O ne/stvarnom: pričoroman (About the Un/real: Novella), Književna omladina Srbije, Belgrade 1987, ISBN86-7343-012-7.
Momo u polarnoj noći: bajka za odrasle (Momo in the Polar Night: A Fairytale for Adults), Prosveta, Belgrade 1992, ISBN86-07-00671-1.[21]
Iz polarne noći (From the Polar Night), Prosveta, Belgrade 1995, ISBN86-07-00911-7, second edition in 1996, poetry.
Zapisi iz polarne noći (Notes From the Polar Night), Prosveta, Belgrade 1997, ISBN86-07-00000-4, essays.
Bruj milenija (Hum of Millennium), Prosveta, Belgrade 1998, second edition in 2000.[22]
Grad, pre nego što usnim (The City, Before I Fall Asleep), Mali Nemo, Pančevo 2005, ISBN86-83453-63-4, poetry.
Žudnja za celinom (Longing for Wholeness), Mali Nemo, Pančevo 2009, ISBN978-86-7972-043-6, poetry.[23]
Ardent désir d'unité; La ville, avant que je m'endorme (Longing for Wholeness; The City, Before I Fall Asleep), translated by Harita Wibrands, Liljana Huibner-Fuzellier, Raymond Fuzellier and Nina Živančević, L'Harmattan, Paris 2013, ISBN978-2-343-01928-4.
Andrić, Crnjanski, Pekić: pripovedne strukture srpskog (post)modernističkog romana: dekonstrukcija pripovednog subjekta i rekonstrukcija figure pripovedača (Andrić, Crnjanski, Pekić: narrative structures of the Serbian (post) modernist novel: the deconstruction of the narrative subject and the reconstruction of the narrator figure), Mali Nemo, Pančevo 2017, ISBN978-86-7972-107-5, literary theory and science.[24]
^Biography on the Official Website of Mali Nemo, retrieved on 2018-01-12.
^Interview about the presentation at the book fairs in Frankfurt and Banja Luka, article of the newspaper Pančevac, No. 4055/2004, retrieved on 2018-03-24.
^Zoran Dušković, Milan Orlić, Miloš Nikolić, Rukopisi 14, Dom omladine Pančevo: Književna omladina Pančeva, Belgrade 1989, p. 7-8.
^Orfeu îndrǎgostit : antologie a poeziei sârbe de dragoste (Orpheus in love: anthology of Serbian love poetry), Timișoara 2006, ISBN978-973-8402-60-7.