^Keene, p. 137. Other translations are seen in the literature, such as Five-Article Oath or Charter Oath in Five Articles.
^http://www.meijijingu.or.jp/about/3-3.html互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2010-01-25. 慶応4年(明治元年)3月14日、明治天皇は京都御所紫宸殿に公卿・諸侯以下百官を集め、維新の基本方針を天地の神々にお誓いになりました。The Charter Oath was promulgated on the fourteenth day of the third month by the old calendar, equivalent to April 6.
Akamatsu, Paul. Meiji 1868: Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Japan. Miriam Kochan (trans.). New York: Harper & Row. 1972. ISBN 0-06-010044-3(日语).