Biao Mon is not to be confused with Biao Min, a different Mienic language spoken to the north in Quanzhou and Gongcheng counties of Guangxi. Also, despite sometimes being referred to as "Mien", Biao Mon is not a variety of Iu Mien and is distinct from it.
Alternative names for Biao Mon include (Ethnologue):
Biao Mien
Biao-Mian 标勉
Biaoman 标曼
Changping 长坪
Biao Mon is referred to by Luang-Thongkum (1993) as Muen.[4]
Mao (2004) provides extensive documentation of the Biao Mon variety of Dongpingdong village 东坪垌村, Changping township 长坪乡, Mengshan County 蒙山县, Guangxi.
"Biao Man 标曼" (bjau22mwan22) of Liuchong 六冲, Qiaoting Township 桥亭乡, Pingle County 平乐县, Guangxi is documented by Tang (1994); another "Biao Man 标曼" dialect is spoken in Dongpingdong 东坪洞 (Tang 1994).[3]
Luoxiang 罗香 (Ao Biao 坳标), a Mienic language variety of Jinxiu County, Guangxi, is closely related to Biao Mon but is distinct from it.[2]