








  • 涉及一個或任何組合的軌道參數(例如,離心率相對於半長軸,或軌道傾角)。
  • 從短期的任何時間尺度來看,在104至106年的長期測量都有其通約性
  • 導致即使長期穩定運行的軌道,也有可能造成不穩定性。


  • 無論與海王星多麼接近,冥王星冥族小天體的軌道都是穩定的,因為它們與海王星是3:2的共振。共振可以確保當它們接近近日點和海王星的軌道時,海王星是在相當遠的距離之外(平均有它的軌道距離的四分之一)。其它沒有共振的近海王星天體(數量更多)會被海王星強大的攝動從這個區域逐出。還有規模較小,但是很明確有著1:1共振的共振海王星外天體海王星特洛伊)、3:5(週期約275年)、4:7(週期約290年)、1:2(週期約330年)、和2:5(週期約410年),除此之外,在海王星之外還有其它的。
  • 在距離太陽3.5AU以內的小行星帶,有與木星有著3:2、4:3、和1:1的族群分布著(特別是希爾達族(279)圖勒、和特洛伊天體)。


  • 在距離太陽3.5AU以內的小行星帶,與木星的主要平均運動軌道共振落在小行星位置分布的空隙柯克伍德空隙(最顯著的是在3:1、5:2、7:3、和2:1的共振)。在這些位置上的小行星因為反覆的受到木星的攝動,幾乎已經完全被拋空了。然而,還是有少數的小行星目前暫時在或接近這些共振的位置。例如,艾琳達族就為位於或接近3:1共振,而它們的軌道離心率在與木星的交互作用下持續的在增加,直到最終它們會與內側的行星密切接觸,然後將它們從共振軌道彈射出去。
  • 土星環內,卡西尼縫 B環和外側的 A環之間的空隙,與米瑪斯有著2:1的共振(更特別的是卡西尼縫內側邊緣惠更斯縫的位置。)。
  • 在土星環,恩克環縫基勒環縫是與置身在A環內的達佛涅斯1:1共振清空微粒形成的。A環的外側是由土衛十有著7:6的不穩定共振維繫著。


拉普拉斯共振發生在三個或更多天體的軌道週期之間有著簡單整數比的系統上。例如,木星的佳利美德歐羅巴、和埃歐軌道的1:2:4軌道共振。系外行星格利澤876 e、b、和c,也有1:2:4的軌道共振[2]




小行星土星之間的拱點長期共振ν6 = g -g6)協助塑造出了小行星帶。接近它的小行星,離心率會緩慢的增加,直到它們成為接近火星的小行星。此時,它們會因為與火星遭遇而從小行星帶彈出。這種共振形成小行星帶內部和側面邊界的距離大約是2AU和約20°的軌道傾角










  • 的點可以定義在附近振盪的共振均衡點(天秤動)。
  • 在非零離心率的場合,交點近日點可以漂移(共振的關聯,短週期,不是長期進動)。giv


代入資料(來自維基百科)將可以得到−0.7395° /日,於零有著極大不同的值!










  • 平均運動2:3的共振
  • 近日點的共振(大約90°的天秤動),維持近日點在黃道的上方。
  • 近日點共振的經度與海王星相關聯





  • 如前述題道的格利澤876e、b和c,有著1:2:4的軌道共振,週期分別為124.3、61.1和30天[2][14]
  • KOI-730 d、b、c和e出現3:4:6:8的共振,軌道週期為19.72、14.79、9.85和7.38天[15][16][17]
  • KOI-500 c、b、e、d和f,出現接近20:27:41:62:193的共振,週期分別為9.522、7.053、4.645、3.072和0.9868天[17][18][19]
  • KOI-738KOI-787出現一對7:9共振的行星(比率各自為1/1.285871和1/1.284008)[17]
  • 克卜勒37 d、c和b出現誤差在1%內的5:8:15共振,週期分別為39.792187、21.301886和13.367308天[20]







(比率)和天體 一個循環後的偏差[a] 隨機化時間[b] 或然率[c]
(9:23)金星水星 4.0° 200 y 0.19
(8:13)地球金星[23][24][d] 1.5° 1000 y 0.065
(243:395)地球金星[23][25] 0.8° 50,000 y 0.68
(1:3)火星金星 20.6° 20 y 0.11
(1:2)火星地球 42.9° 8 y 0.24
(1:12)木星地球[e] 49.1° 40 y 0.28
(2:5)土星木星[f] 12.8° 800 y 0.13
(1:7)天王星木星 31.1° 500 y 0.18
(7:20)天王星土星 5.7° 20,000 y 0.20
(5:28)海王星土星 1.9° 80,000 y 0.052
(1:2)海王星天王星 14.0° 2000 y 0.078
(1:4)DeimosPhobos 14.9° 0.04 y 0.083
(1:1)智神星穀神星[26][27] 1.2° 700 y 0.0066
(7:18)木星智神星[28] 4.1° 4000 y 0.15
(17:45)RomulusRemus 0.7° 40 y 0.067
(1:6)IoMetis 0.6° 2 y 0.0031
(3:5)AmaltheaAdrastea 3.9° 0.2 y 0.064
(3:7)CallistoGanymede[29] 0.7° 30 y 0.012
(2:3)EnceladusMimas 33.2° 0.04 y 0.33
(2:3)DioneTethys[h] 36.2° 0.07 y 0.36
(3:5)RheaDione 17.1° 0.4 y 0.26
(2:7)TitanRhea 21.0° 0.7 y 0.22
(1:5)IapetusTitan 9.2° 4 y 0.051
(3:4)天王星(10199)Chariklo 4.5° 10,000 y 0.073
(3:5)RosalindCordelia[31] 0.22° 4 y 0.0037
(1:3)UmbrielMiranda[j] 24.5° 0.08 y 0.14
(3:5)UmbrielAriel[k] 24.2° 0.3 y 0.35
(1:2)TitaniaUmbriel 36.3° 0.1 y 0.20
(2:3)OberonTitania 33.4° 0.4 y 0.34
(1:20)TritonNaiad 13.5° 0.2 y 0.075
(1:2)ProteusLarissa[34][35] 8.4° 0.07 y 0.047
(5:6)ProteusS/2004 N 1 2.1° 1 y 0.057
(1:3)StyxCharon[36] 58.5° 0.2 y 0.33
(1:4)NixCharon[37][36] 39.1° 0.3 y 0.22
(1:5)KerberosCharon[36] 9.2° 2 y 0.05
(1:6)HydraCharon[37][36] 6.6° 3 y 0.037
(3:8)HiʻiakaNamaka[l] 42.5° 2 y 0.55
  1. ^ Mismatch in orbital longitude of the inner body, as compared to its position at the beginning of the cycle(with the cycle defined as n orbits of the outer body – see below). Circular orbits are assumed(i.e., precession is ignored).
  2. ^ The time needed for the mismatch from the initial relative longitudinal orbital positions of the bodies to grow to 180°, rounded to the nearest first significant digit.
  3. ^ The probability of obtaining an orbital coincidence of equal or smaller mismatch by chance at least once in n attempts, where n is the integer number of orbits of the outer body per cycle, and the mismatch is assumed to vary between 0° and 180° at random. The value is calculated as 1-(1- mismatch/180°)^n. The smaller the probability, the more remarkable the coincidence. This is a crude calculation that only attempts to give a rough idea of relative probabilities.
  4. ^ The two near commensurabilities listed for Earth and Venus are reflected in the timing of transits of Venus, which occur in pairs 8 years apart, in a cycle that repeats every 243 years.[23][25]
  5. ^ The near 1:12 resonance between Jupiter and Earth causes the Alinda asteroids, which occupy (or are close to) the 3:1 resonance with Jupiter, to be close to a 1:4 resonance with Earth.
  6. ^ This near resonance has been termed the Great Inequality. It was first described by Laplace in a series of papers published 1784–1789.
  7. ^ 87 Sylvia is the first asteroid discovered to have more than one moon.
  8. ^ This resonance may have been occupied in the past.[30]
  9. ^ Some definitions of centaurs stipulate that they are nonresonant bodies.
  10. ^ This resonance may have been occupied in the past.[32]
  11. ^ This resonance may have been occupied in the past.[33]
  12. ^ The results for the Haumea system aren't very meaningful because, contrary to the assumptions implicit in the calculations, Namaka has an eccentric, non-Keplerian orbit that precesses rapidly (see below). Hiʻiaka and Namaka are much closer to a 3:8 resonance than indicated, and may actually be in it.[38]





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Chemical compound CyclodiolClinical dataOther namesZK-115194; Cycloestradiol; 14α,17α-Ethano-17β-estradiol; 14α,17α-Ethanoestra-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17β-diol; 14,21-Cyclo-19-norpregna-1,3,5(10)-triene-3,17α-diolRoutes ofadministrationBy mouth[1]Drug classEstrogenPharmacokinetic dataBioavailability33 ± 19%[1]Elimination half-life28.7 hours[1]Identifiers IUPAC name (8R,9S,13S)-13-Methyl-7,8,9,11,12,13,15,16-octahydro-14,17-ethanocyclopenta[a]phenanthrene-3,17(6H)-d...

Yemini activist and journalist Hind Al-EryaniHind Al-Eryani at her TEDx TalkBornJiblaNationalityYemeniEducationComputer science degree and master's in Business AdministrationOccupation(s)Activist and journalistAwardsArab Woman of the Year Award Hind Al-Eryani is a Yemeni activist and journalist. She advocates for women's rights, LGBTQ+ including gender minorities,[1] and peace in Yemen, and has written many articles in support of the topics.[2][3][4] She has al...


Stasiun Temanggung Temanggung+572 m Eks Stasiun TemanggungLokasi Jalan Jenderal Ahmad YaniBanyuurip, Temanggung, Temanggung, Jawa TengahIndonesiaKoordinat7°18′54.540″S 110°10′59.585″E / 7.31515000°S 110.18321806°E / -7.31515000; 110.18321806Koordinat: 7°18′54.540″S 110°10′59.585″E / 7.31515000°S 110.18321806°E / -7.31515000; 110.18321806Ketinggian+572 mOperator Kereta Api IndonesiaDaerah Operasi VI Yogyakarta Letakkm 13+7...


American rock band The Dead WeatherLeft to right: Dean Fertita, Jack White, Alison Mosshart and Jack Lawrence, The Dead Weather in 2009.Background informationOriginNashville, Tennessee, U.S.Genres Blues rock[1][2][3] garage rock[3] psychedelic rock[4] alternative rock[5] Years active2009–2015 (on hiatus)LabelsThird ManMembers Alison Mosshart Dean Fertita Jack Lawrence Jack White Websitethedeadweather.com The Dead Weather is an American rock su...

Chronologies Données clés 1890 1891 1892  1893  1894 1895 1896Décennies :1860 1870 1880  1890  1900 1910 1920Siècles :XVIIe XVIIIe  XIXe  XXe XXIeMillénaires :-Ier Ier  IIe  IIIe Chronologies géographiques Afrique Afrique du Sud, Algérie, Angola, Bénin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cap-Vert, République centrafricaine, Comores, République du Congo, République démocratique du Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Égyp...


М. Андриолли. Вождение козы в барском имении. Западная Белоруссия, XIX век Украинские персонажи обряда. 1926 год Вождение козы (хождение с козой, польск. Chodzenie z kozą[1]) славянский обряд вождения ряженого козой, исполняемый на Святки (чаще в Щедрый вечер) или на Масленицу (Мяс�...


Pastor MaldonadoPastor Maldonado di Grand Prix Malaysia 2015.Lahir9 Maret 1985 (umur 39) Maracay, VenezuelaKarier Kejuaraan Dunia Formula SatuKebangsaan VenezuelaTahun aktif2011-2015TimWilliams, LotusNomor mobil13Jumlah lomba58Juara Dunia0Menang1Podium1Total poin76Posisi pole1Lap tercepat0Lomba pertamaGrand Prix Australia 2011Menang pertamaGrand Prix Spanyol 2012Menang terakhirGrand Prix Spanyol 2012Lomba terakhirGrand Prix Abu Dhabi 2015Klasemen 2015Posisi Ke-14 (27 poin) Pastor Rafael ...

1942 Japanese invasion of the Dutch East Indies Battle of AmbonPart of World War II, Pacific War, Dutch East Indies campaignDate30 January – 3 February 1942LocationAmbon, MoluccasResult Japanese victoryBelligerents Netherlands Australia United States(retreated on 15 January)  JapanCommanders and leaders Joseph Kapitz  William Scott  Frank D. Wagner Takeo Takagi Takeo ItōStrength 2,600[1] 1,100[2] 5,300[3]Casualties and losses 340 killed[...


2016年美國總統選舉 ← 2012 2016年11月8日 2020 → 538個選舉人團席位獲勝需270票民意調查投票率55.7%[1][2] ▲ 0.8 %   获提名人 唐納·川普 希拉莉·克林頓 政党 共和黨 民主党 家鄉州 紐約州 紐約州 竞选搭档 迈克·彭斯 蒂姆·凱恩 选举人票 304[3][4][註 1] 227[5] 胜出州/省 30 + 緬-2 20 + DC 民選得票 62,984,828[6] 65,853,514[6]...


Mexican traditional dish This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Pambazo – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (July 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this message) PambazoPambazos for sale in Mexico CityTypePambazo breadPlace of originMexicoRegion or stateMéxico City Pambazos being prepar...

Iraqi Islamic militant (1976–2024) Abu Maria al-Qahtaniأبو ماريا القحطانيPersonal detailsBornMaysar Ali Musa Abdullah al-Juburi(1976-06-01)1 June 1976Mosul District, Nineveh Governorate, IraqDied4 April 2024(2024-04-04) (aged 47)Sarmada, Idlib Governorate, SyriaManner of deathAssassination by suicide bombingAlma materUniversity of MosulMilitary careerAllegiance Iraq (?–2003) Fedayeen Saddam[1] Iraq (2004) Federal Police[2][1] Al-Qaeda...


Indian general election in Tripura, 2009 ← 2004 April–May 2009 2014 → 2 seatsTurnout84.55%   First party   Party CPI(M) Seats won 2 Seat change Percentage 61.69% Tripura The 2009 Indian general election in the state of Tripura was held in April with two seats being contested. The Communist Party of India (Marxist) held both seats, receiving a total of 1,084,883 votes with a state-wide share of 61.69%.[1] Congress and the BJP received 31% an...


马克·拉姆斯富斯Mark Lamsfuß基本資料代表國家/地區 德国出生 (1994-04-19) 1994年4月19日(30歲) 德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦[1]主項:男子雙打、混合雙打職業戰績2勝–8負(男單)77勝–59負(男雙)75勝–55負(混雙)最高世界排名第7位(混雙-洛豪)(2022年11月15日[2])現時世界排名第18位(男雙-塞德爾)第10位(混雙-洛豪)(2023年3月21日[3][4]) 奖�...

مدرسة التزلج والقتال في الجبال الدولة  لبنان الإنشاء 01 مايو 1986 النوع مدرسة عسكرية تعديل مصدري - تعديل   مدرسة التزلج والقتال في الجبال (بالإنجليزية: The Skiing and Mountain Fighting School)‏ هي مدرسة تابعة للقوات المسلحة اللبنانية. تتمركز المدرسة بشكل ثابت منذ استقلالها الإداري في منط�...


Pour les articles homonymes, voir Jullien. Philippe-Émile JullienFonctionsGouverneur de La Réunion (intérim)18 janvier - 11 juillet 1910Camille GuyMarie Joachim Stanislas Sicé (d)Gouverneur de la Polynésie française4 novembre 1904 - 1907Henri CorGouverneur de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon15 janvier 1901 - 4 novembre 1904Maurice Caperon (d)Député français27 février 1881 - 31 mai 1898Jean-François-Charles DufayThéophile MaymacBiographieNaissance 10 juillet 1845Mer (Loir-et-Cher, royaume...