^Wim Klooster, Revolutions in the Atlantic World: A Comparative History (2009)
^Laurent Dubois and Richard Rabinowitz, eds. Revolution!: The Atlantic World Reborn (2011)
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Jacques Godechot. France and the Atlantic revolution of the eighteenth century, 1770–1799 (1965)
Gould, Eliga H. and Peter S. Onuf, eds. Empire and Nation : The American Revolution in the Atlantic World (2004)
Greene, Jack P., Franklin W. Knight, Virginia Guedea, and Jaime E. Rodríguez O. "AHR Forum: Revolutions in the Americas", American Historical Review (2000) 105#1 92–152. Advanced scholarly essays comparing different revolutions in the New World. in JSTOR
Klooster, Wim. Revolutions in the Atlantic World: A Comparative History (2009)
Palmer, Robert. The Age of Democratic Revolutions 2 vols. (1959, 1964)
Polasky, Janet L. Revolutions without Borders (Yale UP, 2015). 392 pp. online review
Sepinwall, Alyssa G. "Atlantic Revolutions", in Encyclopedia of the Modern World, ed. Peter Stearns (2008), I: 284 – 289
Verhoeven, W.M. and Beth Dolan Kautz, eds. Revolutions and Watersheds: Transatlantic Dialogues, 1775–1815 (1999)