypothesis.[4]
Statistical measurement processes are also prone to error in regards to the data that they generate. Many of these errors are classified as random (noise) or systematic (bias), but other types of errors (e.g., blunder, such as when an analyst reports incorrect units) can also occur. The presence of missing data or censoring may result in biased estimates and specific techniques have been developed to address these problems.
"Statistics is both the science of uncertainty and the technology of extracting information from data." - featured in the International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science.[5]
Statistics is the discipline that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data, facts and figures with which information is inferred. Data may represent a numerical value, in form of quantitative data, or a label, as in qualitative data. Statistics is divided roughly into two areas based on methodology regarding data. Descriptive statistics is the collection, presentation and summary of data. Whereas inferential statistics induces statements and predictions about a population based on data from a population sample.[6][7]
In applying statistics to a problem, it is common practice to start with a population or process to be studied. Populations can be diverse topics, such as "all people living in a country" or "every atom composing a crystal". Ideally, statisticians compile data about the entire population (an operation called a census). This may be organized by governmental statistical institutes. Descriptive statistics can be used to summarize the population data. Numerical descriptors include mean and standard deviation for continuous data (like income), while frequency and percentage are more useful in terms of describing categorical data (like education). When a census is not feasible, a chosen subset of the population called a sample is studied. Once a sample that is representative of the population is determined, data is collected for the sample members in an observational or experimental setting. Again, descriptive statistics can be used to summarize the sample data. However, drawing the sample contains an element of randomness; hence, the numerical descriptors from the sample are also prone to uncertainty. To draw meaningful conclusions about the entire population, inferential statistics are needed. It uses patterns in the sample data to draw inferences about the population represented while accounting for randomness. These inferences may take the form of answering yes/no questions about the data (hypothesis testing), estimating numerical characteristics of the data (estimation), describing associations within the data (correlation), and modeling relationships within the data (for example, using regression analysis). Inference can extend to the forecasting, prediction, and estimation of unobserved values either in or associated with the population being studied. It can include extrapolation and interpolation of time series or spatial data, as well as data mining.
Statistics is seen as a body of science[8] or a branch of mathematics.[9] Some consider statistics to be a distinct mathematical science rather than a branch of mathematics. While many scientific investigations make use of data, statistics is generally concerned with the use of data in the context of uncertainty and decision-making in the face of uncertainty.[10][11] Statistics is indexed at 62, a subclass of probability theory and stochastic processes, in the Mathematics Subject Classification.[12] Mathematical statistics is covered in the range 276-280 of subclass QA (science > mathematics) in the Library of Congress Classification.[13]
The term statistics, in the sense of the discipline, is seen as a synonym of mathematical statistics. The term statistic is used in that discipline to describe a function that returns its eponymous value.[14] The word statistics is derived from the German word statistik (a summary of how things stand), coined political scientist Gottfried. It ultimately comes Latin word stare, which means "to stand".[6]
Although the term statistic was introduced by the Italian scholar Girolamo Ghilini in 1589 with reference to a collection of facts and information about a state, it was the German Gottfried Achenwall in 1749 who started using the term as a collection of quantitative information, in the modern use for this science.[19][20] The earliest writing containing statistics in Europe dates back to 1663, with the publication of Natural and Political Observations upon the Bills of Mortality by John Graunt.[21] Early applications of statistical thinking revolved around the needs of states to base policy on demographic and economic data, hence its stat- etymology. The scope of the discipline of statistics broadened in the early 19th century to include the collection and analysis of data in general. Today, statistics is widely employed in government, business, and natural and social sciences.
The mathematical foundations of statistics developed from discussions concerning games of chance among mathematicians such as Gerolamo Cardano, Blaise Pascal, Pierre de Fermat, and Christiaan Huygens. Although the idea of probability was already examined in ancient and medieval law and philosophy (such as the work of Juan Caramuel), probability theory as a mathematical discipline only took shape at the very end of the 17th century, particularly in Jacob Bernoulli's posthumous work Ars Conjectandi.[22] This was the first book where the realm of games of chance and the realm of the probable (which concerned opinion, evidence, and argument) were combined and submitted to mathematical analysis.[23] The method of least squares was first described by Adrien-Marie Legendre in 1805, though Carl Friedrich Gauss presumably made use of it a decade earlier in 1795.[24]
The modern field of statistics emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century in three stages.[25] The first wave, at the turn of the century, was led by the work of Francis Galton and Karl Pearson, who transformed statistics into a rigorous mathematical discipline used for analysis, not just in science, but in industry and politics as well. Galton's contributions included introducing the concepts of standard deviation, correlation, regression analysis and the application of these methods to the study of the variety of human characteristics—height, weight and eyelash length among others.[26] Pearson developed the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, defined as a product-moment,[27] the method of moments for the fitting of distributions to samples and the Pearson distribution, among many other things.[28] Galton and Pearson founded Biometrika as the first journal of mathematical statistics and biostatistics (then called biometry), and the latter founded the world's first university statistics department at University College London.[29]
The final wave, which mainly saw the refinement and expansion of earlier developments, emerged from the collaborative work between Egon Pearson and Jerzy Neyman in the 1930s. They introduced the concepts of "Type II" error, power of a test and confidence intervals. Jerzy Neyman in 1934 showed that stratified random sampling was in general a better method of estimation than purposive (quota) sampling.[43]
Today, statistical methods are applied in all fields that involve decision making, for making accurate inferences from a collated body of data and for making decisions in the face of uncertainty based on statistical methodology. The use of modern computers has expedited large-scale statistical computations and has also made possible new methods that are impractical to perform manually. Statistics continues to be an area of active research, for example on the problem of how to analyze big data.[44]
When full census data cannot be collected, statisticians collect sample data by developing specific experiment designs and survey samples. Statistics itself also provides tools for prediction and forecasting through statistical models.
To use a sample as a guide to an entire population, it is important that it truly represents the overall population. Representative sampling assures that inferences and conclusions can safely extend from the sample to the population as a whole. A major problem lies in determining the extent that the sample chosen is actually representative. Statistics offers methods to estimate and correct for any bias within the sample and data collection procedures. There are also methods of experimental design that can lessen these issues at the outset of a study, strengthening its capability to discern truths about the population.
Sampling theory is part of the mathematical discipline of probability theory. Probability is used in mathematical statistics to study the sampling distributions of sample statistics and, more generally, the properties of statistical procedures. The use of any statistical method is valid when the system or population under consideration satisfies the assumptions of the method. The difference in point of view between classic probability theory and sampling theory is, roughly, that probability theory starts from the given parameters of a total population to deduce probabilities that pertain to samples. Statistical inference, however, moves in the opposite direction—inductively inferring from samples to the parameters of a larger or total population.
Experimental and observational studies
A common goal for a statistical research project is to investigate causality, and in particular to draw a conclusion on the effect of changes in the values of predictors or independent variables on dependent variables. There are two major types of causal statistical studies: experimental studies and observational studies. In both types of studies, the effect of differences of an independent variable (or variables) on the behavior of the dependent variable are observed. The difference between the two types lies in how the study is actually conducted. Each can be very effective. An experimental study involves taking measurements of the system under study, manipulating the system, and then taking additional measurements with different levels using the same procedure to determine if the manipulation has modified the values of the measurements. In contrast, an observational study does not involve experimental manipulation. Instead, data are gathered and correlations between predictors and response are investigated. While the tools of data analysis work best on data from randomized studies, they are also applied to other kinds of data—like natural experiments and observational studies[45]—for which a statistician would use a modified, more structured estimation method (e.g., difference in differences estimation and instrumental variables, among many others) that produce consistent estimators.
The basic steps of a statistical experiment are:
Planning the research, including finding the number of replicates of the study, using the following information: preliminary estimates regarding the size of treatment effects, alternative hypotheses, and the estimated experimental variability. Consideration of the selection of experimental subjects and the ethics of research is necessary. Statisticians recommend that experiments compare (at least) one new treatment with a standard treatment or control, to allow an unbiased estimate of the difference in treatment effects.
Further examining the data set in secondary analyses, to suggest new hypotheses for future study.
Documenting and presenting the results of the study.
Experiments on human behavior have special concerns. The famous Hawthorne study examined changes to the working environment at the Hawthorne plant of the Western Electric Company. The researchers were interested in determining whether increased illumination would increase the productivity of the assembly line workers. The researchers first measured the productivity in the plant, then modified the illumination in an area of the plant and checked if the changes in illumination affected productivity. It turned out that productivity indeed improved (under the experimental conditions). However, the study is heavily criticized today for errors in experimental procedures, specifically for the lack of a control group and blindness. The Hawthorne effect refers to finding that an outcome (in this case, worker productivity) changed due to observation itself. Those in the Hawthorne study became more productive not because the lighting was changed but because they were being observed.[46]
Observational study
An example of an observational study is one that explores the association between smoking and lung cancer. This type of study typically uses a survey to collect observations about the area of interest and then performs statistical analysis. In this case, the researchers would collect observations of both smokers and non-smokers, perhaps through a cohort study, and then look for the number of cases of lung cancer in each group.[47] A case-control study is another type of observational study in which people with and without the outcome of interest (e.g. lung cancer) are invited to participate and their exposure histories are collected.
Various attempts have been made to produce a taxonomy of levels of measurement. The psychophysicist Stanley Smith Stevens defined nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio scales. Nominal measurements do not have meaningful rank order among values, and permit any one-to-one (injective) transformation. Ordinal measurements have imprecise differences between consecutive values, but have a meaningful order to those values, and permit any order-preserving transformation. Interval measurements have meaningful distances between measurements defined, but the zero value is arbitrary (as in the case with longitude and temperature measurements in Celsius or Fahrenheit), and permit any linear transformation. Ratio measurements have both a meaningful zero value and the distances between different measurements defined, and permit any rescaling transformation.
Because variables conforming only to nominal or ordinal measurements cannot be reasonably measured numerically, sometimes they are grouped together as categorical variables, whereas ratio and interval measurements are grouped together as quantitative variables, which can be either discrete or continuous, due to their numerical nature. Such distinctions can often be loosely correlated with data type in computer science, in that dichotomous categorical variables may be represented with the Boolean data type, polytomous categorical variables with arbitrarily assigned integers in the integral data type, and continuous variables with the real data type involving floating-point arithmetic. But the mapping of computer science data types to statistical data types depends on which categorization of the latter is being implemented.
Other categorizations have been proposed. For example, Mosteller and Tukey (1977)[48] distinguished grades, ranks, counted fractions, counts, amounts, and balances. Nelder (1990)[49] described continuous counts, continuous ratios, count ratios, and categorical modes of data. (See also: Chrisman (1998),[50] van den Berg (1991).[51])
The issue of whether or not it is appropriate to apply different kinds of statistical methods to data obtained from different kinds of measurement procedures is complicated by issues concerning the transformation of variables and the precise interpretation of research questions. "The relationship between the data and what they describe merely reflects the fact that certain kinds of statistical statements may have truth values which are not invariant under some transformations. Whether or not a transformation is sensible to contemplate depends on the question one is trying to answer."[52]: 82
A descriptive statistic (in the count noun sense) is a summary statistic that quantitatively describes or summarizes features of a collection of information,[53] while descriptive statistics in the mass noun sense is the process of using and analyzing those statistics. Descriptive statistics is distinguished from inferential statistics (or inductive statistics), in that descriptive statistics aims to summarize a sample, rather than use the data to learn about the population that the sample of data is thought to represent.[54]
Statistical inference is the process of using data analysis to deduce properties of an underlying probability distribution.[55] Inferential statistical analysis infers properties of a population, for example by testing hypotheses and deriving estimates. It is assumed that the observed data set is sampled from a larger population. Inferential statistics can be contrasted with descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics is solely concerned with properties of the observed data, and it does not rest on the assumption that the data come from a larger population.[56]
A statistic is a random variable that is a function of the random sample, but not a function of unknown parameters. The probability distribution of the statistic, though, may have unknown parameters. Consider now a function of the unknown parameter: an estimator is a statistic used to estimate such function. Commonly used estimators include sample mean, unbiased sample variance and sample covariance.
A random variable that is a function of the random sample and of the unknown parameter, but whose probability distribution does not depend on the unknown parameter is called a pivotal quantity or pivot. Widely used pivots include the z-score, the chi square statistic and Student's t-value.
Between two estimators of a given parameter, the one with lower mean squared error is said to be more efficient. Furthermore, an estimator is said to be unbiased if its expected value is equal to the true value of the unknown parameter being estimated, and asymptotically unbiased if its expected value converges at the limit to the true value of such parameter.
Other desirable properties for estimators include: UMVUE estimators that have the lowest variance for all possible values of the parameter to be estimated (this is usually an easier property to verify than efficiency) and consistent estimators which converges in probability to the true value of such parameter.
This still leaves the question of how to obtain estimators in a given situation and carry the computation, several methods have been proposed: the method of moments, the maximum likelihood method, the least squares method and the more recent method of estimating equations.
Null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis
Interpretation of statistical information can often involve the development of a null hypothesis which is usually (but not necessarily) that no relationship exists among variables or that no change occurred over time.[58][59]
The best illustration for a novice is the predicament encountered by a criminal trial. The null hypothesis, H0, asserts that the defendant is innocent, whereas the alternative hypothesis, H1, asserts that the defendant is guilty. The indictment comes because of suspicion of the guilt. The H0 (status quo) stands in opposition to H1 and is maintained unless H1 is supported by evidence "beyond a reasonable doubt". However, "failure to reject H0" in this case does not imply innocence, but merely that the evidence was insufficient to convict. So the jury does not necessarily accept H0 but fails to reject H0. While one can not "prove" a null hypothesis, one can test how close it is to being true with a power test, which tests for type II errors.
Working from a null hypothesis, two broad categories of error are recognized:
Type I errors where the null hypothesis is falsely rejected, giving a "false positive".
Type II errors where the null hypothesis fails to be rejected and an actual difference between populations is missed, giving a "false negative".
Standard deviation refers to the extent to which individual observations in a sample differ from a central value, such as the sample or population mean, while Standard error refers to an estimate of difference between sample mean and population mean.
A statistical error is the amount by which an observation differs from its expected value. A residual is the amount an observation differs from the value the estimator of the expected value assumes on a given sample (also called prediction).
Many statistical methods seek to minimize the residual sum of squares, and these are called "methods of least squares" in contrast to Least absolute deviations. The latter gives equal weight to small and big errors, while the former gives more weight to large errors. Residual sum of squares is also differentiable, which provides a handy property for doing regression. Least squares applied to linear regression is called ordinary least squares method and least squares applied to nonlinear regression is called non-linear least squares. Also in a linear regression model the non deterministic part of the model is called error term, disturbance or more simply noise. Both linear regression and non-linear regression are addressed in polynomial least squares, which also describes the variance in a prediction of the dependent variable (y axis) as a function of the independent variable (x axis) and the deviations (errors, noise, disturbances) from the estimated (fitted) curve.
Measurement processes that generate statistical data are also subject to error. Many of these errors are classified as random (noise) or systematic (bias), but other types of errors (e.g., blunder, such as when an analyst reports incorrect units) can also be important. The presence of missing data or censoring may result in biased estimates and specific techniques have been developed to address these problems.[60]
Most studies only sample part of a population, so results do not fully represent the whole population. Any estimates obtained from the sample only approximate the population value. Confidence intervals allow statisticians to express how closely the sample estimate matches the true value in the whole population. Often they are expressed as 95% confidence intervals. Formally, a 95% confidence interval for a value is a range where, if the sampling and analysis were repeated under the same conditions (yielding a different dataset), the interval would include the true (population) value in 95% of all possible cases. This does not imply that the probability that the true value is in the confidence interval is 95%. From the frequentist perspective, such a claim does not even make sense, as the true value is not a random variable. Either the true value is or is not within the given interval. However, it is true that, before any data are sampled and given a plan for how to construct the confidence interval, the probability is 95% that the yet-to-be-calculated interval will cover the true value: at this point, the limits of the interval are yet-to-be-observed random variables. One approach that does yield an interval that can be interpreted as having a given probability of containing the true value is to use a credible interval from Bayesian statistics: this approach depends on a different way of interpreting what is meant by "probability", that is as a Bayesian probability.
In principle confidence intervals can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. An interval can be asymmetrical because it works as lower or upper bound for a parameter (left-sided interval or right sided interval), but it can also be asymmetrical because the two sided interval is built violating symmetry around the estimate. Sometimes the bounds for a confidence interval are reached asymptotically and these are used to approximate the true bounds.
Statistics rarely give a simple Yes/No type answer to the question under analysis. Interpretation often comes down to the level of statistical significance applied to the numbers and often refers to the probability of a value accurately rejecting the null hypothesis (sometimes referred to as the p-value).
The standard approach[57] is to test a null hypothesis against an alternative hypothesis. A critical region is the set of values of the estimator that leads to refuting the null hypothesis. The probability of type I error is therefore the probability that the estimator belongs to the critical region given that null hypothesis is true (statistical significance) and the probability of type II error is the probability that the estimator does not belong to the critical region given that the alternative hypothesis is true. The statistical power of a test is the probability that it correctly rejects the null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is false.
Referring to statistical significance does not necessarily mean that the overall result is significant in real world terms. For example, in a large study of a drug it may be shown that the drug has a statistically significant but very small beneficial effect, such that the drug is unlikely to help the patient noticeably.
Although in principle the acceptable level of statistical significance may be subject to debate, the significance level is the largest p-value that allows the test to reject the null hypothesis. This test is logically equivalent to saying that the p-value is the probability, assuming the null hypothesis is true, of observing a result at least as extreme as the test statistic. Therefore, the smaller the significance level, the lower the probability of committing type I error.
A difference that is highly statistically significant can still be of no practical significance, but it is possible to properly formulate tests to account for this. One response involves going beyond reporting only the significance level to include the p-value when reporting whether a hypothesis is rejected or accepted. The p-value, however, does not indicate the size or importance of the observed effect and can also seem to exaggerate the importance of minor differences in large studies. A better and increasingly common approach is to report confidence intervals. Although these are produced from the same calculations as those of hypothesis tests or p-values, they describe both the size of the effect and the uncertainty surrounding it.
Fallacy of the transposed conditional, aka prosecutor's fallacy: criticisms arise because the hypothesis testing approach forces one hypothesis (the null hypothesis) to be favored, since what is being evaluated is the probability of the observed result given the null hypothesis and not probability of the null hypothesis given the observed result. An alternative to this approach is offered by Bayesian inference, although it requires establishing a prior probability.[61]
Rejecting the null hypothesis does not automatically prove the alternative hypothesis.
Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is an approach to analyzingdata sets to summarize their main characteristics, often with visual methods. A statistical model can be used or not, but primarily EDA is for seeing what the data can tell us beyond the formal modeling or hypothesis testing task.
Misuse of statistics can produce subtle but serious errors in description and interpretation—subtle in the sense that even experienced professionals make such errors, and serious in the sense that they can lead to devastating decision errors. For instance, social policy, medical practice, and the reliability of structures like bridges all rely on the proper use of statistics.
Even when statistical techniques are correctly applied, the results can be difficult to interpret for those lacking expertise. The statistical significance of a trend in the data—which measures the extent to which a trend could be caused by random variation in the sample—may or may not agree with an intuitive sense of its significance. The set of basic statistical skills (and skepticism) that people need to deal with information in their everyday lives properly is referred to as statistical literacy.
There is a general perception that statistical knowledge is all-too-frequently intentionally misused by finding ways to interpret only the data that are favorable to the presenter.[62] A mistrust and misunderstanding of statistics is associated with the quotation, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics". Misuse of statistics can be both inadvertent and intentional, and the book How to Lie with Statistics,[62] by Darrell Huff, outlines a range of considerations. In an attempt to shed light on the use and misuse of statistics, reviews of statistical techniques used in particular fields are conducted (e.g. Warne, Lazo, Ramos, and Ritter (2012)).[63]
Ways to avoid misuse of statistics include using proper diagrams and avoiding bias.[64] Misuse can occur when conclusions are overgeneralized and claimed to be representative of more than they really are, often by either deliberately or unconsciously overlooking sampling bias.[65] Bar graphs are arguably the easiest diagrams to use and understand, and they can be made either by hand or with simple computer programs.[64] Most people do not look for bias or errors, so they are not noticed. Thus, people may often believe that something is true even if it is not well represented.[65] To make data gathered from statistics believable and accurate, the sample taken must be representative of the whole.[66] According to Huff, "The dependability of a sample can be destroyed by [bias]... allow yourself some degree of skepticism."[67]
To assist in the understanding of statistics Huff proposed a series of questions to be asked in each case:[62]
Who says so? (Does he/she have an axe to grind?)
How does he/she know? (Does he/she have the resources to know the facts?)
What's missing? (Does he/she give us a complete picture?)
Did someone change the subject? (Does he/she offer us the right answer to the wrong problem?)
Does it make sense? (Is his/her conclusion logical and consistent with what we already know?)
The concept of correlation is particularly noteworthy for the potential confusion it can cause. Statistical analysis of a data set often reveals that two variables (properties) of the population under consideration tend to vary together, as if they were connected. For example, a study of annual income that also looks at age of death, might find that poor people tend to have shorter lives than affluent people. The two variables are said to be correlated; however, they may or may not be the cause of one another. The correlation phenomena could be caused by a third, previously unconsidered phenomenon, called a lurking variable or confounding variable. For this reason, there is no way to immediately infer the existence of a causal relationship between the two variables.
Applied statistics, theoretical statistics and mathematical statistics
Applied statistics, sometimes referred to as Statistical science,[68] comprises descriptive statistics and the application of inferential statistics.[69][70]Theoretical statistics concerns the logical arguments underlying justification of approaches to statistical inference, as well as encompassing mathematical statistics. Mathematical statistics includes not only the manipulation of probability distributions necessary for deriving results related to methods of estimation and inference, but also various aspects of computational statistics and the design of experiments.
Statistical consultants can help organizations and companies that do not have in-house expertise relevant to their particular questions.
Machine learning and data mining
Machine learning models are statistical and probabilistic models that capture patterns in the data through use of computational algorithms.
A typical statistics course covers descriptive statistics, probability, binomial and normal distributions, test of hypotheses and confidence intervals, linear regression, and correlation.[73] Modern fundamental statistical courses for undergraduate students focus on correct test selection, results interpretation, and use of free statistics software.[72]
The rapid and sustained increases in computing power starting from the second half of the 20th century have had a substantial impact on the practice of statistical science. Early statistical models were almost always from the class of linear models, but powerful computers, coupled with suitable numerical algorithms, caused an increased interest in nonlinear models (such as neural networks) as well as the creation of new types, such as generalized linear models and multilevel models.
Increased computing power has also led to the growing popularity of computationally intensive methods based on resampling, such as permutation tests and the bootstrap, while techniques such as Gibbs sampling have made use of Bayesian models more feasible. The computer revolution has implications for the future of statistics with a new emphasis on "experimental" and "empirical" statistics. A large number of both general and special purpose statistical software are now available. Examples of available software capable of complex statistical computation include programs such as Mathematica, SAS, SPSS, and R.
Traditionally, statistics was concerned with drawing inferences using a semi-standardized methodology that was "required learning" in most sciences. This tradition has changed with the use of statistics in non-inferential contexts. What was once considered a dry subject, taken in many fields as a degree-requirement, is now viewed enthusiastically.[according to whom?] Initially derided by some mathematical purists, it is now considered essential methodology in certain areas.
In number theory, scatter plots of data generated by a distribution function may be transformed with familiar tools used in statistics to reveal underlying patterns, which may then lead to hypotheses.
The process art of Jackson Pollock relied on artistic experiments whereby underlying distributions in nature were artistically revealed.[78] With the advent of computers, statistical methods were applied to formalize such distribution-driven natural processes to make and analyze moving video art.[citation needed]
Methods of statistics may be used predicatively in performance art, as in a card trick based on a Markov process that only works some of the time, the occasion of which can be predicted using statistical methodology.
Statistics can be used to predicatively create art, as in the statistical or stochastic music invented by Iannis Xenakis, where the music is performance-specific. Though this type of artistry does not always come out as expected, it does behave in ways that are predictable and tunable using statistics.
Statistics form a key basis tool in business and manufacturing as well. It is used to understand measurement systems variability, control processes (as in statistical process control or SPC), for summarizing data, and to make data-driven decisions.
^Hand, David (2010). "Statistics: An Overview". In Lovric, Miodrag (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. Springer. pp. 1504–1509. ISBN978-3-642-04898-2.
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^OED quote: 1935 R. A. Fisher, The Design of Experiments ii. 19, "We may speak of this hypothesis as the 'null hypothesis', and the null hypothesis is never proved or established, but is possibly disproved, in the course of experimentation."
^Fisher 1971. Chapter II: The Principles of Experimentation, Illustrated by a Psycho-physical Experiment, Section 8. The Null Hypothesis
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^Anderson, D.R.; Sweeney, D.J.; Williams, T.A. (1994) Introduction to Statistics: Concepts and Applications, pp. 5–9. West Group. ISBN978-0-314-03309-3
Lydia Denworth, "A Significant Problem: Standard scientific methods are under fire. Will anything change?", Scientific American, vol. 321, no. 4 (October 2019), pp. 62–67. "The use of p values for nearly a century [since 1925] to determine statistical significance of experimental results has contributed to an illusion of certainty and [to] reproducibility crises in many scientific fields. There is growing determination to reform statistical analysis... Some [researchers] suggest changing statistical methods, whereas others would do away with a threshold for defining "significant" results." (p. 63.)
Diego Maradona Diego Maradona pada tahun 2012Informasi pribadiNama lengkap Diego Armando MaradonaTanggal lahir (1960-10-30)30 Oktober 1960Tempat lahir Lanus, ArgentinaTanggal meninggal 25 November 2020(2020-11-25) (umur 60)[1]Tempat meninggal Dique Lujan, ArgentinaTinggi 165 cm (5 ft 5 in)Posisi bermain Gelandang serangKarier junior1968–1969 Estrella Roja1970–1974 Los Cebollitas1975-1976 Argentinos JuniorsKarier senior*Tahun Tim Tampil (Gol)1976–1981 Argenti...
Danny ElfmanElfman, 2010LahirDaniel Robert ElfmanSuami/istriBridget Fonda (29 November 2003 - sekarang) 1 anak Daniel Robert Elfman (lahir 29 Mei 1953) adalah musisi Amerika Serikat yang terkenal untuk komposisinya The Simpsons Theme dan terkenal sebagai pemimpin-penyanyi-penulis lagu rock band Oingo Boingo dari tahun 1976 sampai bubarnya pada tahun 1995, dan telah membuat ilustrasi musik film secara ekstensif sejak film Pee-wee's Big Adventure pada tahun 1985, terutama untuk sutradara Tim B...
الاتحاد الفلسطيني لكرة القدم اتحاد كرة القدم الفلسطيني، و(بالإنجليزية: Palestinian Football Association) شعار الاتحاد الفلسطيني لكرة القدم الاسم المختصر PFA الرياضة كرة القدم أسس عام 1928 (منذ 96 سنة) الرئيس جبريل الرجوب المقر الرام، القدس الانتسابات الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم: 1998الاتحا...
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Class of New York City Subway car R142 redirects here. For the road, see Route 142. For the refrigerant Chlorodifluoroethane, see List of refrigerants. Not to be confused with R142A (New York City Subway car) or R143 (New York City Subway car). R142An R142 train on the 2 line entering West Farms SquareInterior of an R142 carIn service2000–presentManufacturerBombardier TransportationBuilt atLa Pocatière, Quebec, Canada + Barre, Vermont, US (final assembly: Plattsburgh, New York, US)Family n...
Former monument in Virginia, US Jefferson Davis Memorial(2013)Artiststatues: Edward ValentineYear1907 (1907)[1]: 12 Mediumstatues: bronzeDimensionsDoric column: 67 feet (20 m) tallColonnade: 50 feet (15 m) tallConditionwhole monument removedLocationRichmond, Virginia, U.S.Coordinates37°33′31″N 77°28′04″W / 37.5586°N 77.4678°W / 37.5586; -77.4678 The Jefferson Davis Memorial was a memorial for Jefferson Davis (1808–18...
11th Prime Minister of India from 1996 to 1997 (born 1933) H. D. Deve GowdaGowda in 201511th Prime Minister of India[1]In office1 June 1996 – 21 April 1997PresidentShankar Dayal SharmaPreceded byAtal Bihari VajpayeeSucceeded byInder Kumar GujralPresident of Janata Dal (Secular)IncumbentAssumed office July 1999Preceded byPosition EstablishedMember of Parliament, Rajya SabhaIncumbentAssumed office 26 June 2020Preceded byD. Kupendra ReddyConstituencyKarnatakaIn office2...
Heineken Open 2011Tanggal10 Januari – 15 JanuariEdisike-36JuaraTunggal David FerrerGanda Marcel Granollers / Tommy Robredo ← 2010 ·Heineken Open· 2012 → Heineken Open 2011 adalah turnamen tenis yang dimainkan di permukaan keras terbuka. Turnamen ini merupakan edisi ke-36 dari penyelenggaraan Heineken Open, dan merupakan bagian dari seri 250 ATP World Tour[1] yang juga merupakan bagian dari ATP World Tour musim 2011. Turnamen ini diselenggarakan di A...
Czech footballer and manager (1921–2002) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Čestmír Vycpálek – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (September 2007) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Čestmír Vycpálek Vycpálek (Enschede, 1971)Personal informationDate of birth (1921-05-15...
Himeji College of Hyogo姫路短期大学TypePublic junior collegeActive1950–1999LocationHimeji, Hyōgo, Japan Himeji College of Hyogo (姫路短期大学, Himeji Tanki Daigaku) was a public junior college in Himeji, Hyōgo, Japan. History The college opened in April 1950.[1] It closed in 1999.[1] Courses offered Food and nutrition Home making Child care Business administration and information science See also Hyogo University List of junior colleges in Japan References ^ a ...
This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) The topic of this article may not meet Wikipedia's notability guideline for music. Please help to demonstrate the notability of the topic by citing reliable secondary sources that are independent of the topic and provide significant coverage of it beyond a mere trivial mention. If notability cannot be shown, the article is likely to be merg...
Character from the epic Mahabharata For other uses, see Virata (disambiguation). Fictional character VirataA lithograph of Virata in his court by Ravi Varma Press, 1920InformationFamilyShatanika, Vishalaksha Madirashva Suryadatta (brothers)SpouseSudeshnaChildrenShankha, Uttara (sons) and Uttarā (daughter) Virata (Sanskrit: विराट, IAST virāṭa) was the king of the Matsya Kingdom, in whose court the Pandavas spent a year in concealment during their exile. Virata was married to Quee...
KievlyaninTypeWeekly newspaperEditorVitaly Shulgin, Dmitry Pikhno, Vasily ShulginFounded1864Political alignmentconservative, nationalistLanguageRussianCeased publication1919HeadquartersKyiv, Russian EmpireCirculation70 thousand (1919) This article is part of a series onConservatism in Russia Ideologies Eurasianism Duginism Monarchism Tsarism National conservatism Populism Putinism Russian nationalism All-Russian Christian Ultra Slavophilia Pochvennichestvo Social conservatism Traditionalist c...
Italian monitor Faà di Bruno Class overview Built1916–1917 In commission1917–1924 Completed1 Scrapped1 History Kingdom of Italy NameFaà di Bruno NamesakeEmilio Faà di Bruno BuilderVenetian Arsenal Laid down10 October 1915 Launched30 January 1916 Commissioned1 April 1917 RenamedGM 194, 1939 Stricken13 November 1924 Reinstated1939 FateScrapped, 1945–1946 General characteristics TypeMonitor Displacement2,854 long tons (2,900 t) (standard) Length55.56 m (182 ft 3 in)...
كأس رابطة الأندية الإنجليزية المحترفة 1987–88 تفاصيل الموسم كأس رابطة الأندية الإنجليزية المحترفة النسخة 28º البلد المملكة المتحدة التاريخ بداية:17 أغسطس 1987 نهاية:24 أبريل 1988 المنظم دوري كرة القدم الإنجليزية البطل نادي لوتون تاون عدد المشاركين 92 كأ�...
Dependent territory of England and then of Great Britain (1542–1800) This article is about the Irish kingdom that existed from 1542 to the end of 1800. For more ancient Irish kingdoms, see List of Irish kingdoms and Monarchy of Ireland. For other uses of Ireland, see Ireland (disambiguation). Kingdom of IrelandRíocht na hÉireann (Irish) 1542–1800 1652–1660: Commonwealth Top: FlagBottom: Royal Banner(since 1782) Coat of arms[a] The Kingdom of Ireland in 1789; other realms ...
Este artículo trata sobre la línea metropolitana del Gran Buenos Aires. Para el sistema ferroviario del mismo nombre, véase Ferrocarril General Bartolomé Mitre. Línea Mitre Una formación de la línea Mitre.LugarUbicación Ciudad de Buenos Aires Provincia de Buenos AiresÁrea abastecida Área Metropolitana de Buenos AiresDescripciónInauguración 1862Inicio Estación RetiroFin Estación Bartolomé Mitre / Estación José León Suárez / Zárate / Estación Tigre / Estación Capilla del S...
Questa voce sull'argomento nuotatori tedeschi è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Hans FassnachtNazionalità Germania Ovest Altezza175 cm Peso70 kg Nuoto SpecialitàStile libero SquadraVWM, Mannheim Hall of fameInt. Swimming Hall of Fame (1992) Palmarès Competizione Ori Argenti Bronzi Giochi olimpici 0 1 0 Europei 3 3 0 Vedi maggiori dettagliStatistiche aggiornate al 31 luglio 201...