The film begins in an estate owned by a millionaire, Rajeswari Devi. After the death of her two sons, she sends her grandson Ramakrishna, son of the elder one, abroad. Unfortunately, she falls into the evil clutches of relatives. Chitrangi Devi Rajeswari Devi's daughter-in-law is the second wife of her younger son, who always covets and is malicious. Bhanu Prakash, her heinous brother who wields on estate and slaves, drives the labor. Durga, the granddaughter of Rajeswari Devi, grows up conceited under the uncouth of her stepmother, Chitrangi.
Moreover, Bhanoji, son of Bhanu Prakash, snares her in the name of love. Now it's time for the heir's arrival, Ramakrishna, which makes the fine blissful. The venomous begrudges and in cahoots with a nefarious Lankeshwar Rao. However, Ramakrishna is a stalwart who audaciously defies and desists their brutalities. Further, he embraces the workers as his own, falls for a laborer, Ganga, and reforms his sister. In tandem, Ramakrishna learns Durga is pregnant, which Lanka tries to exploit in his favor. Workers aid him as a backbone during that plight by which he knits Bhanoji & Durga. Hence, like gratitude, he gives them an equal share of the property.
Thus, Lanka ploys and slaughters Ramakrishna, utilizing his cousin Kaaki / Kakani Kistaiah. At once, Lanka monarchs and hogs over the estate for his malpractice. Soon, they betray and kick out Kaaki when, stunningly, he figures out a daredevil ruffian, Donga Ramudu, who resembles Ramakrishna. Immediately, both whisks, Kaaki successfully purports him as Ramakrishna and starts vexing the miscreants. At last, as a flabbergast, it is revealed that Donga Ramudu Ramakrishna has escaped the mishap. He acted in this play to catch hold of convicts and correct his family members. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the marriage of Ramakrishna & Ganga.