The film begins in a colony where diverse communities of various mindsets stay together. Chandu, a top-most beautician, newly resides as a tenant in the house of its president, Abbaigaru. Geeta, the distant relative of Abbagaru, also joins therein. Soon, Chandu loves her and waits for a shot to express it. Chandu's maternal aunt also wants to knit her daughter Sireesha with him. Besides, Rajeev is a psycho behind Geeta and nags her for weddings. Here, as a flabbergast, it is revealed that Chandu & Geeta are spouses to which they are unbeknownst. Now, the story proceeds rearward. Once Chandu visits the marriage of his father Chalapati Rao's best friend Parandamaiah's daughter, who is Geeta only. Unfortunately, aware that the bridegroom is a fraud, it is calling off. During that plight, Chalapathi Rao imposes Chandu to wedlock Geeta to keep them safe face. Due to the sudden and unwilling alliance, the couple overlooks. Afterward, the bridal party travels on the unexpected train journey when the two are in different compartments. However, they sing a song in which viva voce binds them. The train runs into a disastrous accident in which, apart from Chandu & Geeta, everyone dies, and the pair errors the opposite has passed away.
At present, Chandu proposes to Geeta, which she denies through a letter affirming her past, but it falls short. At that point, Rajeev acquires Chandu & Geeta's marriage album. So, he prints Chandu & Geeta's wedding cards and throws the ball at Chandu to create a rift. Then, Geeta rebukes Chandu, and he quits the house. Moreover, Rajeev rues by morphing the photographs and forges an unknown person as Geeta's husband. Being incognizant of it, Chandu only mingles Geeta with him. Chandu's aunt requests him to splice with Sireesha, which he disagrees with. But later, he allows it when Sireesha attempts suicide. During espousal, Sireesha obtains the letter Geeta wrote and breaks out the facts. At the same time, Rajeev plots to abduct Geeta on a train. Immediately, Chandu rushes to the railway station and states the truth that she feels is dubious. At last, Chandu sings their song when Geeta recognizes him and stops the train. Finally, the movie ends on a happy note with the reunion of the twosome.