ante 1542 : Codex Mendoza (liber pictus, c. 1534/1542) f. 20v etc.; cf. Frances Berdan, Patricia Anawalt, The Essential Codex Mendoza (Berkeleiae, 1997) pp. 34-36 etc.
1548 : William Turner, The Names of Herbes in Greke, Latin, Englishe, Duch and Frenche (Londinii: John Day, 1548) sig. Giiii (s.v. smilax hortensis apud Google Books) (may be called in english Kydney beane, because the seede is lyke a Kydney ... or arber beanes, because they serue to couer an arber for the tyme of Summer)
M. I. Chacón, S. B. Pickersgill, D. G. Debouck, "Domestication patterns in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and the origin of the Mesoamerican and Andean cultivated races" in Theoretical and Applied Genetics vol. 110 (2005) pp. 432–444
P. Gepts, T. C. Osborn, K. Rashka, F. A. Bliss, "Phaseolin protein variability in wild forms and landraces of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): evidence for multiple centers of domestication" in Economic Botany vol. 40 (1986) pp. 451–468
Justine Woodard McKnight, "A Study of Native American Plant Use, based on a review of early historic comments on subsistence and technology" in Charles LeeDecker et al., Archaeology of the Puncheon Run Site (Dover: Delaware Department of Transportation, 2004/2005) vol. 2 pp. E29-E30
Angela R. Piergiovanni, Lucia Lioi, "Italian Common Bean Landraces: History, Genetic Diversity and Seed Quality" in Diversity vol. 2 (2010) pp. 837-862
A. C. Zeven, "The introduction of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) into Western Europe and the phenotypic variation of dry beans collected in The Netherlands in 1946" in Euphytica vol. 94 (1997) pp. 319-328 Epitome
De re gastronomica
Sophie D. Coe, America's First Cuisines (Austinopoli: University of Texas Press, 1994) pp. 30-33
"Black-eyed peas and pinto beans" in Frank X. Tolbert, A Bowl of Red: A Natural History of Chili con Carne (2a ed. Garden City Novi Eboraci: Doubleday, 1972) pp. 151-159 Exemplar mutuabile