(E)-beta-ocimenska sintaza
(E)-beta-ocimenska sintaza (EC , beta-ocimenska sintaza , AtTPS03 , ama0a23 , LjEbetaOS , MtEBOS ) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom geranil-difosfat difosfat-lijaza (formira (E)-beta-ocimen) .[ 1] [ 2] [ 3] [ 4] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju
geranil difosfat
⇌ ⇌ -->
{\displaystyle \rightleftharpoons }
(E)-beta-ocimen + difosfat
Ovaj enzim je široko zastupljeni u biljkama koje oslobađaju beta-ocimen kad ih napadnu biljojedni insekti.
^ Faldt, J., Arimura, G., Gershenzon, J., Takabayashi, J. and Bohlmann, J. (2003). „Functional identification of AtTPS03 as (E )-β-ocimene synthase: a monoterpene synthase catalyzing jasmonate- and wound-induced volatile formation in Arabidopsis thaliana ” . Planta . 216 : 745—751. PMID 12624761 .
^ Dudareva, N., Martin, D., Kish, C.M., Kolosova, N., Gorenstein, N., Faldt, J., Miller, B. and Bohlmann, J. (2003). „(E )-β-ocimene and myrcene synthase genes of floral scent biosynthesis in snapdragon: function and expression of three terpene synthase genes of a new terpene synthase subfamily” . Plant Cell . 15 : 1227—1241. PMID 12724546 .
^ Arimura, G., Ozawa, R., Kugimiya, S., Takabayashi, J. and Bohlmann, J. (2004). „Herbivore-induced defense response in a model legume. Two-spotted spider mites induce emission of (E )-β-ocimene and transcript accumulation of (E )-β-ocimene synthase in Lotus japonicus ” . Plant Physiol . 135 : 1976—1983. PMID 15310830 .
^ Navia-Gine, W.G., Yuan, J.S., Mauromoustakos, A., Murphy, J.B., Chen, F. and Korth, K.L. (2009). „Medicago truncatula (E )-β-ocimene synthase is induced by insect herbivory with corresponding increases in emission of volatile ocimene”. Plant Physiol. Biochem . 47 : 416—425. PMID 19249223 .
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