The film begins with Ravi Teja, a lionhearted man, released from prison. Forthwith, he reaches the Police parade ground and spins rearward. Prior, Ravi Teja is a stout-hearted cop who swears to protect the integrity & sovereignty of the nation. Ravi Teja's darling Padma dotes on his sister Deepa and shares the same with Jhansi, daughter of Justice Jaganatha Rao. Besides, Mayor Seshupal Rao is malignant and undertakes malpractice undercover of righteousness. Ravi Teja consistently antagonizes him, and the battle erupts. Once, Phani, the son of Seshupal Rao, indignities and afflicts Jhansi when Ravi Teja red-handedly apprehends him. However, he escapes from the sentence with the fake alibis. After a while, the government announced that it would dole out lands for the patriots of the freedom fight, and Seshupal Rao ploys to squat it.
During that plight, Ravi Teja shields the innocent and successfully allocates the lands to the original. Just as a vengeance, Seshupal Rao kills Deepa in the name of the accident. Despite this, Ravi Teja realizes the actuality and collars Seshupal Rao, who acquits non-guilt by manipulating the evidence. Now, Seshupal Rao charges gross misconduct against Ravi Teja, who compels Jaganatha Rao to terminate and penalize him. Right-back Ravi Teja outrages Seshupal Rao as a commoner. Tragically, begrudged Phani mauls Jhansi bearing the past, and she commits suicide in the court hall in the presence of her father. Then, Jagannath Rao deprecates himself and, as he amends, retrieves Ravi Teja into the post. Being conscious of Seshupal Rao's base camp at an island near Kotipalli, he takes charge therein. At last, Ravi Teja collapsed Seshupal Rao's dynasty. Finally, the movie ends with the government honoring Ravi Teja with The Gold Medal.