The film begins in a village where Jagath Prasad, an honorable, lives with his wife, Shanta, and two daughters, Janki & Jyoti. Janki is lavish, while Jyoti is simple. Rambabu, an upright simple tiller of the soil, is the son of Jagath Prasad's friend who oversees his fields. Rambabu loves Janki but cannot gaze at her hostility and the true love of Jyoti. Janki is cordial with the village Zamindar and his son Murli. Murli endears Janki, and Zamindar moves with the proposal. Until Jagath Prasad fixes her alliance with Rambabu. Despite Janki's unwillingness, Jagath Prasad coaxes her and performs the nuptial. Soon, they are blessed with a baby girl, Meena. However, the couple's way of thinking is like two sides of the same coin: Janki fails to respect her husband and is hard-hearted towards the child. Meanwhile, Zamindar dies, and Murli develops alcoholism when he reveals his love to Janki and asks to join him. Annoyed by the impoverished, Janki elopes with Murli, who is beneath her family's prestige. Ergo, Jagath Prasad ostracizes Janki and knits Rambabu with Jyoti. Due to the sanctity of marriage, Janki cannot mingle with Murli.
Moreover, Masterji arrives at Janaki & Murali and tells them what they did was wrong. Janaki feels guilty, and Murli understands that Janaki doesn't want to live with him anymore. Murli arranges a house on the outskirts of Janaki's village, where he asks her to go and stay. The same night, Murali commits suicide. Janaki is surprised to see him dead; however, she leaves for her village. Everyone scolds her. Years pass, and Janaki's daughter Meena starts going to school. Janaki meets her daughter and takes her to her house every evening to play. Jyoti learns of this and scolds Janaki and Meena. In anger, she burns Meena's arm, and when Ram scolds her for that, she feels guilty and burns her own as well. Janaki falls sick and refuses to take medicines. Her mother visits her, and she asks for forgiveness. She asks her mother to tell Ram to meet her once before she dies. Ram agrees and goes to meet Janaki. Janaki cries for forgiveness, and Ram forgives her. He also promises to perform her last rites as her husband once she dies. As soon as Ram leaves, Janaki touches his slippers, which he left behind, and dies. As promised, despite objection from Jagat Prasad and the threat of being ostracized from the village, Ram and Jyoti perform Janaki's last rites.