
社会主义计算争论(英語:Socialist calculation debate,有时候称作经济计算争论)表示正在进行的对社会主义经济怎样在缺少价值规律货币资本物品的金融定价以及生产资料的情况下进行经济计算的话题。更具体地说,这场争论集中于计划经济把生产资料的分配作为资本市场的替代品的应用,以及就效率和生产力而言哪种安排方式能优于资本主义[1]


即使在20世纪之前就对已经存在的社会主义运动中社会主义之下的合作和核算的问题作出了贡献,“社会主义计算争论”随着路德维希·冯·米塞斯对社会主义的批评的开始出现在1920年代。[2]历史上的争论产生于奥地利经济学派之间,代表人物是路德维希·冯·米塞斯和弗里德里希·哈耶克,二人否定了社会主义的可行性,以及新古典经济学派马克思主义政治经济学之间,最主要的是克莱尔·蒂施德语Cläre Tisch奥斯卡·兰格阿巴·勒纳英语Abba P. Lerner弗雷德·曼维尔·泰勒英语Fred M. Taylor亨利·道格拉斯·迪金森法语Henry Douglas Dickinson莫里斯·多布,他们坚称社会主义可行并优于资本主义。

这场争论通常被视为社会主义的支持者和资本主义的支持者之间的辩论,但实际上这场争论的重要部分在于社会主义体制如何对待对市场和货币的利用的不同意见及拿什么衡量价值规律才能在假定的社会主义经济中持续运转之间。[3]社会主义者通常对核算的单位采用一种或三种主要的定位,包括社会主义下货币继续作为核算单位的观点,工时能作为核算单位,或者社会主义能建立在用自然或者实物进行的核算上面英语Calculation in kind[4]

社会主义者之间的争论自从社会主义运动传播的更为广泛开始就在提倡市场社会主义、中央计划经济和分散计划经济的人之间存在。在20世纪末和21世纪初对这争论的最近的贡献在于围绕着对市场社会主义以及利用信息技术分散式网络英语distributed networking作为分散式计划经济英语Decentralized planning (economics)的基础的提议。


卡尔·马克思弗里德里希·恩格斯对社会主义做出了广泛的描绘,通过经济企业中的生产资料公有制工人自治的一些形式,以及那里用于盈利的经济价值的生产被事前的以直接使用为目的的生产英语Production for use取代,这意味着一些经济计划的形式和计划性的增长代替资本积累英语capital accumulation的动向,并且因此以有意识的规划替代生产要素的基于商品的生产和基于市场的配置。[5]

即使马克思和恩格斯从未阐述社会主义中会存在的具体制度或者社会主义体系中指导计划的过程,他们广泛的描绘导奠定了社会主义作为作为一个经济体系没有价值规律和积累法则英语law of accumulation,而主要是价值的范畴被替换成以自然或物理单位的核算,由此资源分配、生产和调配会被当作技术事务由工程师和技术专家来担当的一般概念的基础。[6]

另一个对社会主义的看法预示市场社会主义新古典经济学派模式包括基于古典经济学理论和李嘉图社会主义的市场社会主义概念,其中市场被利用来通过自由市场经济中工人所有的合作社分配资本物品。对这一体系的关键描述表明直接的生产资料工人所有制通过生产者和消费者的合作以及真正地自由市场的实现通过去除私有制的扭曲效应,利润的私人占有所产生的不平等和对食利阶级的兴致,规制俘虏,以及经济波动。这一观点由互利共生论英语Mutualism (economic theory)哲学家论述,并被马克思主义者严厉批评为未能处理资本主义的基本问题涉及的由价值规律运作所产生的不稳定性、资本的过度积累和缺乏对过剩产品的有意识的控制造成的危机[7]结果,这一观点在20世纪初期的社会主义计算争论中几乎没有任何作用。



20世纪初,恩里克∙巴罗内(Enrico Barone)为社会主义计划经济提供了综合的理论框架。在他的模式中,取得完美的计算技术,同时平等关联的投入和产出以平衡比率会提供适当的估价来平衡供求。[8]







相比于纽拉特,卡爾·考茨基指出货币在社会主义中会被利用。考茨基声称社会主义和资本主义的基本上的不同不是前者缺乏货币,相反,重要的不同在于资本主义下获得财富的能力成为了资本。在社会主义经济,没有动机把货币用作金融资本英语financial capital,因此货币在社会主义中有明显不同的角色。[10]




— 路德维希·冯·米塞斯, 社会主义共同体的经济计算[11]



无政府资本主义经济学家Bryan Caplan批评米塞斯后期的核算问题时所说的经济计算的缺乏使社会主义变得无法实现(不仅仅是低效的)。Caplan承认社会主义者无法实现经济计算,但问题可能不足以使社会主义不能实现(“超越了不可能的范围”)。



— 列夫·托洛茨基, 危险中的苏联经济[14]


奥斯卡·兰格回应米塞斯的主张称社会主义和生产资料公有制表明通过基于新古典经济学派描绘的社会主义模式的轮廓理性的核算是不可能的。兰格承认核算会在价值期限中而不是使用纯粹的自然或者工程学准则完成,但他坚称这些价值可以不经资本市场和生产资料私有制实现。在兰格的观点中,这一模式适合于社会主义是因为生产资料会公有化的回报将是向公有企业获得的作为一个整体在社会红利英语social dividend,同时工人自治能引入公有企业。[15]

这个模式被称为兰格模式。在这个模式中,中央计划局(Central Planning Board,CPB)会通过反复探索试验均衡价格来负责制定价格,实际上作为瓦尔拉斯经济学中理论上的“瓦尔拉斯拍卖商”。国有企业的管理者会被指派把价格定到等同于边际成本的程度(P=MC),因此经济平衡和帕累托最优会被实现。兰格模式被亚巴·勒纳英语Abba Lerner拓展并被称为兰格-勒纳理论。

Paul Auerbach和Dimitris Sotiropoulos批评兰格模式把社会主义的定义降低到“没有资本市场的资本主义”的形式,试图通过经济计划来复制资本主义的高效益的成就。二人提出哈耶克提供的资本主义动态的分析与马克思主义的分析更为一致,因为哈耶克把金融看作是资本主义的基本方面并且任何削弱资本市场的角色的变动(通过集体所有或者政治改革)会威胁到资本主义体系的完整性。根据Auerbach和Sotiropoulos,哈耶克对社会主义给予了意想不到的肯定,因为社会主义比兰格表面上防范的“社会主义”更为复杂。[16]



Paul CockshottAllin Cottrell和Andy Pollack对非市场社会主义提出了新的建立于现代信息技术的合作制形式。[需明示出處]




David McMullen指出生产资料社会所有制和市场的缺乏对他们来说是和分散的定价体系完全相容的。在后资本主义社会,企业之间的交易会产生管理人之间的社会性质的传送而不是所有者之间的交易。个人会出于从工作和需求中的满足以贡献好的经济成果而不是物质奖励。出价和卖价将以降低成本和为私人和集体消费预计的最终需求引导的产出为目标。企业和新兴公司会从项目评估机构接受他们的投资资金。人类行为中的需求变化会让好几代人受益并将克服相当大的阻力。然而,McMullen相信经济和文化的发展会日益推动这一转变。[17][18]


James Yunker指出生产资料公有制可以在现代资本主义中通过股东体系从所有者手中分摊管理以私有制相同的方式获得。Yunker假设社会所有制可以通过拥有公共团体获得,设立公有制机构,拥有上市公司的股份而不影响基于市场的资本投入的分配。Yunker称这一模式为“实用市场社会主义”并指出这至少和现代的资本主义一样有效益,同时像大型和已建立企业的公有制那样提供优越的社会成果会带来效益惠及所有人而不是把很大一部分给一班继任的收租者[19]


1970年代起社会主义计算争论新的视角出现在机制设计理论上。根据机制设计理论,哈耶克和兰格之间的争论成为了持续四十年的僵局,因为双方说的不是共同的语言——部分原因是用于讨论社会主义计算问题适当的语言没有被发明出来。根据这些理论,需要的是一个更好的了解来防止协调人与人之间的信息问题。通含信息经济学、机制设计的融合博弈论的语言和框架,社会主义者和资本主义支持者都能从中比较他们争论的优点。按Palda(2013年)写的社会主义计算争论提出的机制设计理论摘要, “看起来社会主义和资本主义长于作不同的事。社会主义遭受欺骗,或者‘道德风险’甚于资本主义,因为不允许企业管理者在他自己的公司有股份……社会主义的欺骗问题的反面是资本主义的欺骗或者‘逆行选择’问题。如果潜在的公司管理者是好的或坏的,但是告诉他们分开是很困难的,糟糕的前景将会成为公司的一部分。”[20]


约瑟夫·斯蒂格利茨在他的书《社会主义向何处去》(Whither socialism?)中批评了市场社会主义的模式,从1930年代社会主义计算争论时期作为对新古典经济学派一般均衡理论更通常的批评的一部分,后者同时驳斥了非自由市场资本主义及市场社会主义。[21]

Alec Nove雅诺什·科尔奈就经济均衡论提出了相似的论点。二人都指出因为完美的均衡不存在,用于生产的广泛的经济计划根本不能制定出来,制定的计划失效仅仅是现实世界的市场经济不符合完全竞争的假设状态。[22]Alec Nove在他的书《The Economics of Feasible Socialism》概述的答案表明社会主义经济由带有对企业以市场为基础的协调的宏观经济规划的混合组成,其中大型的产业会公有化,小到中型企业会归合作经营企业所有。



  1. ^ Levy, David M. and Sandra J. Peart. "socialist calculation debate." The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics. Second Edition. Eds. Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume. Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics Online. Palgrave Macmillan. 2 February 2013 <http://www.dictionaryofeconomics.com/article?id=pde2008_S000535页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)> doi:10.1057/9780230226203.1570
  2. ^ A Companion to the History of Economic Thought, Wiley-Blackwell by Biddle, Jeff and Samuels, Warren and Davis, John. 2006. (p. 319): "What became known as the socialist calculation debate started when von Mises (1935 [1920]) launched a critique of socialism."
  3. ^ Economic Calculation under Socialism: The Austrian Contribution, by Vaughn, Karen. 2004. Economic Inquiry, vol. 18, issue 4, p. 537, 1980: Although it is conventional to treat the economic calculation controversy as a debate between those who favored socialism and those who opposed it, this is not descriptive of the actual course of events...by that time, the real debate, in so far as one took place in the journals, was among the socialists themselves..."
  4. ^ Adam Buick and Pieter Lawrence. How Socialism Can Organise Production Without Money. Libertyandsocialism.org. 1984 [13 February 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014年10月15日). 
  5. ^ The Rise and Fall of Socialist Planning, Ellman, Michael. (p. 17): "Marx devoted most of his life to the analysis of capitalism and was notoriously opposed to attempts to design utopias. Nevertheless, from his scattered observations about socialism, and from those of his close comrade Engels, his followers drew the idea that in a socialist economy the market mechanism would be replaced by economic planning...Similarly, the superiority of planning, which would enable society as a whole to coordinate production ex ante, became a widespread view in the international Marxist movement."
  6. ^ Bockman, Johanna. Markets in the name of Socialism: The Left-Wing origins of Neoliberalism. 斯坦福大学出版社. 2011: 20. ISBN 978-0-8047-7566-3. According to nineteenth-century socialist views, socialism would function without capitalist economic categories - such as money, prices, interest, profits and rent - and thus would function according to laws other than those described by current economic science. While some socialists recognized the need for money and prices at least during the transition from capitalism to socialism, socialists more commonly believed that the socialist economy would soon administratively mobilize the economy in physical units without the use of prices or money. 
  7. ^ McNally, David. Against the Market: Political economy, market socialism and the Marxist critique. Verso. 1993. ISBN 978-0-86091-606-2. 
  8. ^ Gregory and Stuart, Paul and Robert. Comparing Economic Systems in the Twenty-First Century, Seventh Edition. George Hoffman. 2004: 120–121. ISBN 0-618-26181-8. 
  9. ^ Calculation in-Natura, from Neurath to Kantorovich, Cockshott, Paul. (p. 12): ""
  10. ^ Karl Kautsky. The Economic Revolution. The Labour Revolution. Ruskin House, 40 Museum Street, W.C.1. 1924 [3 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-17). 
  11. ^ Economic calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, 1920
  12. ^ Calculation in-Natura, from Neurath to Kantorovich, Cockshott, Paul. (p. 9): "Mises was initially debating against Otto Neurath. In an article dated 1919 Neurath had argued that a socialist economy would be able to operate calculations in-natura rather than by means of money."
  13. ^ Is socialism really "impossible"?, by Caplan, Bryan. 2004. Critical Review, vol. 16, pp. 33-52, January 2004.
  14. ^ Leon Trotsky. The Soviet Economy in Danger. Marxism.org. October 1932 [13 February 2013]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-21). 
  15. ^ Revisiting the Socialist Calculation Debate: The role of markets and finance in Hayek's response to Lange's challenge, by Auerbach, Paul and Sotiropoulos, Dimitris. 2012. Kingston University London, Economics Discussion Paper 2012-6, pp. 1-2: "Lange took up the challenge of Mises’ claim of the impossibility of constructing a socialist economy. He readily acceded to the need for efficiency calculations to be made in value terms rather than using purely natural or engineering criteria, but claimed that these values could emerge along lines consistent with neoclassical value theory, without the need for a market in capital goods and without private ownership over the means of production. Lange drew heavily upon the dominant neoclassical tradition to defend socialism"
  16. ^ Revisiting the Socialist Calculation Debate: The role of markets and finance in Hayek's response to Lange's challenge, by Auerbach, Paul and Sotiropoulos, Dimitris. 2012. Kingston University London, Economics Discussion Paper 2012-6, pp. 2-3: "Hayek implicitly realized the danger of undermining functional capitalist behaviour and therefore the nature of capitalist relations. If we see economic behaviour in capitalism as the outcome of capitalist social relations of power, then Hayek’s perspective renders capital markets as a central arena in the organization of capitalism as a system of exploitation. He also perceives every movement towards collective ownership of the means of production as a real threat to the reproduction of the logic of capitalism. In this sense, he implicitly ends up giving an unexpected endorsement to socialism that is much deeper and sophisticated than the superficial ‘defence’ of Lange."
  17. ^ David McMullen. The Economic Case for Social Ownership (PDF). Working Paper no. 1. Post-Capitalism Project, April 2014. 2014 [2014-10-09]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-04-26). 
  18. ^ David McMullen. Re-Opening the Debates on Economic Calculation and Motivation under Socialism (PDF). Working Paper no. 2. Post-Capitalism Project, May 2014. 2014 [2014-10-09]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-04-26). 
  19. ^ Yunker, James. Socialism Revised and Modernized: The Case for Pragmatic Market Socialism. Praeger. April 1992: 29–31. ISBN 978-0275941345. 
  20. ^ Palda, Filip (2013) The Apprentice Economist: Seven Steps to Mastery. Cooper-Wolfling Press, ISBN 978-0-9877880-4-7
  21. ^ Stiglitz, Joseph. Whither Socialism?. The MIT Press. January 1996. ISBN 978-0262691826. . 
  22. ^ Nove, Alec. The Economics of Feasible Socialism, Revisited. Routledge. 1991: 216. ISBN 978-0043350492. The point of all this is to stress that a perfect ‘socialist’ capital market is just as unimaginable as ‘rational’ investment under assumptions of neo-classical perfection. 


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I Cuntrera-Caruana è stata una Famiglia di Cosa Nostra che ha ottenuto una posizione chiave nel traffico di stupefacenti e nel riciclaggio di denaro sporco tra gli anni ottanta e novanta. La stampa italiana del periodo li ribattezzò come i Rothschild della Mafia o i banchieri di Cosa Nostra. Indice 1 Storia 2 Elementi di spicco 3 Note 4 Bibliografia Storia Nel secondo dopoguerra i Cuntrera e i Caruana svolgevano le occupazioni di campieri e gabellotti nelle tenute del barone Agnello nei pre...


For related races, see 2006 United States Senate elections. 2006 United States Senate election in Arizona ← 2000 November 7, 2006 2012 →   Nominee Jon Kyl Jim Pederson Party Republican Democratic Popular vote 814,398 664,141 Percentage 53.34% 43.50% County resultsKyl:      50–60%      60–70% Pederson:      50–60%      60–70% U.S. senator before election ...


American legislative district Parts of this article (those related to Description of counties in district is outdated) need to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (January 2024) New York's 51stState Senate districtSenator  Peter OberackerR–Schenevus Registration37.5% Republican31.5% Democratic22.2% No party preferenceDemographics93% White2% Black3% Hispanic1% AsianPopulation (20...

Political party in France Convention of Republican Institutions Convention des institutions républicainesAbbreviationCIRLeaderFrançois MitterrandFoundedJune 1964Dissolved1971Merged intoSocialist PartyIdeologySocialismRepublicanismNational affiliationFGDSPolitics of FrancePolitical partiesElections The Convention of Republican Institutions (French: Convention des institutions républicaines, CIR) was a socialist and republican party in France led by François Mitterrand. The CIR, fo...


Distrik Yūbari di Subprefektur Sorachi. Yūbari (夕張郡code: ja is deprecated , Yūbari-gun) adalah sebuah distrik yang bertempat di Subprefektur Sorachi, Hokkaido, Jepang. Per 31 Januari 2024, distrik ini memiliki estimasi jumlah penduduk sebesar 25.586 jiwa dan kepadatan penduduk sebesar 50,55 orang per km2. Distrik ini memiliki luas wilayah sebesar 506,19 km2. Kotapraja dan desa Lokasi munisipalitas yang ada di Distrik Yūbari :1. Yuni2. Naganuma3. Kuriyamawarna kuning :cakup...


Bucky BarnesIl Soldato d'Inverno, disegnato da Steve Epting UniversoUniverso Marvel Lingua orig.Inglese AutoriJoe Simon (Bucky) Jack Kirby (Bucky) Ed Brubaker (Soldato d'Inverno) Steve Epting (Soldato d'Inverno) EditoreMarvel Comics - Timely Comics 1ª app.marzo 1941 1ª app. inCaptain America Comics (Vol. 1[1]) n. 1 Editore it.Società Editrice del Pupazzetto[2] 1ª app. it.1945 1ª app. it. inIl Pupazzetto [3] Interpretato daSebastian Stan Voci ...

محتوى هذه المقالة بحاجة للتحديث. فضلًا، ساعد بتحديثه ليعكس الأحداث الأخيرة وليشمل المعلومات الموثوقة المتاحة حديثًا. (أبريل 2020) جائحة فيروس كورونا في إسبانيا 2020   عدد الحالات المؤكدة في المناطق المستقلة (حتى 21 مارس):    1–99 حالة مؤكدة   100–499 حالة مؤكدة   500–...


Spanish politician (born 1945) Manuel ChavesSecond Deputy Prime Minister of SpainIn office11 July 2011 – 21 December 2011Prime MinisterJosé Luis ZapateroPreceded byElena SalgadoSucceeded byPablo Iglesias Turrión (2020)Third Deputy Prime Minister of SpainIn office7 April 2009 – 11 July 2011Prime MinisterJosé Luis ZapateroPreceded byFernando Abril Martorell (1978)Succeeded byNadia Calviño (2020)Minister of Territorial PolicyIn office7 April 2009 – 20 October...


Not to be confused with Swami Ramdas.17th-century Marathi poet-saint in India SantRamdasPortrait of Ramdas by Meru Swami c.17th CenturyPersonalBornNarayan Suryajipant Thosarc. 1608Jamb, Ahmadnagar SultanateDied1682(1682-00-00) (aged 73–74)Sajjangad, Satara, Maratha EmpireReligionHinduismOrganizationPhilosophyBhakti YogaReligious careerLiterary worksDasbodh, Manobodh, Aatmaram, Manache Shlok, more[1] Ramdas (c. 1608 – c. 1682), also known as Samarth Ramdas or Ramdas Swami, was...

  لمعانٍ أخرى، طالع برقع (توضيح).   ميّز عن نقاب.   هذه المقالة عن البرقع زي إماراتي. لالمقالة التي تتحدث عن البرقع في الطائفة الحريدية باليهودية، طالع برقع حريدي. هذه المقالة بحاجة لمراجعة خبير مختص في مجالها. يرجى من المختصين في مجالها مراجعتها وتطويرها. (فبر�...


Artikel ini bukan mengenai Mark Boals. Mark BoalBoal pada 2012Lahir23 Januari 1973 (umur 51)New York City, New York, ASAlmamaterOberlin College (1995)PekerjaanJurnalis, penulis naskah, produserKerabatChristopher Stetson Boal (saudara tiri) Mark Boal (lahir 23 Januari 1973) adalah seorang jurnalis, penulis naskah dan produser asal Amerika Serikat. Sebelum menjadi figur sinema berpengaruh, Boal bekerja sebagai jurnalis untuk publikasi-publikasi seperti Rolling Stone, The Village Voice, Sal...


Antelope native to India and Nepal Black buck redirects here. For other uses, see Blackbuck (disambiguation). Blackbuck Male and two females Conservation status Least Concern  (IUCN 3.1)[1] CITES Appendix III (CITES)[1] Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Family: Bovidae Subfamily: Antilopinae Tribe: Antilopini Genus: Antilope Species: A. cervicapra Binomial name Antilope cervicapra(L...

Emperor of Japan Emperor Go-Sanjō後三条天皇Emperor of JapanReignMay 22, 1068 – January 18, 1073EnthronementAugust 21, 1068PredecessorGo-ReizeiSuccessorShirakawaBornTakahito (尊仁、たかひと) [1]September 3, 1034 [2]Heian-kyō (Present: Kyoto, Japan) [3]DiedJune 15, 1073 (aged 38) [4]Heian-kyō (Present: Kyoto, Japan) [5]BurialEnsō-ji no misasagi (圓宗寺陵) (Kyoto)Spouse Kaoruko ​(m. 1051)​Issue Princess To...


Method for multiplexing signals Multiplexing Analog modulation AM FM PM QAM SM SSB Circuit mode(constant bandwidth) TDM FDM / WDM SDMA Polarization Spatial OAM Statistical multiplexing(variable bandwidth) Packet switching Dynamic TDMA FHSS DSSS OFDMA SC-FDM MC-SS Related topics Channel access methods Medium access control vte Polarization-division multiplexing (PDM) is a physical layer method for multiplexing signals carried on electromagnetic waves, allowing two channels of informat...