The Spatial Economy - Cities, Regions and International Trade (July 1999), 與藤田昌久(Masahisa Fujita)和安東尼·威納伯(Anthony Venables)合作撰寫. MIT Press, ISBN 0262062046
The Self Organizing Economy (February 1996), ISBN 1557866988
EMU and the Regions (December 1995), 與吉耶爾摩(Guillermo de la Dehesa)合作撰寫. ISBN 1567080383
Development, Geography, and Economic Theory (Ohlin Lectures) (September 1995), ISBN 0262112035
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (3rd Edition) (February 1995), 與愛德華·格萊漢姆(Edward M. Graham)合作撰寫. ISBN 0881322040
Geography and Trade (Gaston Eyskens Lecture Series) (August 1991), ISBN 0262111594
The Risks Facing the World Economy (July 1991), 與吉耶爾摩(Guillermo de la Dehesa)和查爾斯·泰勒(Charles Taylor)合作撰寫. ISBN 1567080731
Has the Adjustment Process Worked? (Policy Analyses in International Economics, 34) (June 1991), ISBN 0881321168
Rethinking International Trade (April 1990), ISBN 0262111489
Trade Policy and Market Structure (March 1989), 與以色列經濟學家埃爾赫南·赫爾普曼(Elhanan Helpman)合作撰寫. ISBN 0262081822
Exchange-Rate Instability (Lionel Robbins Lectures) (November 1988), ISBN 0262111403
Adjustment in the World Economy (August 1987) ISBN 1567080235
Market Structure and Foreign Trade: Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition, and the International Economy (May 1985), 與埃爾赫南·赫爾普曼(Elhanan Helpman)合作撰寫. ISBN 0262081504
Currency Crises (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report) (September 2000), ISBN 0226454622
Trade with Japan : Has the Door Opened Wider? (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report) (March 1995), ISBN 0226454592
Empirical Studies of Strategic Trade Policy (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report) (April, 1994), co-edited with Alasdair Smith. ISBN 0226454606
Exchange Rate Targets and Currency Bands (October 1991), co-edited with Marcus Miller. ISBN 0521415330
Strategic Trade Policy and the New International Economics (January 1986), ISBN 0262111128