The film begins in a town where a spirited cop, Pratap, is newly deputed and swears to protect the integrity & sovereignty of the nation. Ramanatham, an artful Advocate, Pratap's elder, brings him. Yet, he reveres him & sister-in-law Janaki and dotes on their kid Baby. Pratap takes charge when he acquaints and darlings a spirited girl, Chukka, who runs a tea stall opposite his station. Besides, Viswaroopam is malignant and undertakes malpractice as rectitude. Pratap antagonizes him, and the battle erupts. Once, he red-handedly apprehends his roguish son Raakhi, but he escapes with the fake alibis created by Ramanatham when a rift arises between the siblings. Simultaneously, Kranti & his faction of rebels take up arms against Viswaroopam. But he counterfeits them for his crimes as dacoits. Now, Pratap has charged to grab them.
Meanwhile, Viswaroopam ruses by clutching Ramanatham as his business ally and fixes his Baby's alliance with Raakhi; as a result, Pratap quits along with Janaki & Baby because they oppose it. Following this, Pratap catches hold of Kranti when he knows that Chukka is his sister. Plus, Kranti & men are not guilty. The actual owl is Viswaroopam when Pratap house arrests them to get the truth. Janaki showers concern and affection to them. After a while, Pratap ascertains the actuality and associates them with him. Parallelly, Janaki afflicts cancer and must quickly go through surgery for which a tidy sum is compulsory. Pratap denies Ramanatham's aid and gains the amount by endangering his life. At that time, tragically, Baby is molested by Raakhi when Ramanatham freaks out, and the knaves kick him out. Accordingly, he attempts suicide when Pratap bars, boosts up his courage and mingles him. They all declare an ultimatum to Viswaroopam, step-by-step, collapse his domain. Finally, Pratap publicly uncovers Viswaroopam's diabolic shade, proving that Kranti is innocent. Finally, the movie ends with the government honoring Inspector Pratap.