
Klinički podaci
Način primeneNazalno
CAS broj710654-74-3 ДаY
ATC kodnone
PubChemCID 9794475
Hemijski podaci
Molarna masa221,295 g/mol
  • CCCN1CCO[C@@H](C1)C2=CC(=CC=C2)O

PF-219,061 je potentan i visoko selektivan agonist dopaminskog D3 receptora.[1][2] Ovaj materijal razvija kompanija Pfizer kao potencijalni lek za tretiranje impotencije žena.[3][4]


  1. ^ Blagg, Julian; Allerton, Charlotte M.N.; Batchelor, David V.J.; Baxter, Andrew D.; Burring, Denise J.; Carr, Christopher L.; Cook, Andrew S.; Nichols, Carly L.; Phipps, Joanne; Sanderson, Vivienne G.; Verrier, Hugh; Wong, Stephen (2007-12-15). „Design and synthesis of a functionally selective D3 agonist and its in vivo delivery via the intranasal route”. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 17 (24): 6691—6. PMID 17976986. doi:10.1016/j.bmcl.2007.10.059. 
  2. ^ Brioni, Jorge D.; Moreland, Robert B. (2006). „Dopamine D4 receptors and the regulation of penile erection”. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies. 3 (4): 599—604. doi:10.1016/j.ddstr.2006.10.006. 
  3. ^ Van Der Graaf et al. SELECTIVE DOPAMINE D3 RECEPTOR AGONISTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION. WIPO Patent WO/2003/051370, granted to Pfizer[мртва веза].
  4. ^ Attkins, N. J.; Heatherington, A. C.; Phipps, J.; Verrier, H.; Huyghe, I. (јул 2009). „Predictability of intranasal pharmacokinetics in man using pre-clinical pharmacokinetic data with a dopamine 3 receptor agonist, PF-219061”. Xenobiotica; the Fate of Foreign Compounds in Biological Systems. 39 (7): 523—33. PMID 19480558. S2CID 26474660. doi:10.1080/00498250902893775. 

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