在《最终幻想VII》時的戰鬥勝利姿勢、偽裝成神羅士兵時在路法斯·神羅的歡迎會上提案的特別動作、魔法發動時、以及在《最终幻想VII 降临之子》戰鬥中一再反覆揮擺的跡象來看,可以推測出克勞德有單手揮舞武器的習慣。在《鬥魂》時札克斯做出和克勞德相同的勝利姿勢,因此也可以視為這習慣是受到札克斯的影響。但是因為《鬥魂》的札克斯是克勞德的替換角色(コンパチキャラクター)所以無法斷定(不過札克斯在《LAST ORDER -FINAL FANTASY VII-》也同樣地揮擺武器)[註 6]。
在《王國之心》,克勞德出現在奥林匹斯競技場的世界。他被描繪為具有爪和深紅色的斗篷,他的劍被包覆在繃帶中。野村哲也表示,克勞德的左臂是受文森特所啟發,並指出,在這個遊戲中,角色本來是要說明一個「惡魔般」的外觀,因為他關係到「黑暗的一面」[51]。他一直被哈迪斯聘請去殺死赫拉克勒斯,但先決條件是要和索拉交手[52]。戰鬥結束後,哈迪斯放出刻耳柏洛斯攻擊克勞德和索拉,被赫拉克勒斯阻止。後來克勞德向索拉說,他是在尋找一個人[53]。後來遊戲透露,在最後的混音,他正在尋找萨菲罗斯。在這遊戲結束後,克勞德和寂靜庭院的居民們團聚。基於內存的版本,使他繼續在系列續作Game Boy Advance的《王國之心 記憶之鍊》中作為BOSS出現在奧林匹斯競技場[54]。後成為索拉的召喚卡[55]。
粉絲之間的評價一直是積極的。在Oricon在2008年的民意調查,克勞德被評選為第二最受欢迎的電子遊戲角色,他分别在「男性玩家」排第二和在「女性玩家」排第三[129]。在2010年的ASCII Media Works投票中,粉絲投票希望來命名自己的孩子的電子遊戲和漫畫人物,克勞德的名字在男性類排第三[130]。同年,《Fami通》讀者票選克勞德作為有史以來第三好的電子遊戲角色[131]。角色被放在GameFAQs的角色PK同類比賽中,贏得了「性格之戰II」(2003年)、「角色戰III」排名第二(2004年)和「生死戰」(2006年)[132][133][134]。在2011年《吉尼斯世界紀錄玩家版》中,克勞德被評為第五屆最好的電子遊戲角色[135]。
当决定在任天堂的跨界格斗游戏《任天堂明星大乱斗3DS/Wii U》中使用《最终幻想》的代表时,野村哲也和《任天堂明星大亂鬥》系列的创作者兼导演櫻井政博迅速同意将克劳德添加到角色阵容中。这主要是因为克劳德与其他最终幻想角色(如巴茲(Bartz)或蒂娜(Terra))相比,在该系列中非常受欢迎,并且加入该角色也是粉丝的多次要求。櫻井政博说,他认为克劳德是一个相对容易扮演的角色,因为预期有各种各样的玩家在使用他。[157]克劳德的受欢迎以及加入《任天堂明星大乱斗》系列引起了多重反响,尤其是Twitter上的趋势。[158]尽管The Verge指出这种跨界游戏还具有类似《合金装备》的角色,以及主角角色洛克人和刺猬索尼克,但由于《最终幻想VII》在任天堂主机上没有发布,他们仍然对克劳德的加入感到惊讶(直至2019年才推出任天堂Switch,由PC版移植的版本)。[159]克劳德加入《任天堂明星大乱斗》系列带来的影响,就跟之后《女神异闻录5》的Joker加入《任天堂明星大乱斗》系列带来的影响类似,因为这两个角色在索尼的游戏中都比较多。[160]《Den of Geek》将克勞德评为《任天堂明星大乱斗》中最好的角色之一,因为他看到他与任天堂的其他著名角色作战。[161]
^Dun, Teresa. Complete Final Fantasy VII Character Guide. PlayStation the Official Magazine. 2008-02, (3): 60.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: For me, this is a personal feud. I want to beat Sephiroth. And settle my past. Saving the planet just happens to be a part of that. I've been thinking.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Barret: Little by little the reactors'll drain out all the life. And that'll be that. / Cloud: It's not my problem. / Barret: The planet's dyin', Cloud! / Cloud: The only thing I care about is finishin' this job before security and the Roboguards come.
^ 4.04.1Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Barret: Tifa! Let him go! Looks like he still misses the Shinra! / Cloud: Shut up! I don't care about either Shinra or SOLDIER! But don't get me wrong! I don't care about AVALANCHE or the Planet for that matter!
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Tifa: The Planet is dying. Slowly but surely it's dying. Someone has to do something. / Cloud: So let Barret and his buddies do something about it. It's got nothin' to do with me.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Barret: Yo. Cloud! There's somethin' I wanna ask ya. Was there anyone from SOLDIER fighting us today? / Cloud: None. I'm positive. / Barret: You sound pretty sure. / Cloud: If there was anyone from SOLDIER you wouldn't be standing here now. / Barret: Don't go thinkin' you so bad jes cuz you was in SOLDIER.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: Don't mess with me. I used to be in SOLDIER. I'll tell you how much I know.... an' for free too!"
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: I don't care what your names are. Once this job's over... I'm outta here.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: Looks like I'm a little late. / Barret: You damn right, you're late!! Come waltzin' in here makin' a big scene!
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Biggs: What!? you tellin' me you're too good to drink with me? Don't act big-headed jus' because you were in SOLDIER! / Yeah, why not?/ Biggs: Oh!! That's more like it! Even if you were with SOLDIER, you're still a rookie here.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: Wedge!! You all right!? / Wedge: .......Cloud...... You remembered..... my name. Barret's up top. ...help him....... An' Cloud.... Sorry, I wasn't any help. / Cloud: I'm going up! Aeris, you look after Wedge.
^ 12.012.1Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: But I'm different from all of them. I'm not just going to find a job. I want to join SOLDIER. I'm going to be the best there is, just like Sephiroth. / ... / Tifa: Hey, why don't we make a promise? Umm, if you get really famous and I'm ever in a bind... You came save me, all right? / Cloud: What? / Tifa: Whenever I'm in trouble, my hero will come and rescue me. I want to at least experience that once. / Cloud: What? / Tifa: Come on--! Promise me----! / Cloud: All right... I promise.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: I'm not a hero and I'm not famous. I can't keep... the promise.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: This is my pay? Don't make me laugh. \ Tifa: What? Then you'll...!! / Cloud: You got the next mission lined up? I'll do it for 3000. / Tifa: Thanks, Cloud.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Barret: We need a group leader for our journey. 'Course only me could be the leader. / Tifa: You think so...? / Aeris: It would have to be Cloud. / Barret: ^#$^%....... awright. Go Northeast to a town called Kalm. If something happens, we'll meet up there.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Red XIII: Cetra... That girl, is she a survivor of the Cetra? / President Shinra: Cetra, or the Ancients will show us the way to the 'Promised Land.' I'm expecting a lot out of her.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aerith: I know. I know, but... I am the only...... Cetra.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aerith: Then, get me out of here. Take me home. / Cloud: OK, I'll do it... but it'll cost you. / Aerith: Well then, let's see...... How about if I go out with you once? / [Cloud makes an affirmative nod.]
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aerith: Puff... wheeze... Slow.... down.... Don't leave me.... / Cloud: Funny... I thought you were cut out to be in SOLDIER? Aerith: Oh! You're terrible!
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: You gotta be kidding. Why do you want to put yourself in danger again? / Aerith: I'm used to it. / Cloud: Used to it!? ....Well, don't know... getting help from a girl... / Aeris: A girl!! What do you mean by that!?
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aeris: You're up bright and early. / Cloud: How could I ask you to go along when I knew it would be dangerous?
^ 22.022.1Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aeris: That girl in the cart was Tifa? Where was she going? She looked kind of odd... / Cloud: Wait! I'll go on alone! You go home!
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aeris: Hey, this looks like the Don's mansion. I'll go take a look. I'll tell Tifa about you. / Cloud: No!! You can't!! / Aeris: Why? / Cloud: You DO know... what kind of... place this is, don't you?
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aeris: I knew that Cloud would come for me. / Cloud: Hey, I'm your bodyguard, right? / Aeris: The deal was for one date, right? / Tifa: ............oh, I get it. / Aeris: ...!? Tifa! Tifa, you're there too! / Tifa: EXCUSE me.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aeris: Is Tifa...... a girl? / Cloud: Yeah. / Aeris: A girl... friend? / Cloud: Girlfriend?
^ 26.026.1Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: ......I used to want to be like Sephiroth, so I joined SOLDIER. After working with Sephiroth on several missions, we became friends. / Barret: You call that a friend? / Cloud: Yeah, well....... He's older than me, and he hardly ever talked about himself. / Tifa: ............ / Cloud: So I guess you'd call him a war buddy..... We trusted each other. Until one day......
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: I joined SOLDIER so I could be like you. But by the time I made First Class, the war was already over. My big hopes of becoming a hero like you ended with the war. That's why I always sign up whenever there's a big mission. Kind of a way to prove myself.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: Traitor? / Sephiroth: You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race. They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness. But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an easier life. They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors. / Cloud: Sephiroth… / Sephiroth: Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is in these reports. / Cloud: What does that have to do with you? / Sephiroth: Don't you get it? An Ancient named Jenova was found in the geological stratum of 2000 years ago. The Jenova Project. The Jenova Project wanted to produce people with the powers of the Ancients……no, the Cetra! …I am the one that was produced.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aeris: What happened to Sephiroth? / Cloud: In terms of skill, I couldn't have killed him. / Tifa: Official records state Sephiroth is dead. I read it in the newspaper. / Aeris: Shinra, Inc. owns the newspaper, so you can't rely on that information. / Cloud: ......I want to know the truth. I want to know what happened then. I challenged Sephiroth and lived. Why didn't he kill me?
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: I don't know who you are, but.... / You don't know me.....? ......I know you. / [The screen goes white, briefly.] Cloud: Oh yeah...... I know you. That uniform....
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Aeris: What rank were you? / Cloud: Rank? / Aeris: You know, in SOLDIER. / Cloud: Oh, I was... [The screen goes solid white, briefly.] First Class.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Sephiroth: Five years ago you were... ...constructed by Hojo, piece by piece, right after Nibelheim was burnt. A puppet made up of vibrant Jenova cells, her knowledge, and the power of Mako. An incomplete Sephiroth-clone. Not even given a number. ...That is your reality.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: I never was in SOLDIER. I made up the stories about what happened to me five years ago, about being in SOLDIER. I left my village looking for glory, but never made it in to SOLDIER...... I was so ashamed of being so weak; then I heard this story from my friend Zack... And I greated an illusion of myself made up of what I had seen in my life..... And I continued to play the charade as if it were true.
^Square. Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation. SCE America. 1997-09-07. Cloud: You see, someone in SOLDIER isn't simply exposed to Mako energy. Their bodies are actually injected with Jenova cells...... For better or for worse, only the strong can enter SOLDIER. It has nothing to do with the Jenova Reunion. But weak people...... like me, get lost in the whole thing. The combination of Jenova cells, Sephiroth's strong will, and my own weaknesses are what created me. Everyone knew that. I'm...... Cloud. ......the master of my own illusionary world. But I can't remain trapped in an illusion any more...... I'm going to live my life without pretending.
^Tetsuya Nomura (Director). Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (DVD). Square Enix. 2008-08-14. Marlene: "Sadness was the price to see it end." It's been two years since they told me that.
^Tetsuya Nomura (Director). Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (DVD). Square Enix. 2005-09-14. Reno: You're our buddy, aren't ya? / Rufus: Kadaj and his group are young and violent – as dangerous as they come. That's why we decided that it might be in our best to hire a little muscle. / Cloud: Too bad. I'm a delivery boy now.
^Tetsuya Nomura (Director). Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (DVD). Square Enix. 2005-09-14. Tifa: You have Geostigma, don't you? You're going to give up and die, is that it? So it is. / Cloud: There's no cure. / Tifa: Yeah, but, that's not stopping Denzel, is it? Don't run! Let's fight it together! We can help each other, I know we can. I guess ... that only works for real families. / Cloud: Tifa ... I'm not fit to help anyone – not my family, not my friends. Nobody.
^Tetsuya Nomura (Director). Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (DVD). Square Enix. 2005-09-14. Tifa: Dilly dally, shilly shally! / Reno: I think she wants you to move on, man.
^Tetsuya Nomura (Director). Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (DVD). Square Enix. 2005-09-14. Kadaj: The stigma. But you know all about that, sir. Mother's memetic legacy lives on in the Lifestream and makes it happen. She does so much for us and we ... we don't even know where to find her. But what can we do? We're just remnants, really remnants of Mother's legacy. Until we find Mother and receive her cells, we can't be whole again! Geostigma and the Legacy aren't enough ... for a true reunion. / Rufus: What do you mean? / Kadaj: But, sir! Surely you've noticed ...
^Tetsuya Nomura (Director). Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (DVD). Square Enix. 2005-09-14. Aerith: Kadaj? / Kadaj: Huh? / Aerith: You don't have to hang on any longer. / Kadaj: Mother is that ... / Aerith: Everyone's waiting if you're ready.
^Final Fantasy VII – Advent Children (Limited Edition Collector's Set) (DVD). Japan: Square Enix. 2007-02-20.
^Square Enix. Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation 2. 2006-08-15. WRO Member: The WRO was originally established three years ago after Meteorfall.
^Square Enix. Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation 2. 2006-08-15. Vincent: Yeah. And what about you? / Cloud: What do you think? / Tifa: Right! You can count on us! / Barret: When I'm through, there won't be a single sucka standing! / Vincent: Right. / Cloud: And as for you... / Vincent: Don't worry. Leave Deepground to me.
^Square Enix. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation Portable. 2008-08-24. Zack: Good news, Tseng! Me and... / Cloud: Cloud / Zack: Me and Cloud here are both backwater experts. Oh yeah!
^Square Enix. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation Portable. 2008-08-24. Zack: Continue living. You are proof that I existed. My dreams and pride, I give it all to you. / Cloud: I am proof that you existed.
^Square Enix. Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. PlayStation Portable. 2008-08-24. Cloud: My name is Cloud. SOLDIER 1st Class.
^Square. Kingdom Hearts. PlayStation 2. Square Electronic Arts. 2002-11-15. Hades: That little punk is your next opponent, okay? Now, don’t blow it. Just take him out. / Cloud: The great god of the Underworld is afraid of a kid? Sorry, but my contract says— / Hades: I know! You think I don’t know? I wrote the contract! I know it says you’re only required to kill Hercules in this tournament. But you’ve gotta fight that kid to get to him. Come on. Hey, it’s like that old goat says: Rule 11: It's all just a game, so let loose and have fun with it! I mean, a casualty or two along the way is no big deal, right?
^Square. Kingdom Hearts. PlayStation 2. Square Electronic Arts. 2002-11-15. Cloud: I'm looking for someone. Hades promised to help. I tried to exploit the power of darkness, but it backfired. I fell into darkness, and couldn't find the light.
^Jupiter. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. Game Boy Advance. Square Enix U.S.A., Disney Interactive. 2004-12-07. Cloud: I'm not here for the Cup. Just Hercules. Today he loses more than the competition. / Sora: You don't mean... But why?! What did he do to you? / Cloud: This is business. Stay out of it.
^Hollinger, Elizabeth. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Official Strategy Guide. BradyGames Publishing. 2004. ISBN 0-7440-0473-X.
^Square Enix. Kingdom Hearts II. PlayStation 2. Square Enix U.S.A., Buena Vista Games. 2006-03-28. Sora: Oh, Cloud! / Donald Duck: Whatcha doing? / Cloud: I'll get him. This time, we settle it. Me, and the one who embodies all the darkness in me. / Donald: I thought you looked kinda different, Cloud. / Cloud: If I do, it's his fault. / Sora: Whose? / Cloud: Sephiroth. Tell me if you see him. / Sora: Okay. What's he look like? / Cloud: Silver hair. Carries a long sword. / Sora: Sure. Well, be seeing you, Cloud. / Cloud: Be careful. He messes with your head, makes you think darkness is the only way.
^Square Enix. Kingdom Hearts II. PlayStation 2. Square Enix U.S.A., Buena Vista Games. 2006-03-28. Tifa: Hey, you! / Tifa: I'm looking for somebody. Have any of you seen a guy with spiky hair?
^Square Enix. Kingdom Hearts II. PlayStation 2. Square Enix U.S.A., Buena Vista Games. 2006-03-28. Goofy: Where'd they go? Do ya think they made it back to their own world? / Sora: They went somewhere else... Cloud went to fight a great battle—to defeat the darkness inside him.
^Square Enix. Kingdom Hearts coded. Mobile phone. Square Enix, Disney Interactive Studios. 2008-11-08. Olympus Coliseum.
^ 67.067.1Square. Final Fantasy Tactics. PlayStation. Square Co. 1997-06-20. Summoned young man: What happened? Last thing I remember was getting caught in the current. / Besrodio: Hum, I've read about this before. It could be some forwarding device. / Mustadio: Forwarding device? / Besrodio: You know, to travel to other worlds, different space. / Ramza: So, he came from other space? / Besrodio: Maybe. Look at his clothes, Quite unusual. / Summoned young man: My....name's Cloud. yes...Cloud. / Ramza: I'm Ramza. They're my friends.... / Cloud: I don't care about names. What I need is a battlefield. Yeah... that's it... I'm a member of SOLDIER. / ... / Cloud: I must go...must go to that place...
^Square. Final Fantasy Tactics. PlayStation. Square Co. 1997-06-20. Flower Girl: Buy a flower? Only 1 gil. Cloud: ...... Flower Girl: Something wrong? Do I resemble someone? / Cloud: No...it's nothing.
^Square]. Final Fantasy Tactics. PlayStation. Square Co. 1997-06-20. Town Knave: I've been looking for you, Aeris... Selling flowers for your mom? Good for you... / Flower Girl: Then more days.... No, just wait a week, please. / Knave: Don't mess with me! It's overdue! I'm gonna get my 30000 gil, one way or another!
^Square. Final Fantasy Tactic. PlayStation. Square Co. 1997-06-20. Knave: Hmm, pretty good looking! Oughta try sellin' your body instead of flowers. Hee, hee. / Cloud: Get your hand off her! / Knave: What did you say!? / Cloud: Didn't you hear me? Get your dirty hand off her! / Knave: Who the hell are you? Dressed in funny clothes! / Cloud: Go [Aeris]...now...
^Square. Final Fantasy Tactics. PlayStation. Square Co. 1997-06-20. Cloud: I've lost... a very important thing.../ Ramza: Cloud... ? /Cloud: Ever since, I've been floundering. Who am I? What should I do? What's this pain.../ Ramza: Cloud... there's someone in your world waiting for you, isn't there? We might be able to send you back where you came from using the rest of the holy stones./ Cloud: Let's go, Ramza. I can't be here. I must go... to the Promised Land...
^Crocker, Janet; Smith, Lesley; Henderson, Tim; Arnold, Adam. The Legacy of Final Fantasy VII. AnimeFringe: 3-4. 2005-12 [2015-12-08]. (原始内容存档于2008-06-13).
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Swiss Chemist This article is an orphan, as no other articles link to it. Please introduce links to this page from related articles; try the Find link tool for suggestions. (January 2023) Martin AlbrechtProf. Dr. Martin AlbrechtBorn (1971-12-12) December 12, 1971 (age 52)NationalitySwissAlma materBern University (MA)Utrecht University (PhD, Summa Cum Laude)Scientific careerFieldsOrganometallic ChemistryInstitutionsBern UniversityUniversity College DublinFribourg UniversityYale Unive...
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This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Stranahan Theater – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (June 2022) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Stranahan Theater & Great HallTheater's sign with theater hall in backgroundFormer namesMasonic Auditorium (1969-94)Location4645...
For other people named Joanna of Naples, see Joanna of Naples (disambiguation). Queen of Naples Joanna IQueen Joanna I, fresco by Niccolò di Tommaso (c. 1360)Queen of NaplesCountess of Provence and ForcalquierReign20 January 1343 – 12 May 1382PredecessorRobertSuccessorCharles IIICoronation28 August 1344 (alone)27 May 1352 (with Louis I)Co-monarchLouis I (1352–1362)BornDecember 1325Naples, Kingdom of NaplesDied27 July 1382 (aged 56)Muro Lucano, Kingdom of NaplesBurialSanta Chiara ChurchSp...
Retail establishment; building that offers a wide range of consumer goods For other uses, see Department store (disambiguation). Interior of Le Bon Marché in Paris A department store is a retail establishment offering a wide range of consumer goods in different areas of the store, each area (department) specializing in a product category. In modern major cities, the department store made a dramatic appearance in the middle of the 19th century, and permanently reshaped shopping habits, and th...
American college basketball season 1991–92 Ohio State Buckeyes men's basketballBig Ten regular season championsNCAA men's Division I tournament, Elite EightConferenceBig TenRankingCoachesNo. 3APNo. 3Record26–6 (15–3 Big Ten)Head coachRandy Ayers (3rd season)Home arenaSt. John ArenaSeasons← 1990–911992–93 → 1991–92 Big Ten Conference men's basketball standings vte Conf Overall Team W L PCT W L PCT No. 3 Ohio Stat...
American college basketball tournament 2013 NCAA Division Iwomen's basketball tournamentSeason2012–13Teams64Finals siteNew Orleans ArenaNew Orleans, LouisianaChampionsConnecticut Huskies (8th title, 8th title game,14th Final Four)Runner-upLouisville Cardinals (2nd title game,2nd Final Four)SemifinalistsCalifornia Golden Bears (1st Final Four)Notre Dame Fighting Irish (5th Final Four)Winning coachGeno Auriemma (8th title)MOPBreanna Stewart (Connecticut) NCAA Division I women's tournament...
Staff operating at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant during the tsunami and meltdowns For the film about the group of employees, see Fukushima 50 (film). Satellite image of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant where the Fukushima 50 were assigned to stabilize the six reactors at the plant Fukushima 50 is a pseudonym given by English-language media to a group of employees at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. Following the Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011, a...
US Army general (1878–1956) Daniel Van VoorhisBornOctober 24, 1878 (1878-10-24)Zanesville, OhioDiedJanuary 9, 1956 (1956-01-10) (aged 77)Washington, D.C.Place of burialGreenwood Cemetery, Zanesville, OhioAllegiance United States of AmericaService/branch United States ArmyYears of service1898–1942Rank Lieutenant generalCommands held 16th Cavalry Regiment 7th Cavalry Brigade (Mechanized) Caribbean Defense Command V Corps Area Battles/wars Spanish–American War Worl...
فابيان راداس (بالفرنسية: Fabien Raddas) معلومات شخصية الميلاد 7 مارس 1980 (العمر 44 سنة)بواسي الطول 1.83 م (6 قدم 0 بوصة) مركز اللعب مهاجم، وجناح أيسر [لغات أخرى] الجنسية فرنسا معلومات النادي النادي الحالي بويسي المسيرة الاحترافية1 سنوات فريق م. (هـ.)...
Cet article est une ébauche concernant une localité chilienne. Vous pouvez partager vos connaissances en l’améliorant (comment ?) selon les recommandations des projets correspondants. Taltalville et commune du Chili Plage de Cifuncho Administration Pays Chili Región Antofagasta Province Antofagasta Démographie Population 13 493 hab. (2012) Densité 0,66 hab./km2 Géographie Coordonnées 25° 17′ sud, 69° 46′ ouest Superficie 2 040 ...