where is a positive smooth function. (If the Riemannian manifold is oriented, some authors insist that a coordinate system must agree with that orientation to be isothermal.)
Isothermal coordinates on surfaces were first introduced by Gauss. Korn and Lichtenstein proved that isothermal coordinates exist around any point on a two dimensional Riemannian manifold.
By contrast, most higher-dimensional manifolds do not admit isothermal coordinates anywhere; that is, they are not usually locally conformally flat. In dimension 3, a Riemannian metric is locally conformally flat if and only if its Cotton tensor vanishes. In dimensions > 3, a metric is locally conformally flat if and only if its Weyl tensor vanishes.
Given a Riemannian metric on a two-dimensional manifold, the transition function between isothermal coordinate charts, which is a map between open subsets of R2, is necessarily angle-preserving. The angle-preserving property together with orientation-preservation is one characterization (among many) of holomorphic functions, and so an oriented coordinate atlas consisting of isothermal coordinate charts may be viewed as a holomorphic coordinate atlas. This demonstrates that a Riemannian metric and an orientation on a two-dimensional manifold combine to induce the structure of a Riemann surface (i.e. a one-dimensional complex manifold). Furthermore, given an oriented surface, two Riemannian metrics induce the same holomorphic atlas if and only if they are conformal to one another. For this reason, the study of Riemann surfaces is identical to the study of conformal classes of Riemannian metrics on oriented surfaces.
then in the complex coordinate , it takes the form
where and are smooth with and . In fact
In isothermal coordinates the metric should take the form
with ρ smooth. The complex coordinate satisfies
so that the coordinates (u, v) will be isothermal if the Beltrami equation
has a diffeomorphic solution. Such a solution has been proved to exist in any neighbourhood where .
Existence via local solvability for elliptic partial differential equations
The existence of isothermal coordinates on a smooth two-dimensional Riemannian manifold is a corollary of the standard local solvability result in the analysis of elliptic partial differential equations. In the present context, the relevant elliptic equation is the condition for a function to be harmonic relative to the Riemannian metric. The local solvability then states that any point p has a neighborhood U on which there is a harmonic functionu with nowhere-vanishing derivative.[10]
Isothermal coordinates are constructed from such a function in the following way.[11] Harmonicity of u is identical to the closedness of the differential 1-form defined using the Hodge star operator associated to the Riemannian metric. The Poincaré lemma thus implies the existence of a function v on U with By definition of the Hodge star, and are orthogonal to one another and hence linearly independent, and it then follows from the inverse function theorem that u and v form a coordinate system on some neighborhood of p. This coordinate system is automatically isothermal, since the orthogonality of and implies the diagonality of the metric, and the norm-preserving property of the Hodge star implies the equality of the two diagonal components.
Gaussian curvature
In the isothermal coordinates , the Gaussian curvature takes the simpler form
Douady, Adrien; Buff, X. (2000), Le théorème d'intégrabilité des structures presque complexes. [Integrability theorem for almost complex structures], London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, vol. 274, Cambridge University Press, pp. 307–324