在沃登克里弗塔项目之后,特斯拉在20世纪10年代至20年代进行过一系列的发明实验,并取得不同程度的成功。20世纪30年代,特斯拉接近生命的尾聲,在花光大部分钱后,特斯拉住进纽约各地的旅馆,此時的特斯拉一度變得深居簡出、足不出戶,獨居於紐約市温德姆纽约人酒店(英语:Wyndham New Yorker Hotel)3327房间之中,偶爾會向新聞界發表一些不同尋常的聲明。數家当今美國電子業龍頭的前身公司曾经聯合派出一群能言善道的律師将他的大部分專利奪走[9]。1943年1月7日,特斯拉在居住的宾馆房间中去世。[10]
特斯拉在1888年演示他的感应电机,随后西屋公司也获得该专利的许可,当时电力公司之间的竞争非常激烈。[88][89]三大公司,西屋公司、爱迪生公司和汤姆森·休斯顿公司(英语:Thomson-Houston Electric Company),都在努力发展资本密集型业务,同时在财务上相互削弱。在此期间甚至还发生一场“电流战争”的宣传活动,爱迪生公司试图声称他们的直流电系统比西屋公司的交流电系统更好、更安全。[90][91]在这个市场上的竞争意味着西屋公司不会有现金或工程资源来立即开发特斯拉的电机和相关的多相系统。[92]
1890年后,特斯拉尝试通过电感和电容耦合传输电力,在此过程中使用他的特斯拉线圈所产生的高交流电压。[114]他试图开发一种基于近场(英语:Near and far field)电感和电容耦合的无线照明系统,并为此进行一系列公开演示,他从舞台对面点亮盖斯勒管甚至白炽灯泡。[115]他在十年的大部分时间里,在不同投资者的帮助下研究这种新的照明形式的变化,但没有一个企业成功地将其研究成果制成商业产品。[116]
1895年,爱德华·迪安·亚当斯(英语:Edward Dean Adams)在参观特斯拉的实验室时,对他的所见所闻印象深刻,同意帮助成立尼古拉・特斯拉公司,该公司的成立目的是资助、开发和销售特斯拉以前的各种专利和发明以及新的发明。在签约阿尔弗雷德·布朗后,其带来在佩克和布朗手下开发的专利。董事会成员包括威廉·伯奇·兰肯和查尔斯·F·库尼。该公司的投资者很少;在19世纪90年代中期是公司的一个经济困难时期,其成立的无线照明和振荡器专利从未成功过。该公司在以后的几十年里一直处理特斯拉的专利。
特斯拉于1934年搬到温德姆纽约人酒店(英语:Wyndham New Yorker Hotel)。这时,西屋公司除支付他的房租外,还开始每月支付他125美元。关于这件事是如何发生的,说法不一。有几个消息来源称,西屋公司担心,或者说可能被警告,他们的前明星发明家所处的贫困环境可能会引起不好的影响。[211][212][213][214]这笔钱被描述为“咨询费”,以规避特斯拉对接受慈善的厌恶。特斯拉传记作者马克·塞弗将西屋公司的付款描述为一种“未指明的和解”。[213]无论如何,在特斯拉的余生,西屋公司一直在提供资金。
1931年,特斯拉75岁时,他结识的一位年轻记者肯尼斯·M·斯韦兹(英语:Kenneth M. Swezey)为他策划一场生日庆祝活动。[215]特斯拉收到包括阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦在内的70多位科学和工程先驱的贺信,[216]他还登上《时代》杂志的封面。[217]封面上的标题“全世界都是他的发电站”指出他对发电行业的贡献。派对进行得非常顺利,以至于特斯拉将其作为一项年度活动,在这个场合他将摆出一大堆食物和饮料,其中有他自己创造的菜肴。他邀请媒体来参观他的发明,并听取关于他过去的探索、对当前事件的看法,以及有时令人困惑的说法与故事。[218][219]
1937年秋天,81岁的特斯拉在一个午夜之后离开温德姆纽约人酒店(英语:Wyndham New Yorker Hotel),去大教堂和图书馆喂鸽子,这是他的常规通勤。在穿过离酒店几个街区的一条街道时,特斯拉未能躲开一辆行驶中的出租车,被撞倒在地。在这次事故中,他的背部严重扭伤,三根肋骨被摔断。他的全部伤势一直不为人所知;特斯拉拒绝看医生,这几乎是他一生的习惯,并且一直未能完全康复。[230][231]
^原文:Within the room were suspended two hard-rubber plates covered with tin foil. These were about fifteen feet apart and served as terminals of the wires leading from the transformers. When the current was turned on, the lamps or tubes, which had no wires connected to them, but lay on a table between the suspended plates, or which might be held in the hand in almost any part of the room, were made luminous. These were the same experiments and the same apparatus shown by Tesla in London about two years previous, "where they produced so much wonder and astonishment".
^原文:I have been feeding pigeons, thousands of them for years. But there was one, a beautiful bird, pure white with light grey tips on its wings; that one was different. It was a female. I had only to wish and call her and she would come flying to me. I loved that pigeon as a man loves a woman, and she loved me. As long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life.
^原文:His [Tesla's] thoughts and efforts during at least the past 15 years were primarily of a speculative, philosophical, and somewhat promotional character often concerned with the production and wireless transmission of power; but did not include new, sound, workable principles or methods for realizing such results.
^原文:He had no hobby, cared for no sort of amusement of any kind and lived in utter disregard of the most elementary rules of hygiene ... His method was inefficient in the extreme, for an immense ground had to be covered to get anything at all unless blind chance intervened and, at first, I was almost a sorry witness of his doings, knowing that just a little theory and calculation would have saved him 90 percent of the labor. But he had a veritable contempt for book learning and mathematical knowledge, trusting himself entirely to his inventor's instinct and practical American sense.
^原文:I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view.
^原文:... man's new sense of pity began to interfere with the ruthless workings of nature. The only method compatible with our notions of civilization and the race is to prevent the breeding of the unfit by sterilization and the deliberate guidance of the mating instinct ... The trend of opinion among eugenists is that we must make marriage more difficult. Certainly no one who is not a desirable parent should be permitted to produce progeny. A century from now it will no more occur to a normal person to mate with a person eugenically unfit than to marry a habitual criminal.
^Dommermuth-Costa 1994,第12頁,"Milutin, Nikola's father, was a well-educated priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church.".
^Cheney 2011,第25頁,"The tiny house in which he was born stood next to the Serbian Orthodox Church presided over by his father, the Reverend Milutin Tesla, who sometimes wrote articles under the nom-de-plume 'Man of Justice'".
^Carlson 2013,第14頁,"Following a reprimand at school for not keeping his brass buttons polished, he quit and instead chose to become a priest in the Serbian Orthodox Church".
^Burgan 2009,第17頁,"Nikola's father, Milutin was a Serbian Orthodox priest and had been sent to Smiljan by his church.".
^Tesla, Nikola; Marinčić, Aleksandar. From Colorado Springs to Long Island: research notes. Belgrade: Nikola Tesla Museum. 2008. ISBN 978-86-81243-44-2.
^Budiansky, Stephen. Journey to the edge of reason : the life of Kurt Gödel First. New York, NY. 2021. ISBN 9781324005452. In the natural sciences, Austria produced a remarkable number of talented theorists and experimentalists. The electrical genius Nikola Tesla, from Croatia, studied in Karlovac at one of the rigorous German-language high schools, the Gymnasiums, established throughout the Austrian Empire.
^Wysock, W.C.; J.F. Corum, J.M. Hardesty and K.L. Corum(October 22, 2001). "Who Was The Real Dr. Nikola Tesla?(A Look At His Professional Credentials)". Antenna Measurement Techniques Association, posterpaper.
^"The Book of New York: Forty Years' Recollections of the American Metropolis" [says he matriculated 4 degrees(physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering)
^Tesla's contemporaries remembered that on a previous occasion Machine Works manager Batchelor had been unwilling to give Tesla a $7 a week pay raise (Seifer – Wizard: The Life and Times of Nikola Tesla, p. 38)
^Account comes from a letter Tesla sent in 1938 on the occasion of receiving an award from the National Institute of Immigrant Welfare – John Ratzlaff, Tesla Said, Tesla Book Co., p. 280.
^Tesla coil. Museum of Electricity and Magnetism, Center for Learning. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory website, Florida State Univ. 2011 [2013-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-23).
^Moran, Richard. Executioner's Current: Thomas Edison, George Westinghouse, and the Invention of the Electric Chair. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 2007: 222.
^Hugo Gernsback, "Tesla's Egg of Columbus, How Tesla Performed the Feat of Columbus Without Cracking the Egg" Electrical Experimenter, 19 March 1919, p. 774 [3] (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^Thomas Commerford Martin, The Inventions, Researches and Writings of Nikola Tesla: With Special Reference to His Work in Polyphase Currents and High Potential Lighting, Electrical Engineer - 1894, Chapter XLII, page 485 [4]
^Tesla's own experiments led him to erroneously believe Hertz had misidentified a form of conduction instead of a new form of electromagnetic radiation, an incorrect assumption that Tesla held for a couple of decades.(Carlson, pp-127-128)(White, Nikola Tesla: The Guy Who DIDN'T "Invent Radio")
^Brian Regal, Radio: The Life Story of a Technology, p. 22
^My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, Hart Brothers, 1982, Ch. 5, ISBN0-910077-00-2
^"Tesla on Electricity Without Wires," Electrical Engineer – N.Y., 8 January 1896, p. 52. (Refers to letter by Tesla in the New York Herald, 31 December 1895.)
^Mining & Scientific Press, "Electrical Progress" Nikola Tesla Is Credited With Statement", 11 April 1896
^ 156.0156.1Nikola Tesla On His Work With Alternating Currents and Their Application to Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, and Transmission of Power, Leland I. Anderson, 21st Century Books, 2002, p. 109, ISBN1-893817-01-6.
^ 228.0228.1Earl Sparling, NIKOLA TESLA, AT 79, USES EARTH TO TRANSMIT SIGNALS: EXPECTS TO HAVE $100,000,000 WITHIN TWO YEARS, New York World-Telegram, 11 July 1935
^ 235.0235.1Šarboh, Snežana. Nikola Tesla's Patents(PDF). Sixth International Symposium Nikola Tesla. Belgrade, Serbia: 6. 18–20 October 2006 [2010-10-08]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2007-10-30).
^Malanowski, Gregory. The Race for Wireless: How Radio was Invented (or Discovered?). AuthorHouse. 2011: 36. ISBN 978-1-4634-3750-3. Tesla was definitely asocial, a loner. Although in his younger years he was immensely popular and admired by many rich, socialite women, there were no women in his life.
^McNichol, Tom. AC/DC: The Savage Tale of the First Standards War. John Wiley & Sons. 2011: 163–64. ISBN 978-1-118-04702-6. Tesla's peculiar nature made him a solitary man, a loner in a field that was becoming so complex that it demanded collaboration.
^Belohlavek, Peter; Wagner, John W. Innovation: The Lessons of Nikola Tesla. Blue Eagle. 2008: 43. ISBN 978-987-651-009-7. This was Tesla: a scientist, philosopher, humanist, and ethical man of the world in the truest sense.
^A Machine to End War. Public Broadcasting Service. February 1937 [2010-11-23]. (原始内容存档于2001-01-24).
Lawren, B., "Rediscovering Tesla". Omni (magazine)(英语:Omni), March 1988, Vol. 10 Issue 6.
Rybak, James P., "Nikola Tesla: Scientific Savant". Popular Electronics, 1042170X, November 1999, Vol. 16, Issue 11.
Thibault, Ghislain, "The Automatization of Nikola Tesla: Thinking Invention in the Late Nineteenth Century". Configurations (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Volume 21, Number 1, Winter 2013, pp. 27–52.
Thomas Commerford Martin(英语:Martin, Thomas Commerford), "The Inventions, Researches, and Writings of Nikola Tesla", New York: The Electrical Engineer, 1894 (3rd Ed.); reprinted by Barnes & Noble, 1995
Roguin, Ariel, "Historical Note: Nikola Tesla: The man behind the magnetic field unit". J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2004;19:369–374. 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Sellon, J. L., "The impact of Nikola Tesla on the cement industry". Behrent Eng. Co., Wheat Ridge, Colorado. Cement Industry Technical Conference. 1997. XXXIX Conference Record., 1997 IEEE/PC. Page(s) 125–133.
Valentinuzzi, M.E., "Nikola Tesla: why was he so much resisted and forgotten?" Inst. de Bioingenieria, Univ. Nacional de Tucuman; Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, IEEE. July/August 1998, 17:4, pp. 74–75.
Secor, H. Winfield, "Tesla's views on Electricity and the War", Electrical Experimenter, Volume 5, Number 4 August 1917.
Florey, Glen, "Tesla and the Military". Engineering 24, 5 December 2000.
Corum, K. L., J. F. Corum, Nikola Tesla, Lightning Observations, and Stationary Waves. 1994.
Corum, K. L., J. F. Corum, and A. H. Aidinejad, Atmospheric Fields, Tesla's Receivers and Regenerative Detectors. 1994.
Meyl, Konstantin, H. Weidner, E. Zentgraf, T. Senkel, T. Junker, and P. Winkels, Experiments to proof the evidence of scalar waves Tests with a Tesla reproduction. Institut für Gravitationsforschung (IGF), Am Heerbach 5, D-63857 Waldaschaff.
Anderson, L. I., "John Stone Stone on Nikola Tesla's Priority in Radio and Continuous Wave Radiofrequency Apparatus". The AWA Review(英语:The AWA Review), Vol. 1, 1986, pp. 18–41.
Anderson, L. I., "Priority in Invention of Radio, Tesla v. Marconi". Antique Wireless Association monograph, March 1980.
Marincic, A., and D. Budimir, "Tesla's contribution to radiowave propagation". Dept. of Electron. Eng., Belgrade Univ. (5th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Service, 2001. TELSIKS 2001. pp. 327–331 vol.1)
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