



國家 使用人口 百分比 年份 參考資料
 阿尔巴尼亚 523 0.02% 2011 [1]
 澳大利亞 290,328 1.24% 2016 [2][note 1]
 奥地利 10,742 0.13% 2001 [3]
 比利时 190,816 1.72% 2012 [4][note 2]
 加拿大 413,766 1.19% 2016 [5][6]
 哥伦比亚 122,901 0.30% 2005 [7][note 3]
 克罗地亚 18,573 0.43% 2011 [8]
 芬兰 2,857 0.05% 2018 [9]
 法國 655,961 1.03% 2007 [10][note 2]
 德国 632,903 0.76% 2010 [11][note 2]
 愛爾蘭 14,505 0.31% 2016 [12]
 義大利 60,323,848 96.8% 2022 [4]
 利比亞 22,530 0.40% / [13]
 列支敦斯登 570 1.51% 2015 [14]
 盧森堡 13,896 2.92% 2011 [15]
 馬爾他 2,267 0.54% 2012 [4][note 2]
 摩納哥 8,172 21.9% 2016 [16]
 新西兰 8,214 0.22% 2018 [17][note 3]
 波蘭 10,295 0.03% 2011 [18]
 葡萄牙 9,411 0.09% 2012 [4][note 2]
 羅馬尼亞 2,949 0.02% 2011 [19]
 俄羅斯 1,013 0.001% 2010 [20]
 圣马力诺 25,000 85.5% 2004 [21]
 斯洛維尼亞 5,972 0.31% 2002 [22]
 西班牙 111,919 0.24% 2016 [23][note 2]
 瑞士 693,813 8.18% 2017 [24][note 3]
 英国 102,248 0.16% 2011 [25]
 美国 677,455 0.21% 2016 [26][note 3]


地區 所屬國 母語人口 百分比 年份 參考資料
加泰罗尼亚  西班牙 201,200 3.2% 2018 [27]
伊斯特拉縣  克罗地亚 14,205 6.8% 2011 [28]
新地区  芬兰 1,800 0.11% 2018 [29]
皮兰  斯洛維尼亞 1,174 7.0% 2002 [30]
伊佐拉  斯洛維尼亞 620 4.3% 2002 [30]
科佩尔  斯洛維尼亞 1,059 2.2% 2002 [30]
提契諾州  瑞士 267,617 88.8% 2016 [31]
英格兰  英国 92,241 0.17% 2011 [32]


國家 人口 百分比 年份 參考資料
 阿尔巴尼亚 799,414 27.8% 2016 [33][note 4][note 5]
 奥地利 790,249 9.4% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 阿根廷 1,359,791 3.48% 2006 [36]
 比利时 580,667 5.24% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 加拿大 574,725 1.67% 2016 [37]
 賽普勒斯 28,961 3.36% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 法國 3,237,620 5.11% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 德国 2,536,126 3.16% 2012 [38][39][note 6]
 希腊 375,096 3.38% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 義大利 58,213,202 98.01% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 盧森堡 28,561 6.22% 2011 [40]
 馬爾他 171,576 41.34% 2011 [41][note 7]
 意大利以外的歐盟國家 1,060,589 1.15% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 波蘭 707,987 1.86% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 羅馬尼亞 1,493,378 7.44% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 俄羅斯 83,202 0.06% 2010 [42]
 斯洛維尼亞 249,408 12.13% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 西班牙 1,128,417 2.41% 2012 [34][35][note 6]
 南非 5,768 0.01% 1996 [42]
 瑞士 1,277,411 15.5% 2014 [43][44]
 英国 1,335,739 2.1% 2012 [45][46][note 6]
 美国 3,820,442 1.21% 2013 [47][note 7]
 委內瑞拉 600,000 2.58% 2010 [48]


國家 人口 百分比 資料來源
 巴西 4,050,000 2.07% [49]
 阿根廷 1,500,000 3.7% [50]
 英国 255,423 0.17% [51][52][需要較佳来源]
 西班牙 143,389 0.31% [51][需要較佳来源]
 委內瑞拉 132,758 0.42% [51][需要較佳来源]
 乌拉圭 94,442 2.74% [51][53][需要較佳来源]
 智利 56,834 0.32% [51][需要較佳来源]
 荷蘭 39,519 0.23% [51][需要較佳来源]
 南非 33,716 0.06% [51][需要較佳来源]
 秘魯 32,362 0.10% [51][需要較佳来源]
 奥地利 27,178 0.31% [51][需要較佳来源][3]
 墨西哥 16,200 0.2% [51][需要較佳来源]
 日本 6,900 0.01% [54]





黑山,意大利語是第一外語,在奧地利克罗地亚斯洛文尼亚乌克兰英語之後的第二外語,而在匈牙利羅馬尼亞俄羅斯則是英語和德語之後的第三外語[59] 而全球範圍內,意大利語則是第五最多人學習的歐洲外語,在英語、法語、德語和西班牙語之後[60]





意大利語是法國摩納哥的少數族裔語言,尤其在法國的東南部。[67][68] 1859年之前,意大利語是科西嘉島的官方語言[69],現今該地仍有10%的意大利語人口,另外50%人口能夠一定程度上使用意大利語。利古里亞海是法國濱海阿爾卑斯省官方認定的地方語言。



















若不將所有中文列爲同一語言,意大利語則是加拿大第二多人使用的非官方語言。根據2006年人口普查,加拿大有 66 萬意大利語人口,佔該國人口 2.1%。[78]







美國有1700萬意大利裔,但是只有100萬人在家使用意大利語[84]。不過,該國依然存在意大利語傳媒[85]。意大利語在美國處於衰退狀態,根據美國1980年的人後普查,該國有 160萬 人講意大利語,到1990年,該數字降至 130萬,2000年爲100萬,到2010年,則僅有 72 萬。1980年至2010年間,美國失去了55.2%的意大利語人口。[86]



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  42. ^ 42.0 42.1 Population by language, sex and urban/rural residence. UNdata. [13 October 2015]. (原始内容存档于19 May 2016). 
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  64. ^ Italians looking for work in Albania – 19,000, says minister – Economy – ANSAMed.it. www.ansamed.info. [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2017-10-10). 
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  68. ^ France. Ethnologue. SIL International. 2013 [28 June 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-29). 
  69. ^ Abalain, Hervé, (2007) Le français et les langues historiques de la France, Éditions Jean-Paul Gisserot, p.113
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  73. ^ Ethnologue report for language code:ita (Italy) 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2011-07-29. – Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.), 2005. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. Online version
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  75. ^ Scuola Italiana di Asmara (in Italian). Scuoleasmara.it. [2010-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2010-03-30). 
  76. ^ [1] 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期17 December 2008.
  77. ^ Diana Briton Putman, Mohamood Cabdi Noor, The Somalis: their history and culture, (Center for Applied Linguistics: 1993), p. 15.: "Somalis speak Somali. Many people also speak Arabic, and educated Somalis usually speak English. Swahili may also be spoken in coastal areas near Kenya."
  78. ^ Statistics Canada 2006. 2.statcan.ca. 8 April 2010 [2010-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2009-08-18). 
  79. ^ Sansonetti V. (1995) Quemé mis naves en esta montaña: La colonización de la altiplanicie de Coto Brus y la fundación de San Vito de Java. Jiménez y Tanzi. San José, Costa Rica (in Spanish)
  80. ^ Departamento de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza. Historias de inmigrantes italianos en Argentina. infouniversidades.siu.edu.ar. 14 November 2011 [2020-07-16]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-26) (西班牙语). Se estima que en la actualidad, el 90% de la población argentina tiene alguna ascendencia europea y que al menos 25 millones están relacionados con algún inmigrante de Italia. 
  81. ^ Los segundos idiomas más hablados de Sudamérica | AméricaEconomía – El sitio de los negocios globales de América Latina. Americaeconomia.com. 2015-07-16 [2015-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2015-10-19). 
  82. ^ Welsh. Ethnologue. 1999-02-19 [2015-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2011-08-11). 
  83. ^ Bernasconi, Giulia. L'ITALIANO IN VENEZUELA. Italiano LinguaDue (Università degli Studi di Milano). 2012, 3 (2): 20 [22 January 2017]. doi:10.13130/2037-3597/1921. (原始内容存档于2017-02-02) (意大利语). L'italiano come lingua acquisita o riacquisita è largamente diffuso in Venezuela: recenti studi stimano circa 200.000 studenti di italiano nel Paese 
  84. ^ Language Spoken at Home: 2000. United States Bureau of the Census. [8 August 2012]. (原始内容存档于12 February 2020). 
  85. ^ Newsletter. Netcapricorn.com. [2015-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  86. ^ Ryan, Camille. Language Use in the United States: 2011 (PDF). American Community Survey Reports 2013, ACS-22. August 2013: 1–16 [July 23, 2017]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2016-02-05). 
  87. ^ Languages Spoken and Learned in the United States. Vistawide.com. [2015-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03). 
  1. ^ 由於報告中包含沒有回答或沒有計算在內的人,例如小孩,報告中的人口是根據回覆人數對比所有人口的比例計算的。
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Population data by Eurostat, using the source year. The number of persons having their usual residence in a country on 1 January of the respective year.. ec.europa.eu. [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-22). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 The reported population size was obtained by projecting the respondent percentage to the total population, since the source either included the part of the population who didn't answer or didn't take into account some parts of the population, for example children.
  4. ^ Percentage refers to people who specify Italian as the 'foreign language known better'.
  5. ^ Based on a 2016 population of 2,875,592 (Albanian Institute of Statistics[失效連結])
  6. ^ 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 Population data by Eurostat, using the source year. The number of persons having their usual residence in a country on 1 January of the respective year.. ec.europa.eu. [2018-11-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-01-22). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 The reported population size was obtained by projecting the respondent percentage to the total population, since the source either included the part of the population who didn't answer or didn't take into account some parts of the population, for example children.

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Panachaiki GENama lengkapΠαναχαϊκή Γυμναστική Ένωση Panachaiki Gymnastiki Enosi (Panachaean Gymnastic Union)JulukanPermaisuri dari Peloponnese I Kokkinomavri (Merah-Hitam)Berdiri1891StadionKostas Davourlis Stadium, Patras, Yunani(Kapasitas: 11.400)Presiden Alexis KougiasPelatih kepala Giorgos KoutsisLigaFootball League2011–12Football League, 4th Kostum kandang Kostum tandang Kostum ketiga Panachaiki Football Club (Ellada: Παναχαϊκή) adalah tim sepak bola pro...


2005 single by Shannon Noll LiftSingle by Shannon Nollfrom the album Lift Released5 December 2005 (2005-12-05)[1]Length4:19LabelSony BMGSongwriter(s)Shannon Noll, Andrew Roachford, Bryon Jones, Adam ReilyProducer(s)Bryon Jones, Adam ReilyShannon Noll singles chronology Shine (2005) Lift (2005) Now I Run (2006) Lift is the second single by Australian singer Shannon Noll from his second album of the same name (2005). The song debuted at number 13 during the Christmas seas...

Le texte apparait en double après avoir traversé le cristal de calcite. C'est la double réfraction, un phénomène caractéristique des milieux biréfringents. Article connexe : Réfringence. La biréfringence est la propriété physique d'un matériau dans lequel la lumière se propage de façon anisotrope. Dans un milieu biréfringent, l'indice de réfraction n'est pas unique, il dépend de la direction de polarisation de l'onde lumineuse. Un effet spectaculaire de la biréfringence...


Article principal : 1901. Article connexe : Naissance en 1901. Décès ◄◄ 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 ►► Cette page dresse une liste de personnalités mortes au cours de l'année 1901. Pour une information complémentaire, voir la page d'aide. La liste des décès est présentée dans l'ordre chronologique. La liste des personnes référencées dans Wikipédia est disponible dans la page de la Catégorie:Décès en 1901 Giuseppe Verdi Janvier 4 janvier ...


Синелобый амазон Научная классификация Домен:ЭукариотыЦарство:ЖивотныеПодцарство:ЭуметазоиБез ранга:Двусторонне-симметричныеБез ранга:ВторичноротыеТип:ХордовыеПодтип:ПозвоночныеИнфратип:ЧелюстноротыеНадкласс:ЧетвероногиеКлада:АмниотыКлада:ЗавропсидыКласс:Пт�...

American poet Elizabeth Porter GouldBornJune 8, 1848Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, USDied1906Genrepoetry and essays Elizabeth Porter Gould (June 8, 1848 – 1906) was an American poet, essayist, and suffragist who edited an early anthology of selections from Walt Whitman's work and wrote extensively on subjects related to education. Early years and family Elizabeth Porter Gould was born in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, the daughter of John Averell Gould and Elizabeth Cheever (L...


For the 2004 film, see 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover (film). 1975 single by Paul Simon50 Ways to Leave Your LoverSingle by Paul Simonfrom the album Still Crazy After All These Years B-sideSome Folks' Lives Roll EasyReleasedDecember 1975Genre Soft rock folk rock Length3:35LabelColumbiaSongwriter(s)Paul SimonProducer(s) Paul Simon Phil Ramone Paul Simon singles chronology Gone at Last (1975) 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover (1975) Still Crazy After All These Years (1976) 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover is...


Growth of quantities at rate proportional to the current amount The graph illustrates how exponential growth (green) surpasses both linear (red) and cubic (blue) growth.   Linear growth   Cubic growth   Exponential growth Exponential growth is a process that increases quantity over time at an ever-increasing rate. It occurs when the instantaneous rate of change (that is, the derivative) of a quantity with respect to time is proportional to the quantity itself. De...

EerselMunisipalitasTownhall Eersel BenderaLambang kebesaranNegaraBelandaProvinsiBrabant UtaraLuas(2006) • Total83,28 km2 (3,215 sq mi) • Luas daratan82,44 km2 (3,183 sq mi) • Luas perairan0,84 km2 (32 sq mi)Populasi (1 Januari 2007) • Total18.032 • Kepadatan219/km2 (570/sq mi) Sumber: CBS, Statline.Zona waktuUTC+1 (CET) • Musim panas (DST)UTC+2 (CEST) Eersel, ada...


Women's slalomat the XII Olympic Winter GamesAlpine skiingVenueAxamer LizumDateFebruary 11Competitors42 from 31 nationsWinning time1:30.54Medalists Rosi Mittermaier  West Germany Claudia Giordani  Italy Hanni Wenzel  Liechtenstein← 19721980 → Alpine skiing at the1976 Winter OlympicsDownhillmenwomenGiant slalommenwomenSlalommenwomenvte Women's SlalomLocationAxamer LizumVertical   175 m (574 ft)Top elevation1,785 m (5,856&...


التهاب الجنبة معلومات عامة الاختصاص طب الرئة  من أنواع مرض غشاء الجنب،  ومرض  التاريخ وصفها المصدر الموسوعة السوفيتية الأرمينية،  وقاموس موسوعة سطح المكتب  [لغات أخرى]‏،  والموسوعة البريطانية نسخة سنة 1911  تعديل مصدري - تعديل   الشكل أ يبين موقع الر...

American television sports channel Television channel Olympic ChannelCountryUnited StatesBroadcast areaNationwideHeadquartersNew York City, New York Colorado Springs, ColoradoProgrammingLanguage(s)EnglishPicture format1080i HDTV[1]OwnershipOwner NBC Olympics United States Olympic Committee NBC Sports Group (NBCUniversal) Sister channelsNBCUniversoNBC Sports Regional NetworksGolf ChannelUSA NetworkSyfyCNBCHistoryLaunchedJuly 31, 2003 (2003-07-31)ClosedSeptember 30,...


Rioseco de Tapiacomune Rioseco de Tapia – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Spagna Comunità autonoma Castiglia e León Provincia León TerritorioCoordinate42°43′59.88″N 5°46′59.88″W42°43′59.88″N, 5°46′59.88″W (Rioseco de Tapia) Altitudine953 m s.l.m. Superficie72 km² Abitanti533 (2001) Densità7,4 ab./km² Altre informazioniCod. postale24275 Prefisso(+34)... Fuso orarioUTC+1 Codice INE24133 TargaLE CartografiaRioseco de Tapia Sito istituzionaleMo...


Overview of and topical guide to Serbia The Flag of SerbiaThe Coat of arms of Serbia The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to Serbia: Serbia – landlocked sovereign country located in Southeastern Europe and comprising the southern portion of the Pannonian Plain and a central portion of the Balkan Peninsula.[1] Serbia is bordered by Hungary to the north; Romania and Bulgaria to the east; North Macedonia and constitutionally only, Albania (via Kosov...

Village and municipality in Slovakia Košice-okolie District Bidovce (Hungarian: Magyarbőd) is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Kosice Region of Slovakia. Genealogical resources The records for genealogical research are available at the state archive Statny Archiv in Kosice, Slovakia Roman Catholic church records (births/marriages/deaths): 1789-1918 (parish B) Greek Catholic church records (births/marriages/deaths): 1788-1912 (parish B) Lutheran church records (bi...


Court case in the United States Microsoft Corp. v. Shah et al.CourtUnited States District Court for the Western District of WashingtonFull case nameMicrosoft Corporation v. Amish P. Shah, Jose A. Rivera, Digispace Solutions LLC, YMultimedia LLC, and DOES 1-50 DecidedJuly 11, 2011CitationCase No. C10-0653 RSMTranscriptOn RecapHoldingMotion to dismiss denied; case settled out of courtCourt membershipJudge sittingRicardo S. Martinez Microsoft Corp. v. Shah was an Anticybersquatting Consumer Prot...


MynyddbachNoms officiels (en) Mynydd-bach(cy) Mynydd-bachGéographiePays  Royaume-UniNation constitutive pays de GallesZone principale Swansea (d)Grande ville SwanseaSuperficie 3,57 km2 (2011)Coordonnées 51° 39′ 43″ N, 3° 56′ 37″ ODémographiePopulation 8 853 hab. (2021)Densité 2 479,8 hab./km2 (2021)FonctionnementStatut Communautémodifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Mynyddbach ou Mynydd-bach est une co...

五代目 笑福亭(しょうふくてい) 松鶴(しょかく) 1936年ごろ 本名 竹内(たけうち) 梅之助(うめのすけ) 生年月日 1884年9月5日 没年月日 (1950-07-22) 1950年7月22日(65歳没) 出身地 日本・大阪 師匠 四代目笑福亭松鶴 弟子 六代目笑福亭松鶴二代目笑福亭松之助 名跡 1. 二代目笑福亭光鶴(1904年 - 1918年)2. 二代目笑福亭枝鶴(1918年 - 1935年)3. 五代目笑福亭松鶴(1935年...


ولاية باجة    موقع ولاية باجة في الجمهورية التونسية    الإحداثيات 36°44′00″N 9°11′00″E / 36.733333333333°N 9.1833333333333°E / 36.733333333333; 9.1833333333333   [1] تاريخ التأسيس 21 يونيو 1956  تقسيم إداري  البلد تونس[2][3]  التقسيم الأعلى تونس[2]  العاصمة باجة ...