ورد ذكر هذا المشروب في الحديث الذي رواه أبو موسى الأشعري «أن النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم بعثه إلى اليمن، فسأله عن أشربة تصنع بها، فقال: وما هي؟ قال: البتعوالمزر -فقلت لأبي بردة: ما البتع؟ قال: نبيذ العسل، والمزر: نبيذ الشعير- فقال: كل مسكر حرام.»[11]
^Beer is produced by the fermentation of grain, but grain can be used in mead provided it is strained off immediately. As long as the primary substance fermented is still honey, the drink is still mead.Fitch، Edward (1990). Rites of Odin. St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Worldwide. ص. 290. ISBN:9780875422244. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2020-02-13.
^Hops are better known as the bitter ingredient of beer. However, they have also been used in mead both ancient and in modern times. The Legend of Frithiof mentions hops: Mohnike، G.C.F. (سبتمبر 1828 – يناير 1829). "Tegner's Legend of Frithiof". The Foreign Quarterly Review. London: Treuttel and Würtz, Treuttel, Jun and Richter. ج. III. He next ... bids ... Halfdan recollect ... that to produce mead hops must be mingled with the honey; That this formula is still in use is shown by the recipe for "Real Monastery Mead" in Molokhovets، Elena (1998). Classic Russian Cooking. Joyce Stetson (trans.). Indiana University Press. ص. 474. ISBN:0-253-21210-3. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2020-02-13.
^Lichine, Alexis. Alexis Lichine’s New Encyclopedia of Wines & Spirits (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987), 328.
^Gayre، Robert (1986). Brewing Mead. Brewers Publications. ص. 158. ISBN:0-937381-00-4. مؤرشف من الأصل في 2016-12-25. ...Therefore to our synopsis: Mead is the general name for all drinks made of honey.
^Rose، Anthony H. (1977). Alcoholic Beverages. Michigan: Academic Press. ص. 413.