對於當日的死傷及損失數字仍有爭論,蘇聯歷史學家弗拉基米爾·葉夫多基姆表示德軍共死傷52,000人及另有11,000人被俘,其它來源說德軍死傷57,000人及另有18,000被俘 ;而蘇聯的死傷數字沒有正式公佈,如此高的傷亡數字是因為蘇聯相信所有德軍單位均是足額及大部份德國第8軍團被包圍,所以蘇聯獨裁者以為可以出現第2個史達林格勒[31],德軍宣稱少於60,000人在包圍圈內,到2月16日時只剩下不超過50,000人,突圍時有45,000人,其中35,000人成功突圍,總共有19,000人死亡、被俘或失蹤,道格拉斯·E·南茜的附錄7 “German Present for Battle Unit Strengths after the Breakout” in Hell’s Gate 列出每個單位的生還數字,共有40,423人生還,包括在逃出包圍圈受傷及安全從列斯揚卡撤退的士兵[32]。
^施特默爾曼集團包括6個師:第57、第72、第88、第389師,附屬第8軍團的獨立B集團[第112集群],所有步兵師沒有任何裝甲單位;武裝親衛隊第5維京裝甲擲彈兵師及其附屬的第5瓦隆突擊旅,其中只有第72步兵師及武裝親衛隊第5維京裝甲擲彈兵師有進攻能力Department of the Army Pamphlet 20-234, p. 19-20
^One such isolated group of stragglers from the Wallonien brigade was set upon by a “swarm of Cossacks” [Carell, p. 430]. The vengeful cavalry hacked at the escapees with their sabers in “an orgy of slaughter” [Perrett, p. 169]
^These Soviet claims can be safely questioned. The numbers appear in a Soviet General Staff Study of the 1944 Korsun operation with after-war amendments. The study is critiqued by Swedish historian Niklas Zetterling as “anything but accurate” and “completely unreliable.” David Glantz now generalizes that “Soviet and Russian estimates of German losses are wildly inaccurate since these sources routinely inflate German and Axis losses as greatly as they understate their own.” (David M. Glantz. Red Storm over the Balkans. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 2007, p. 381)
Armstrong, Richard N. Red Army Tank Commanders. The Armored Guards. Atglen, Pennsylvania: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., 1994. ISBN 0887405819
Carell, Paul. Scorched Earth. New York: Ballantine Books, 1971. ISBN 0345022130
Department of the Army Pamphlet 20-234. Operations of Encircled Forces: German Experiences in Russia. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1952.
Glantz, David & House, Jonathan M. When Titans Clashed. How the Red Army Stopped Hitler. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1995. ISBN 070060717X
Nash, Douglas E. Hell's Gate: The Battle of the Cherkassy Pocket, January-February 1944. Southbury, Connecticut: RZM Publishing, 2002. ISBN 0965758435
Perrett, Bryan. Knights of the Black Cross, Hitler's Panzerwaffe and its Leaders. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986. ISBN 0709028067
Shukman, Harold, ed. Stalin's Generals. New York: Grove Press, 1993. ISBN 1842125133