美國海岸防衞隊(英語:United States Coast Guard,缩寫为 USCG)是美國軍隊的海岸巡防隊,亦是美國八個联邦制服部队之一。海岸防衛隊作為海事部隊,專責處理各類海事執法事宜(職權涵蓋12浬領海及國際水域)及執行聯邦管制規定,地位特殊。和平時期部隊受國土安全部管轄,如有需要美國總統可下令部隊移交美國海軍部指揮,國會亦有權在戰時下達相同命令。
^Prior to the formation of the U.S. Coast Guard by merger of the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service and the U.S. Life-Saving Service in 1915, the Revenue Cutter Service had been under the control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury from its creation in 1790. The U.S. Life-Saving Service dated from 1871 and was also under the control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
^ 3.03.1United States Coast Guard. Daily Chronology of Coast Guard History. United States Department of Homeland Security. [2015-02-08]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-03). 2003 - Administrative control of the Coast Guard transferred to the newly created Department of Homeland Security from the Department of Transportation, where it had served since 1 April 1967.
^United States Coast Guard. Timeline of Coast Guard Organizational History(PDF). United States Department of Homeland Security. [18 January 2014]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2013-06-13). 1 April 1967: Executive Order 16781 transferred the Coast Guard from the Treasury Department to the newly-formed Department of Transportation.
^United States Coast Guard. Timeline of Coast Guard Organizational History(PDF). United States Department of Homeland Security. [18 January 2014]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2013-06-13). 1 November 1941: President Roosevelt's Executive Order 8929 transferred the Coast Guard to Navy Department control. In compliance with Executive Order 9666, the Coast Guard returned to Treasury Department control.
^United States Coast Guard. Timeline of Coast Guard Organizational History(PDF). United States Department of Homeland Security. [18 January 2014]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2013-06-13). 28 August 1919: Coast Guard reverted to Treasury Department after President Wilson signed Executive Order 3160.
^United States Coast Guard. Timeline of Coast Guard Organizational History(PDF). United States Department of Homeland Security. [18 January 2014]. (原始内容(PDF)存档于2013-06-13). 6 April 1917: With the declaration of war against Germany the Coast Guard was transferred by Executive Order to the control of the Navy Department.
^An Act To create the Coast Guard by combining therein the existing Life-Saving Service and Revenue-Cutter Service. January 1915 [8 September 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013年9月8日). Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be established in lieu of the existing Revenue-Cutter Service and the Life-Saving Service, to be composed of those two existing organizations, with the existing offices and positions and the incumbent officers and men of those two services, the Coast Guard, which shall constitute a part of the military forces of the United States and which shall operate under the Treasury Department in time of peace and operate as a part of the Navy, subject to the orders of the Secretary of the Navy, in time of war or when the President shall so direct. When subject to the Secretary of the Navy in time of war the expense of the Coast Guard shall be paid by the Navy Department; Provided, That no provision of this Act shall be construed as giving any officer of either the Coast Guard or the Navy, military or other control at any time over any vessel, officer, or man of the other service except by direction of the President.