馬利茲將軍是德屬西南非邊境聯盟突擊部隊的指揮官,他與德國人結盟。然後,他代表臨時政府發布了一項宣言。他說「前南非共和國、奧蘭治自由邦、開普省以及納塔爾省都被宣布不受英國控制和獨立,而且所有上述地區的白人居民,無論其國籍都应当拿起他们的武器,以實現南非长久以来的自由獨立理想。[7]」根據此宣言,貝爾斯將軍、德·維特(英语:Christiaan de Wet)、馬利茲、坎普和貝澤伊登豪特將成為這個臨時政府的第一批領導人。馬利茲的部隊佔領了烏平通地區的凱穆斯(英语:Keimoes)。而德·維特將軍領導下的萊登堡突擊隊則佔領了希爾布隆(英语:Heilbron)鎮,攔截火車並佔領了政府商店,夺取了彈藥。該地區的一些著名公民加入突擊隊,到週末時他已經擁有3,000名士兵。貝爾斯還在馬加利斯堡山集結了一支部隊;總共有大約12,000名叛變分子團結起來。諷刺的是,路易斯·博塔將軍擁有大約32,000名士兵來對付叛亂分子,但其中約有20,000名士兵是阿非利卡人。
^General De Wet publicly unfurled the rebel banner in October, when he entered the town of Reitz at the head of an armed commando. He summoned all the town and demanded that the court shorthand writer take down every word he said, among which he complained: "I was charged before [the Magistrate of Reitz] for beating a native boy. I only did it with a small shepherd's whip, and for that I was fined 5/–". On hearing the contents of the speech, General Smuts christened the rising as "the Five Shilling Rebellion". (Plaatje 1916). Other sources place this incident in the town of Vrede on 28 October 1914 - see, for example, P.J. Sampson, The Capture of De Wet: the South African Rebellion, 1914 (1915), pp. 145-146.
^The "Blue Book" was issued by the Union of South Africa government on 26 February 1915, entitled "[The] Report on the Outbreak of the Rebellion and the Policy of the Government with regard to its Suppression."(Orford 1971)
"Agter Die Skerms met Die Rebelle" by C. F. McDonald, (1949)
Coenrath Frederik McDonald's inimitable 5 volume account of his adventures on the South African frontier, between 1895 and 1915, has acquired cult status. Collectively, his account is probably the finest & most informative frontier memoir ever to appear in South Africa. It covers experiences in the Boer War, on the Orange River among the trekboers, the Nama–German war, 1914 Rebellion and aftermath. This volume is an insider account of Maritz's Rebellion in the North-West, the alliance with the Germans, the clashes on the Orange River (including the little-known Battle of Kakamas), and the arrival of Kemp's commando. Much also on Siener van Rensburg and his prophecies.
Report on the Outbreak of the Rebellion and the Policy of the Government With Regard to its Suppression, HMSO, 1915, Cd.7874
T. R. H. Davenport. 1963. The South African Rebellion, 1914. The English Historical Review 78 (306): 73–94.
Sandra Swart. 1998. "A Boer and His Gun and His Wife Are Three Things Always Together": Republican Masculinity and the 1914 Rebellion. Journal of Southern African Studies 24 (4, Special Issue on Masculinities in Southern Africa): 737–51.
P.J. Sampson. The Capture Of De Wet, The South African Rebellion 1914. Edward Arnold 1915.