在當時的歷史記載中,關於羅洛的資料並不多。最早的記錄是從918年的修道院開始,該修道院提到了「塞納河畔的諾曼人」,即「羅洛和他的同夥保護著王國」[10]。根據聖·昆汀杜多的說法,這個協防法蘭克王國的協議稱為《聖-克萊爾-埃普特條約》,為了正式承認他擁有的土地,羅洛同意受洗,並為自己取了洗禮名叫做羅伯特(Robert)。協議包含與查理三世的女兒吉斯拉公主(英语:Gisela of France)成婚[11]。接受爵位、婚約、領地與洗禮之後,羅洛便依據埃普特河和里勒河,將諾曼第的土地分劃給各個部下,自己把盧昂定為首都[12]。羅洛並頒布了極其嚴格的法律,嚴懲罪犯,觸法者一律吊死。因此諾曼第公國一度成為當時歐洲最安全的地區之一。
^The Deeds of Count Roger of Calabria & Sicily & of Duke Robert Guiscard his brother, Geoffery Malaterra. Translated by Graham A. Loud
^Sharpe, Rev. J. (trans.), revised Stephenson, Rev. J. (1854) William of Malmesbury, The Kings before the Norman Conquest (Seeleys, London, reprint Llanerch, 1989), II, 127, p. 110.
^ 7.07.1The Normans in Europe, trans and ed. Elizabeth Van Houts (Manchester 2000), p. 43.
^Dudo of St-Quentin: History of the Normans, trans. and ed. Eric Christiansen (Woodbridge 1998), p. xiv; Robert Ferguson, The Hammer and the Cross: A New History of the Vikings (2009), pp. 177-182.
Dudo of St. Quentin, History of the Normans. ed. and trans. Eric Christiansen. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press 1998.
The Gesta Normannorum Ducum of William of Jumièges, Orderic Vitalis and Robert of Torigni ed. Elizabeth van Houts (1992).
The Normans in Europe transl. and ed. Elizabeth van Houts, Manchester and New York: Manchester University 2000.
Orkneyinga Saga: The History of the Earls of Orkney. Trans. Pálsson, Hermann and Edwards, Paul. Hogarth Press, London, 1978. ISBN0-7012-0431-1. Republished 1981, Harmondsworth: Penguin. ISBN0-14-044383-5.
Crouch, David (2002). The Normans: the History of a Dynasty. London: Hambledon and London. ISBN1 85285 387 5
Christiansen, Eric (2002). The Norsemen in the Viking Age. Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
Ferguson, Robert (2009). The Hammer and the Cross: A New History of the Vikings. London. Allen Lane, an imprint of Penguin Group.
Fitzhugh, William W. and Ward, Elizabeth (2000). Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga. Smithsonian Institution Press.
Konstam, Agnus (2002). Historical Atlas of the Viking World. Checkmark Books