安德烈一行于1897年7月从斯瓦尔巴群岛启程,仅仅2天后,气球由于氢气的快速泄露而坠落在浮冰上。虽然并没有成员受伤,但是探险队员必须面对如何穿越浮冰返回的难题。衣物、装备和准备的不足,以及地域困难带来的震撼,使得他们的处境越发艰难。随着10月北极冬季的来临,筋疲力尽的队员在斯瓦尔巴群岛中白岛(Kvitøya)的荒原上停止了前行的脚步,并最终丧生于此地。此后的33年里,安德烈一行的命运也成为了北极未解之谜之一。1930年,一次有关安德烈一行最后一次露营的发现在瑞典引发了一场媒体报道浪潮,安德烈一行被纪念和偶像化。此后,随着对有关极地区域探索中爱国主义和雄性主义意识反思的提升,安德烈的动机被重新评估。1967年波·沃夫·桑德曼(Sundman)的畅销小说《鹰之行》(The Flight of the Eagle,不久被拍成同名电影)成为早期反思的一例。安德烈在其中被描绘的玩世不恭并且软弱,受到赞助商和媒体摆布。当代作家对于安德烈以及两位年轻同伴丧生的事实评价已经较为统一:安德烈和他的同伴受到19-20世纪之交民族主义的强烈影响并最终成为其牺牲品。[3]
对于1896年气球的发射尝试,安德烈拥有大批热情的志愿者用以选择。他选中了经验丰富的北极气象学研究员Nils Gustaf Ekholm(英语:Nils Gustaf Ekholm)(1848–1923,他曾在1882–83主攻地球物理学时期探访Spitsbergen岛)和一位杰出的学生尼尔斯·斯汀德伯格(1872–97,最初研究物理和化学)。安德烈探险其中最主要的科考目的在于通过航拍绘制该区域的地图,而斯汀德伯格恰好也致力于业余摄影,并且在制作照相机上也颇有能力。[13] 可以说这支队伍拥有许多有益的科技能力,但却缺乏在极端环境下生存的特定技能。三人皆为久居室内的类型,并且只有斯汀德伯格是位年轻人。安德烈期望能够长期呆在吊篮里,所以必要的生存技能并未在他的计划之内。
安德烈指责Ekholm的批评是荒谬的。在从斯瓦尔巴群岛返回的船上,Ekholm从氢气车间首席工程师那儿得知了在他测量中出现异常状况的原因:安德烈曾多次密令给气球添注补偿性氢气。安德烈这种自毁长城的做法动机已经无人知晓。在桑德曼纪实性小说《鹰之行》“The Flight of the Eagle” (1967)对安德烈描绘的影响下,一些现代作家怀疑安德烈陷入自我筹款运动的成功中不能自拔。大批赞助人和媒体紧盯着安德烈计划的每一步,并且大肆鼓噪。从安德烈、斯汀德伯格和Ekholm在斯德哥尔摩和哥德堡被大批欢送的人群所簇拥就可见一斑(见右图),所有的预期都汇聚到一点:等待Danskøya岛南风的到来。值得关注的是,安德烈一行与同时返回的弗里乔夫·南森所形成的鲜明对照也刺激着瑞典人的热情:南森一行沉浸在北极探险胜利的光辉下(凭借惊人的勇气和良好的探险计划,南森一行已搭乘“Fram号”胜利返航),而安德烈却连个吊篮都没送上天。桑德曼推测,安德烈恐于面对媒体这样的报道——由于错误的估计,即使没有风的因素,他的气球也同样无法达到南森一行的成就。[16]
^Andrée, christened Salomon August, invariably went by his initials as an adult.
^This assessment is discussed in several contexts in Vår position är ej synnerligen god… by Andrée specialist Sven Lundström, curator of the Andreexpedition Polarcenter (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) inGränna(英语:Gränna),Sweden (see for example p. 131).
^See Kjellström, p. 45, Lundström, p. 131, Martinsson.
^For instance, in the title of John Maxtone-Graham's popularized narrative Safe Return Doubtful: The Heroic Age of Polar Exploration, which has a chapter on the Andrée expedition.
^The account in this section is based on the expedition's diaries and photos in Med Örnen mot polen plus some of Sven Lundström's commentary in "Vår position är ej synnerligen god…".
Andrée, S. A., Nils Strindberg, and Knut Frænkel (1930). Med Örnen mot polen: Andrées polarexpedition år 1897. Stockholm: Bonnier, 1930. The London edition of the English translation, by Edward Adams-Ray, is The Andrée diaries being the diaries and records of S. A. Andrée, Nils Strindberg and Knut Fraenkel written during their balloon expedition to the North Pole in 1897 and discovered on White Island in 1930, together with a complete record of the expedition and discovery; with 103 illustr. and 6 maps, plans and diagrams (1931); while the New York edition of the same translation is Andrée's Story: The Complete Record of His Polar Flight, 1897, Blue Ribbon Books, 1932.
(瑞典文)"Andrées färder", Svenska ballongfederationen. Accessed on March 5, 2006.
(瑞典文) Kjellström, Rolf (1999). "Andrée-expeditionen och dess undergång: tolkning nu och då", in The Centennial of S.A. Andrée's North Pole Expedition: Proceedings of a Conference on S.A. Andrée and the Agenda for Social Science research of the Polar Regions, ed. Urban Wråkberg. Stockholm: Center for History of Science, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
(瑞典文) Lundström, Sven (1997). "Vår position är ej synnerligen god…" Andréexpeditionen i svart och vitt. Borås: Carlssons förlag. Lundström is the curator of the Andreexpedition Polarcenter in Gränna, Sweden.
"The Mystery of Andree"(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), an extensive archive of American daily newspaper articles 1896–99, from reports of the preparation and the launch to guesswork and rumours about the explorers' fate. Accessed on March 5, 2006.
Sörlin, Sverker (1999). "The burial of an era: the home-coming of Andrée as a national event", in The Centennial of S.A. Andrée's North Pole Expedition: Proceedings of a Conference on S.A. Andrée and the Agenda for Social Science Research of the Polar Regions, ed. Urban Wråkberg. Stockholm: Center for History of Science, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
Sundman, Per Olov (1967). Ingenjör Andrées luftfärd. Stockholm: Norstedt. Translated in 1970 by Mary Sandbach as The Flight of the Eagle, London: Secker and Warburg. The 1982 film Flight of the Eagle by Jan Troell is based on this novel.
(瑞典文) Tryde, Ernst Adam (1952). De döda på Vitön: sanningen om Andrée. Stockholm: Bonnier.
Pavlopoulos, George (2007). "300 Kelvin degrees in the afternoon". ("300 βαθμοί Κέλβιν το απόγευμα"). A novel in Greek about the echo of that expedition today, in Western societies, in an era in which the polar ice is melting.[1] Athens: Alexandria. [2]. Accessed on May 13, 2008.
Sollinger, Guenther (2005), S.A. Andree: The Beginning of Polar Aviation 1895-1897. Moscow. Russian Academy of Sciences.
Sollinger, Guenther (2005). S.A. Andree and Aeronautics: An annotated bibliography. Moscow. Russian Academy of Sciences.