Lemahabang Station (LMB)[1] is a class III railway stasiun located in Simpangan, North Cikarang, Bekasi Regency. The station, which is located at an altitude of +16 m, is included in the Operation Area I Jakarta. The name of this station comes from the hamlet where this station is located. This station is opposite the market and across Jl. Pantura (Pantai Utara, lit.'North Beach').
Building and layout
The station has four railway lines with lines 2 and 3 being straight tracks. The length of the station's platform is only about three-quarters of the standard platform because on the west side there is a level crossing of Jalan Raya Lemahabang, similar to those at Gedangan and Cilame Stations. As a result, when a train stops, part of its chain will cover the crossing. Later on, the road located to the west will be built with an underground tunnel or overpass so that the series of trains do not block the level crossing (highway), and cut the travel time of the two transportation systems. Currently the underground tunnel project is included in the master plan of the Bekasi Regency Government.[3]