半日潮的潮差(在半天之內水域的最高和最低位置的變化)各自有兩個星期或14天週期的不同變化。在朔、望(滿月)的時刻,太陽、月球、地球處在一條線上,太陽和月亮的潮汐力迭加,潮汐的潮差會達到最大,稱為大潮(英文為spring tide,但與春季無關,不能譯為春潮,而是在字面上源自較古老的含義:跳躍、向前噴出、上升等水文學的自然現象)。當月球在上弦或下弦的位置,從地球看到的太陽和月球相距90度,
太陽的力量抵銷了部分的月球力量,使兩者的合力效果最小。在月相週期的這種位置上,潮汐的潮差最小:稱為小潮(英文neap tide的字源From Middle English neep, from Old English nēp (“scant, lacking”))。大潮的時候,高水位高於平均值,而低水位低於平均值,憩潮的時間比平均短,但潮流比平均值強大;小潮的結果是一切都小於平均值。大潮和小潮的時間間隔大約是7天。
^The orientation and geometry of the coast affects the phase, direction, and amplitude of amphidromic systems, coastal Kelvin waves as well as resonant seiches in bays. In estuaries seasonal river outflows influence tidal flow.
^Tide tables usually list mean lower low water (mllw, the 19 year average of mean lower low waters), mean higher low water (mhlw), mean lower high water (mlhw), mean higher high water (mhhw), as well as perigean tides. These are mean in the sense that they are predicted from mean data. Glossary of Coastal Terminology: H–M (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Washington Department of Ecology, State of Washington (checked 5 April 2007).
^Types and causes of tidal cycles. U S National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service(Education section). [2009-09-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-16).
H V Thurman. Introductory Oceanography 7. New York, NY: Macmillan. 1994: 252–276.ref
^D A Ross. Introduction to Oceanography. New York, NY: HarperCollins. 1995: 236–242.
Y. Accad, C. L. Pekeris. Solution of the Tidal Equations for the M2 and S2 Tides in the World Oceans from a Knowledge of the Tidal Potential Alone. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences. November 28, 1978, 290 (1368): 235–266.
^Tide forecasts. New Zealand: National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research. [2008-11-07]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-14). Including animations of the M2, S2 and K1 tides for New Zealand.
^ 19.019.1See E Lisitzin, "Sea-Level Changes", (Elsevier Oceanography Series, vol.8, 1974), ch.2: "Periodical sea-level changes: Astronomical tides", at p.5.
^See also U S National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Ocean Service (Education section), "What Causes Tides?" (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^See J Wahr, "Earth Tides", pages 40-46 in "Global Earth Physics", American Geophysical Union Reference Shelf #1, (1995).
^Yang Zuosheng, K. O. Emery, Xui Yui. Historical Development and Use of Thousand-Year-Old Tide-Prediction Tables. Limnology and Oceanography. July 1989, 34 (5): 953–957.
^Case, James. Understanding Tides—From Ancient Beliefs to Present-day Solutions to the Laplace Equations. SIAM News. March 2000, 33 (2).
^A T Doodson. The Harmonic Development of the Tide-Generating Potential. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. December 1921, 100 (704): 305–329.
^S Casotto, F Biscani. A fully analytical approach to the harmonic development of the tide-generating potential accounting for precession, nutation, and perturbations due to figure and planetary terms. AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy. April 2004, 36 (2): 67.
^See e.g. T D Moyer (2003), "Formulation for observed and computed values of Deep Space Network data types for navigation", vol.3 in Deep-space communications and navigation series, Wiley (2003), e.g. at pp.126-8.
^Ng, Chiu-king. How tidal forces cause ocean tides in the equilibrium theory. Physics Education. March 2015, 50 (2): 159–164. doi:10.1088/0031-9120/50/2/159.