《最终幻想VI》(日语:ファイナルファンタジーVI,英语:Final Fantasy VI,中国大陆和香港译作“最终幻想VI”,台湾常用英文,台旧译「太空战士6」)是一款由史克威爾(現史克威爾艾尼克斯)開發,於1994年在超级任天堂平台发行的角色扮演遊戲,为最终幻想系列的第6部本传遊戲。故事設定在一個奇幻的世界,科技水準相當於第二次工業革命,講述了一個反抗組織試圖推翻帝國獨裁統治的過程點滴。遊戲有14位玩家角色,是最终幻想本傳系列作中可供玩家操控角色最多的。
本作1994年在北美首次發布時標題为「Final Fantasy III」,盖因在當時Final Fantasy系列的本傳有數部僅有日文版本未在歐美發行,造成北美版為順應當地編號而改名,所以有美國的老玩家視本作為FF3,但後來的歐美版本已改隨日版使用標題「VI」。PlayStation移植版于1999年发行,Game Boy Advance移植版于2006年发行,两个版本皆由東星軟體製作,并在原版基础上做了少量改变。游戏于2011年3月15日在日本WiiVirtual Console的線上服务上架,隨後在PAL區(2011年3月18日)和北美地區(2011年6月30日)发行。
《最终幻想VI》由东星软件移植于索尼PlayStation平台,并由史克威尔于1999年在日本和北美发行。在日本,游戏以单独发售和收录于4—6代合輯《Final Fantasy Collection》两种形式发行,而北美版只以收录于5、6代合輯《Final Fantasy Anthology》的形式发行。游戏在欧洲以单独形式发售。公司在日本还发行了50,000份限量版游戏,其中附随最终幻想主题闹钟[61]。《最终幻想VI》PlayStation版和日本超级任天堂非常相似。除了加入开场和结尾的两个全动态影像,以及战斗开始和结束的新效果外,图形、音乐和音效与原版无异。在游戏系统方面,最明显的变化是修正了原版的少量软件错误(除了PlayStation版出现载入时间外),以及新增可供玩家通过PlayStation RAM快速储存进度的“笔记储存”功能[62]。移植版还增加了怪兽图鉴和插画画廊等功能[63]。2012年12月18日在日本发行的合辑《最终幻想25周年纪念终极包》收录了游戏PlayStation移植版[64]。
Game Boy Advance
《最终幻想VI》由东星软件再次移植于Game Boy Advance平台。游戏由史克威尔艾尼克斯于2006年11月30日在日本发行,任天堂于2007年2月5日和2007年7月6日在北美和欧洲发行[65];移植版名称为“最终幻想VI Advance”。Game Boy Advance版新增了一些游戏要素,使用了略有改进的画面,北美版按照日版名称重新翻译了魔法和怪兽名。然而游戏取消了PlayStation版的全动态影像。移植版加入了四个新幻兽:利维坦、基加美修、仙人掌和迪亚波罗斯。该版本新增了两个场景,其一是龙穴迷宫,其中有在原版中有代码但未使用的皇帝龙;其二是“灵魂神殿”,在这里玩家可以连续不断的和怪物作战。此外游戏还加入了三个新技能,并修正了原作的几个bug。和其它掌机最终幻想移植版类似,游戏加入了怪兽图鉴和音乐播放器功能。有趣的是,即使在日版中,音乐播放器也使用英文,并且使用的是北美版的名称[66]。游戏包装使用了原作角色设计师天野喜孝的新插画[67]。
《最终幻想VI》发售後,获得评论和商业成功。1994年的SFC版在日本賣出255萬份[90]。在2018年,本作於IGN的“史上最佳100大RPG”排行榜中處於第2位[91]。截至2003年3月31日,SFC版與PS版合計在全球出货348万份,其中日本262万份,海外86万份[92]。收錄本作的合輯《Final Fantasy Collection》于1999年售出40万,成为日本当年第31畅销游戏[93],《周刊Fami通》一组六名评论员给游戏打出54/60分[61]。PS平台上收录本作PS版本的日版4—6代合辑《Final Fantasy Collection》与美版5、6代合辑《Final Fantasy Anthology》累計售出約125萬套[94][95]。
Game Boy Advance版游戏同样获得称赞。在2007年IGN Game Boy Advance历史回顾专题中,游戏获选史上第8大Game Boy Advance游戏[110]。2009年,《最终幻想VI》入选IGN电子游戏名人堂,继初代《最终幻想》后成为第二款入选的最终幻想游戏[111]。《最终幻想VI》在2008年G4 TV最佳必备RPG榜单中位列第1[112]。
《Final Fantasy VI: 互動CG游戏》(Final Fantasy VI: The Interactive CG Game,又称“最终幻想SGI示範”,是在《Final Fantasy VII》尚未發表時,由史克威尔使用《最终幻想VI》角色与设定制作的短篇遊戲試作版。制作硬體選用了視算科技(SGI)的Onyx工作站,本次嘗試是史克威尔首次进入3D图形领域;多方猜测这是为同样使用SGI硬件的任天堂64开发下一部最终幻想作品的先兆[20],但最終系列作轉投了PlayStation平台。而試作版中的技术随后用于渲染《最终幻想VII》的全动态影像和之后的PlayStation游戏。遊戲展示了一場战斗中的蒂娜·布蘭佛德、洛克·柯爾和影。游戏主要通过滑鼠控制也加入了手勢操作:例如以星形状移动鼠標会召唤一条龙来攻击[20]。
^Square Enix staff (编). Final Fantasy Anthology instruction manual. Square Enix. 1999: 49. SLUS-00900GH.
^Square Enix staff (编). Final Fantasy Anthology instruction manual. Square Enix. 1999: 47. SLUS-00900GH.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11. (NPC in Jidoor) You like art? No? Philistines!
^ 15.015.1Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11. (Game opening) Long ago, the War of the Magi reduced the world to a scorched wasteland, and magic simply ceased to exist. 1000 years have passed... Iron, gunpowder and steam engines have been rediscovered, and high technology reigns...
^Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11. Left statue: The birth of magic... three goddesses were banished here. In time they began quarreling, which led to all-out war. Those unlucky humans who got in the way were transformed to Espers, and used as living war machines. / Right Statue: The goddesses finally realized that they were being laughed at by those who had banished them here. In a rare moment of mutual clarity, they agreed to seal themselves away from the world. With their last ounce of energy they gave the Espers back their own free will, and then transformed themselves... ...into stone. Their only request was that the Espers keep them sealed away from all eternity. / Center Statue: The Espers created these statues as a symbol of their vow to let the goddesses sleep in peace. The Espers have sworn to keep the goddesses' power from being abused.
^Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11. (NPC in Vector) That guy Kefka? He was Cid's first experimental Magitek Knight. But the process wasn't perfected yet. Something in Kefka's mind snapped that day...!
^Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11. Wedge: Not to worry. The Slave Crown on her head robs her of all conscious thought. She'll follow our orders.
^Locke: On the surface, Edgar pretends to support the Empire. The truth is, he's collaborating with the Returners, an organization opposed to the Empire. I am his contact with that group... The old man you met in Narshe is one of us. Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Terra: You... saved me? / Locke: Save your thanks for the Moogles! / Terra: Uhh... I can't remember anything... past or present... / Locke: You have amnesia!? Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Banon: Have you made a decision? Will you become our last ray of hope? ... / Terra: I'll do it! Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Locke: ...Where's Terra? / Celes: She changed into a...something, and...took off. She looked like... She looked like...an Esper... Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^(Unidentified character) Terra looks like she's in pain. / Ramuh: Her very existence strikes fear into her own heart. / (Unidentified character) How can we help her? / Ramuh: When she accepts this aspect of herself, I think she'll be all right. / (Unidentified character) We have to help her! / Ramuh: Then free those of my kind imprisoned in Gestahl's Magitek Research Facility. One of them can surely help her. Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Ramuh: Gestahl's method is incorrect. You can't drain a live Esper of all its power. It is only when we are reduced to Magicite that our abilities can be transferred in total... / Unspecified character: Pardon!? / Ramuh: When we transform into Magicite, our power can be relocated. / Unspecified character: Magicite...!? / Ramuh: That's what's left of us when we... pass away. Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^(An Esper) Our friends are all gone... We haven't much time left... We have no choice but to entrust you with our essences... / Esper: You want to help me... But... I haven't long to live. Just as Ifrit did before me, I'll give to you my power... Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Kefka: So that's it! Magicite... ... / Kefka: General Celes!! The game's over. Bring me those Magicite shards! / Locke: Celes! You... deceived me!? / Celes: Of course not! Have a little faith! / Kefka: G'hee, hee, hee! She has tricked you all! Celes, that's so... YOU! / Celes: Locke... Please believe me... / Locke: I... ... ... / Kefka: NOW!! / Kefka: Exterminate all of them! / Celes: Locke... Let me protect you for once... Maybe now... Now you'll believe me... / Kefka: Celes! W... What are you doing? Stop it!!! Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Terra: Father...? I remember it all... I was raised in the Esper's world. ... / Terra: I'm the product of an Esper and a human... That's where I got my powers... Now I understand... I finally feel I can begin to control this power of mine... Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Arvis: I see... Your plan would combine Narshe's money with Figaro's machinery to storm the Empire... not enough manpower, though... / Banon: We have to open the sealed gate... Terra!? / Terra: To the Esper World...? / Arvis: We'll never beat the Empire without them. / Banon: When the gate has been opened, the Espers can attack from the east. We'll storm in at the same time, from the north. No way around it. We MUST get the Espers to understand. We have to establish a bond of trust between humans and Espers. Only one person can do this... Terra... / Terra: Half human, half Esper... My existence is proof that such a bond CAN exist... I'll do it. I'm the only one who can! Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Gestahl: I've lost my will to fight... ... / Gestahl: I've ordered this war to be over! Now I must ask for a favour... After they devastated my Empire, the Espers headed northward, towards Crescent Island. They must be found...! We must tell them we're no longer their enemy. After all that I have put them through, it is up to me to set things right. That is why... I need to borrow Terra's power. Only Terra can bridge the gap between Esper and human. We must make for Crescent Island aboard the freighter from Albrook. Will you accompany me? Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Kefka: G'ha, ha, ha! Emperor's orders! I'm to bring the Magicite remains of these Espers to his excellency! Behold! A Magicite mother lode!! Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Setzer: We've been had!! The Emperor is a liar! ... / Edgar: I got to know the gal who brought us tea. After a while, she just blurted out the whole crooked plan. Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Cid: Celes... at last...! You're finally awake... / Celes: I... feel like I've been sleeping forever... / Cid: For one year, actually... ... / Cid: We're on a tiny, deserted island. After the world crumbled, I awoke to find us here together with... a few strangers. / Cid: Since that day, the world's continued its slide into ruin. Animals and plants are dying... The few others who washed up here with us passed away of boredom and despair. Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
^Celes: Terra! What's wrong? The Magicite... Magic is disappearing from this world... / Edgar: The Espers... They no longer exist... / Celes: You mean Terra, too? / Terra: Come with me. I can lead you out with my last ounce of strength. Square Co. Final Fantasy III. Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Square Soft. 1994-10-11.
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