
蓋森海姆葡萄育種研究所英语Geisenheim Grape Breeding Institute的葡萄培育

植物配種(英語:Plant breeding)是指透過改變植物的特徵而產生所期望的特性的藝術和科學。[1]植物配種現使用於為人類和動物改善產品中營養的品質。[2] 植物育種的目標是培育出具有獨特和優越性狀、適合各種應用的作物品種。最常被提及的農業性狀是那些與生物和非生物脅迫耐受性、穀物或生物量產量、最終用途品質特徵(例如味道或特定生物分子(蛋白質、糖、脂質、維生素、纖維)的濃度)以及易於加工有關的特性。[3]



  1. ^ Breeding Field Crops. 1995. Sleper and Poehlman. Page 3
  2. ^ Hartung, Frank; Schiemann, Joachim. Precise plant breeding using new genome editing techniques: opportunities, safety and regulation in the EU. the plant journal. [2018-02-27]. doi:10.1111/tpj.12413. (原始内容存档于2019-12-14). 
  3. ^ Willy H. Verheye (编). Plant Breeding and Genetics. Soils, Plant Growth and Crop Production Volume I. Eolss Publishers. 2010: 185. ISBN 978-1-84826-367-3. 
  4. ^ Hayes, Patrick M.; Castro, Ariel; Marquez-Cedillo, Luis; Corey, Ann; Henson, Cynthia; Jones, Berne L.; Kling, Jennifer; Mather, Diane; Matus, Ivan; Rossi, Carlos; Sato, Kazuhiro. Genetic diversity for quantitatively inherited agronomic and malting quality traits. Roland von Bothmer; Theo van Hintum; Helmut Knüpffer; Kazuhiro Sato (编). Diversity in Barley (Hordeum vulgare). Amsterdam Boston: Elsevier. 2003: 201–226. ISBN 978-0-444-50585-9. ISSN 0168-7972. OCLC 162130976. doi:10.1016/S0168-7972(03)80012-9. ISBN 1865843830. 

